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Harrison vs. Greer?

Thinking Skins

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Am I the only one who thinks that Harrision has dramatically outplayed this guy? I'm still remembering Friday's game seeing Harrison in there wiht Fred Smoot and they were just blanketing the recievers. Of corse I did take a break to get some popcorn and bottled water for about $10.

I think that if they were in a battle for a roster spot, which they bery well may be, I think it would go to Harrison. Isn't he a better Special teams player, and a player with more of an upside?

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What you get with Harrison is pure physical ability. He has good quickness and speed and he does seem to like to hit. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any experience and wasn't able to impress enough to get on the field last season.

Last year I applauded the pick and thought him the future CB opposite Champ. With Smoot in the house he is now fighting for a roster spot. Should he survive it will likely be because of his special teams ability and Marty would have to see him as a future contributor, a la the nickel or dime spots. But to make it he'll more than likely have to beat out Greer. We'll see.

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I don't know what all the fascination is with Greer on the part of the team.

He is 27 and has not yet shown in 5 seasons starting ability.

He certainly hasn't shown anything in preseason to warrant starting him over a rookie, Fred Smoot come opening day.

As far as Greer's special teams contributions go, perhaps he has made some, but I don't remember anything that stands out.

He must have really piled up the chits with Marty in the early practices for him to be that highly regarded based on his career record and what we have seen him do the past 2 weeks.

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Greer gets his chance like Husak last week to win a spot or lose a spot on the team by playing against the 1st string of the Browns if he suffers 3rd degree burns again it going to be very difficult keeping him especially if Harrison impresses and don't forget Terrell not starting makes the roster as a CB/FS and special teamer


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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Harrison anyday. I have watched the pre-season games and have not been impressed with his coverage and let alone his his poor tackling. He looks beat and weak. Harrison has played decent on ST's except for tyhe tackle he blew on the TD punt return.


Please visit my new Skins site, Mark's Redskins Net. Over 400 hits the first week.


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