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Snyder possibly interviewing G.M. canidate while on the west coast


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Sorry, but, Price was the biggest name available at receiver. David Boston was right there and may have surpassed him actually. It certainly wasn't Coles. People who think we were basically set with Kevin Mitchell at middle linebacker really worry me. Mitchell is a career backup. He's a wonderful career backup. He is nothing but a below average starter though and when playing on the field he was nearly invisible last year and certainly this.

He DOES fit the style of defense we run better than Trotter. Yet, Trotter can play POORLY and manage 110 tackles in a year. Mitchell can't play well enough to approach that. That's the difference. We brought in a defensive coordinator who ran a defense that was known to have a strong middle backer and we had a career backup. Trotter seemed a pretty good fit for that need.

But, let's just say this. If Kevin Mitchell is satisfactory to you as a player and is basically the sort of player who makes a position on our roster set, then you damn well better be OVERJOYED with the defensive line. Why? It has the exact same quality of player as Mitchell is. Holsey might just BE Mitchell in a different body.

You say we didn't surround them with blue collar types? Again, really? That's the very definition of Brandon Noble. Reagan Upshaw is just that. Haley is certainly exactly that. Randy Thomas is unquestionably that. I think MORE of those players may be necessary. But we've certainly added them recently.

Suddenly Bowen is a star. Hall. Noble. Upshaw. Haley. Zellner. Thomas. Fiore. I can go on. Even Coles and Morton really. Not ONE of these guys could ANY of us have picked out of a lineup before we signed them. Thomas may have been the BEST player at the free agent guard position, but he wasn't a star.

And, hell, even if he WAS a star, so what. If he's ALSO good, isn't that ok? I mean, a star often has to be good to be a star. Are we really so warped that we will condemn getting good players because someone may have heard of them before? It's just getting out of hand how far some of you will go to paint these moves as something they are not.

Yeah, the backup running back in St. Louis is a star all of a sudden. You guys are KILLING me.

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