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Amnesty International--member of the Axis of Evil

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Wait, so let me get this straight, not only is the vaunted "international law" against the death penalty for juveniles but it also prohibits LIFE SENTENCES for juveniles??! Even 17 year old juveniles?

So even a serial killer who is guaranteed to kill again should be let out. Why, us stupid and unenlightened Americans! Imagine the barbarism of locking up murderers for life!

Is this some sort of joke?! I guess China isn't rounding up dissidents today, but then AI has always gone harder after perceived American "allies"(meaning anyone not leftist) and the US itself.

God, I hate Amnesty International. F them, F them until they are dead.

Is AI going to start campaigning for the raising of the age of consent in Europe then? Because if a 15 year old can give informed moral consent to banging a 30 year old, surely you can put a 17 year old serial killer in jail for life? right? Or is AI one of those we were warned about, the ones who "would call evil good and good evil ?"

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Read up on psychopathic killers. They ARE almost guaranteed to kill again, numbnuts, or you forgetting about that David Maust character in Ohio(or just about every other serial psychopathic killer who's been released before dire physical infirmity) ??

And Equality--One thing? LOL

WHat good, what post has AI manned? What count of lives have they given to freedom?

No, AI, is expert at yelling from the sidelines, and stabbing the West in the back. There are certainly well-intentioned and balanced members of that group, but I'd point to Human Rights Watch as slightly more balanced.

And please, no junk about how they criticize the US more than North Korea because they hold us to a "higher standard." Letting out 17 year old serial killers without a life sentence is a low, LOW standard. And a death sentence for some poor unknown innocent. But AI and people like them are all about proclaiming their moral righteousness, while ignoring the evil they cause/support/refuse to debate.

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