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Now seems the time for an Official Gatorskins "rollcall"


Was 2 years enough?  

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As an SOS fan (not sychophant), I am sad to see him go. However, his multitudinous faults, including a lack of dicipline and excessive loyalty to assistant coaches, helped doom the enterprise to failure and thus his parting is a good thing.

I've come to appreciate the Skins for the same reason I appreciate a few other teams --- great fans who love the team. The sad part of the tale seems to be that the Skins' ownership may be just as flawed as the departing coach.

To my way of thinking, great fans deserve a great team. If that required Snyder morphing into Jerry Jones, so be it.

As for SOS, I wish him and his family well.

Oh, and after surfing many different college and pro boards, I must say that extremeskins is just about THE BEST!


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I'm an SOS fan.. and fully expect him to dominate again when he gets back to college. His games were just fun to watch and he definately lost that swagger while in the NFL.

My expectations were high of him and rightfully so since he was one of the best offensive minded coaches in college. Just his inability to garnish respect from players who arent 18 and immediately look up to him when they play for him killed his chance to bring that style to the NFL.

I'm sure working for a demanding owner and fans in the nations capital and surrounding area also played a great role.. All of which has already been touched upon. Probably several reasons could explain his downfall in fact. Anyway, in his own words of such, I'll still root for SOS to be successful as long as not in the NFL.

One thing that bothers me though and unfortunately will also set in the team psyche is the fact that he quit on us after 2 years. Its going to take one he!! of a coach to bring the team out of this slide I think. Anyway I'm done.. :)

Oh yeah, love that Taylor Jacobs pick now.. Ugh.

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Art, I agree that Snyder went and got Coles and company, but Wuerffel wasn't the only "undermining" act of Snyder. Rob Johnson, Darrell Russell,Byron Chamberlin, Kenny Watson. Here are more examples of Snyder being counter productive to his coach.

While Spurrier certainly has much blame in all of this, Snyder is not the "great GM" you are making him out to be. I do belive he was "willing to do what ever Spurrier wanted".

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