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Fox: Top 15 Coaching Candidates (Rhodes not listed)

Andre The Giant

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the top candidate is not likely to be the guy whose team wins the Super Bowl.

Joe Gibbs never won the Super Bowl as an assistant in St. Louis or San Diego.

on the other hand Norv Turner and Dave Wannstedt turned Super Bowl years as assistants into head jobs with mixed results.

the Redskins should stay away from the college coaches and bring in a veteran NFLer who will be able to deal with the big egos on this football team.

also it would be nice if the first week the new coach is here he doesn't tell the media that half the team, be it offense or defense, is not going to be his 'forte' and will have to be handled by somebody else :)

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These are the only guys in that list that Id like here (in no specific order)

Tom Coughlin, former Jacksonville Jaguars head coach

Sat out this past season, but remained very active behind the scenes — especially through his association with Bill Parcells. Has refreshed and recharged his batteries. Coughlin is a strict disciplinarian and knows how to build a franchise. The biggest concern owners have is that a lot of players have a strong dislike for Coughlin. He's the ultimate definition of a taskmaster and demands supreme discipline from his players. Another concern is that owners peg him as a George Allen in terms of a coach-owner relationship. But the thing about Coughlin is that he knows how to win and he demands high standards from his players.

Jim Fassel, former New York Giants head coach

Really has grown on the years in terms of his mental toughness and has earned a lot of respect. Had some run ins with players and went through some tough stretches, but never caved in and displayed a lot of courage, especially during that Super Bowl run a few years ago. The players generally grew to respect Fassel, but what has to be a little disturbing is the wild inconsistency throughout his tenure. Things snowballed badly as injuries mounted this season. That placed him in a no-win situation and it became time for a change. Fassel is a solid offensive coach and works well with quarterbacks

Charlie Weis, New England Patriots (Offensive Coordinator)

Carries a presence about himself and has gotten a lot out of his talent in New York and New England. He simply does a great job putting his players in a position that best utilizes their strengths. Weis displays excellent motivational skills and isn't afraid to push players. He holds his players accountable to high standards. Owners are attracted to him because he's not afraid to open up the passing game. But his ability to adapt and vision of the big picture are his biggest strengths.

Romeo Crennel, New England Patriots (Defensive Coordinator)

Worked under Bill Parcells in New York and now Bill Belichick in New England. Has an underrated defensive mind. Is an exceptional communicator and really receives a high level of respect from players. His leadership skills and vision for the big picture really remain underrated. Crennel continues to rate as a sleeper who has very good potential as a head coach in the right situation. This is a guy that I mentioned a few years ago as a very underrated prospect that has just finally gotten the recognition he deserves, so he's no flash in the pan.

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I'm tempted to advocate the George Costanza approach.

Snyder, Vinny, and the rest of the inner circle huddle for weeks in a darkened basement room, pouring over stats, interviews, weighing the pro's and con's of each candidate, painstakingly accounting for every potential weakness. Then they pick the man to lead the beloved Skins back to the Promised Land. They make their fateful decision.

Then they offer the job to the exact opposite.

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