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Miami eliminated from playoffs - Spurrier to Miami?

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Slaps Bubba up side the head to get his cobwebs realigned :doh1: .......


Checks first to see if Om is lurking on the board. :paranoid:...coast is clear........ all systems go...... post executed..... 5..4...3...2...1... launch

This might be good news if Mort's Miami to Spurrier rumors are true. Snyder unloads Spurrier and his contract to Miami for high draft picks and then bring in Dennis Green or Jimmy Johnson to coach.

Nah....... the football gods are cruel and won't allow it. :cry: :anon:

Hey, what ever happened to that BallCoachSpurrier guy? :rolleyes:

Dolphins | Eliminated From Playoff Contention - from www.KFFL.com

Mon, 22 Dec 2003 20:36:54 -0800

SportsLine.com reports the Miami Dolphins have been eliminated from postseason contention following the Denver Broncos' 31-17 defeat of the Indianapolis Colts in Week 16. This year marks the first time since 1989 the Dolphins have missed the postseason in consecutive seasons.

Huizenga Eyeing a GM -- from FFMastermind.com

The Sun-Sentinel reports whether or not Dave Wannstedt keeps his Dolphins head coaching job, team owner H. Wayne Huizenga is apparently toying with the idea of hiring a general manager to head his football staff. Huizenga is believed to have spoken with at least one top NFL executive to gauge whether he should make the head coaching and general manager positions separate in his organization. All three of the coaches who have worked under Huizenga -- Don Shula, Jimmy Johnson and Wannstedt -- had absolute power when it came to football decisions.

-- Wanny Good as Gone? -- from FFMastermind.com

The Miami Herald reports members of the Dolphins coaching and front office staff gathered last Friday at the team's annual Christmas party and, despite the festive atmosphere, the tension was palpable. The feeling among several people who were at the party was that owner Wayne Huizenga was clearly disappointed with the team and HC Dave Wannstedt. And that was before the team was eliminated from the playoffs when Denver beat Indianapolis on Sunday night. ''It's some of the things he said and some body language,'' a team source said. 'He didn't just say, `Dave is fired,' but you could feel the tension.''

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Please stop with this "Spurrier for draft picks" stuff. Sure, the rumor could have some validitiy.... but thats about it. Remember, the NFL created rules against "trading" coaches for draft picks after the Gruden fiasco. Now, I'm not sure coaches for players is a violation, but the Redskins can not accumulate draft picks for jettisoning S2 to Miami.

Spurrier for 04!!!!!!!!!

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I think I know where this Spurrier rumor come from, Jimmy Johnson. He is telling Wayne hire me to be president of the Dolphins and I will bring Spurrier back to Florida where he belongs.

Spurrier did say yesterday that he talks to Jimmy and only respects what he says since he is a former coach. I bet you Jimmy told Steve about Danny calling him about taking over as HC after the season.

Dam I am starting to sound like ASF now :doh:

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Well, John Clayton said on Sportscenter tonight that Wayne H. the owner of the Dolphins did not deny the report, he only said it would be highly unlikely and that he was leaning towards getting a GM regardless of who his coach is.

So basically, the report is true. The Dolphins are interested in Spurrier and after the season if they do fire Wanstadt, they may see if a deal can be worked out. If it wasn't true, wouldn't he have denied the report?

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Originally posted by bubba9497

:nono: inmate play nice, or I will have to call your Nurses again, and have them take away your computer time. :mad:

by the way did you get your new coloring book & crayons?;)

Bubba, you're slow on the uptake today. I guess you woke up at noon again today. ;)

I got the coloring book but Bulldog hasn't brought over the crayons yet. :laugh:

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Originally posted by codeorama

Well, John Clayton said on Sportscenter tonight that Wayne H. the owner of the Dolphins did not deny the report, he only said it would be highly unlikely and that he was leaning towards getting a GM regardless of who his coach is.

So basically, the report is true. The Dolphins are interested in Spurrier and after the season if they do fire Wanstadt, they may see if a deal can be worked out. If it wasn't true, wouldn't he have denied the report?

I can't see firing a coach going 10-6. If they were in the AFC north they would dominate every year.

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