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Share your bathroom habits!


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Originally posted by gbear


49% of you nasty people pee in a swimming pools. That's gross, and you can't even blame it on the little kids! Ewww!

I believe the questions was have you ever, or at least thats how I read it. So yes when I was little I may pissed in the pool

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Originally posted by stratoman

I believe the questions was have you ever, or at least thats how I read it. So yes when I was little I may pissed in the pool

It said other than if you were a little kid. Not enough people pee with the door open, nothing like it ;)

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Originally posted by jhayunga

That was scary how unsanitary this world is. I'm beginning to believe the stories about urine residue on the bowl of mints at the resturaunts.

That was me, my bad. I had to go, the bathroom was filled, and that mint dish was the only thing there.

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