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Pastabelly says Arizona favors Denny Green

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Cardinals | Green the Favorite? - from www.KFFL.com

Mon, 5 Jan 2004 21:31:59 -0800

ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports the Arizona Cardinals have begun preliminary discussions with former Minnesota Vikings head coach Dennis Green, but the Cardinals have not made him a formal contract offer. They are believed to favor Green over the other candidates they've already visited with.

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I think Green and his massive ego want to rebuild a team from the ground up. He wants to be the HC, GM, head cook and bottle washer. That would fit right in with the Cards as long as their cheapskate owner will open up his dusty wallet and get him some players.

With Fassel and Green being rumored to take posts elsewhere, methinks it may be time for us to ready ourselves to hear "Please welcome the next head coach of the Washington Redskins.....Ray Rhodes!!"

Oh, the agony:thud:

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Originally posted by ktball74

Green could turn that franchise around, and is the best fit for them. I don't think Green would be a good fit here. It would be like putting a square peg through a circle in Washington.

I disagree, I feel Green would be able to do an awesome job in DC if Snyder / Cerrato would just give him the opportunity and make the concessions for Green. He is a great talent evaluator and coach. A big plus.

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I actually think Green & Snyder could go together very well. Snyder's shown a willingness to cede control before -- with a coach who philosophically was probably further from what Snyder wants than Green. I don't see Synder ceding that level of control, but I also don't think it's a square peg in a round hole problem. The Cards makes sense b/c he'd have more control, but, current promises aside, would he be happy working for an organization that refuses to spend money?

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Perhaps Snyder sees what has happened in Dallas this year with drum face (as in "tight as a") giving up his power to start winning and will accomodate an ego like Green's. Green is not Parcells, but he's not chopped liver either and has a great deal of credibility on the talent front. He could knock out two birds with one stone IMHO.

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Green meets with Raiders

Nancy Gay, Chronicle Staff Writer Tuesday, January 6, 2004


Dennis Green established himself as the clear front-runner for the Raiders' head-coaching vacancy on Monday after spending about 4 1/2 hours huddled with managing general partner Al Davis at the team's Alameda headquarters.

The former Stanford and Minnesota Vikings coach is the only candidate to have a face-to-face meeting with Davis. The Raiders' owner spoke at length to Chiefs offensive coordinator Al Saunders last week, but the discussion took place by telephone.

"It was a great chance for us to get together and talk about the head- coaching job here,'' Green, 54, told reporters as he left the Raiders' facility at about 6:30 p.m.

All the while, the departure of Raiders senior executive Bruce Allen appears imminent. The team's salary-cap expert -- who was largely responsible for assembling the roster that reached the Super Bowl last year, as well as expertly manipulating the Raiders' bulging payroll to slide under the cap in 2003 -- all but said his goodbyes at the team's headquarters Monday.

Though Allen has not officially resigned, he is expected to assume the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' general-manager job vacated by the departure of Rich McKay to Atlanta. Allen, NFL sources told The Chronicle, was not even in the building Monday when Davis spoke to Green, but instead attended practices at SBC Park for Saturday's East-West Shrine game.

Allen, who interviewed with the Bucs last week in Palm Beach, Fla., and worked closely with coach Jon Gruden for four seasons in Oakland, likely will take highly regarded personnel director Mike Lombardi with him, a defection that seriously will compromise the Raiders' ability to reload after a 4-12 finish in 2003.

"It's pretty much a fait accompli,'' an NFL source said of Allen's departure from the Raiders after nine seasons. An official announcement, NFL sources say, could come as early as today.

That sort of uncertainty in the front office -- "It's pretty chaotic here right now; no one knows who's coming or going anymore,'' one Raiders employee said Monday -- makes the choice of Green even more ideal. His record of 101-70 with the Vikings, including four NFC Central crowns, reflects his coaching acumen.

Better still, Green has demonstrated an ability to handle difficult players such as wide receivers Randy Moss and Cris Carter, a skill that former coach Bill Callahan clearly lacked when members of his team openly declared mutiny by midseason.

"That organization is really in flux right now,'' an NFL executive told The Chronicle, "and (Green) can bring a lot of stability to that place.''

Bill Walsh certainly agrees.

"Denny Green comes very highly recommended, and not just by me,'' said Walsh, who had Green on his 49ers staff and has been campaigning to get his good friend back in the NFL head-coaching ranks for the past two years.

Walsh said Monday he has spoken to Davis, another close friend, about the current crop of coaching candidates vying for the vacancy created by Callahan's dismissal last week after two seasons. Green remains Walsh's clear No. 1.

"He'd be a tremendous choice,'' said Walsh, stressing that he is not a Raiders employee of any kind.

Nor does he expect to be, contrary to various reports that have the longtime NFL executive acting as either a paid consultant to the Raiders or lobbying for the coaching job himself. "I'm not being paid, if that's what you mean,'' Walsh said with a laugh. "Al and I talk frequently. We have a good relationship. All I've done is express my opinion about a few things."

Green, who already has interviewed with the Redskins and Cardinals, is said to be intrigued by the opportunities in Arizona, an underachieving team that is well under the salary-cap limit for 2004 and has a new stadium in the works. Nevertheless, his heart clearly lies with the Raiders, even though Davis chose Art Shell, not Green, to be head coach in 1988.

"Everybody knows how I feel about the Raiders,'' Green said Monday. "I think Al Davis is going to hire the guy who he feels is going to give the Raiders the greatest chance to be Super Bowl champions. I would not be here if I didn't think I could do that.''


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