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Your honest opinion of Williams v. Toomer


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The league has got to find a happy medium between defenders enforcing the middle and retaining the element of fear in the WR's, and at the same time, protect an otherwise defenseless player. It doesn't take any athletic ability to taking a running shot at a defenseless player. Same theory as QB's in the pocket.

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I object to the notion of a "defenseless" player. Does he have his hat on? Are there 10 of his teammates out there? Then by definition, he's not defenseless. If you lay out for a pass over the middle, you take your chances, and that's football.

However, the hit I don't want to see anymore is the old Wilbur Marshall duck-your-head-and-launch-yourself-like-a-missile hit. If the league would crack down on guys leading with the crown of their helmet, we'd probably see fewer injuries. It's also dangerous to the hitter, because its a good way to jam a vertabrae.

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Yeah but if you're a TE or WR and the ball goes sailing over your head with no chance to catch it, next thing you know BAM your knocked out do to someone taking a cheap shot on you. If the ball is still in play then no problem, but as a professional you wouldn't want someone to hit you blindsided when the ball is not in play.

They need to revise a lot of these rules, they get called when they shouldn't and not when they should.

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Gene Washington is destroying the NFL.

At the draft, Washington ought to just lift the wallet of every defensive player that is drafted,, right there on the stage... rifle thru it, take out anything of value, call some flunkies to push the kid over, then throw his empty wallet at him.

Get him used to what happens if he makes a tackle in the NFL.

Gene Washingto hates defense. He also targets players and fines them higher than others.

Best case? When Lavar was drafted he got targetted to make sure he "stayed in line".. When Tra Thomas of the eagles cheap shotted Lavar in the shoulder when he was prone on the ground (remember?) Lavar got fined 15,000 bucks for open hand slapping thomas in the face mask when he got up... Thomas got fined 7,500 for flagrantly and blatantly attempting to injure a player.

It's ridiculous, and it's obvious.


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Hit on Toomer costs Williams $5,000

Free safety Roy Williams was fined $5,000 for his hit on New York Giants wide receiver Amani Toomer last week.

The NFL ruled that Toomer was in a defenseless position and Williams' hit was unnecessary, even though he was not penalized. Williams would not say whether he would appeal the fine.

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