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Evil Synder has handicaped Steve.


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If I remember when Synder hired Steve; he said all he wanted to do was coach qb's and wr's. He didn't care about the rest of the stuff. He wasn't going to work long hours. Who brought in all those Florida players in 2002? It was Steve. Synder's reactions in 2003- were in direct response to the incompentence of Steve in 2002. Even in 2003, you bet Synder made the offensive moves without Spurrier's input? If Steve is complaining about the defense; why didn't he push Synder to give him one? Why didn't Steve raise a stink when the top defensive tackles were gone but really noone of quality left to replace them; especially when Noble went down. Think that was his name.

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" Who brought in all those Florida players in 2002? It was Steve. Synder's reactions in 2003- were in direct response to the incompentence of Steve in 2002."

What's more true is Spurrier's actions in 2002 stemmed from Snyder's incompetence in 2000 and 2001.

When Marty left the roster was EMPTY.

I mean, not that we had nobodies,, we had no BODIES

No QB on the roster. Not one. No depth on the line. No center. One RB in Davis. One WR in Gardner. One TE in Flemister. Two tackles, Samuels and Jansen... and.. umm,., that's it on offense.

Oh yeah, and the cap was REAL tight thanks to lots of dead cap room left by Snyder's shopping spree at the retirement home in 2000.

So, I am really tired of people coming off with this "Spurrier thought he could win with his boys, and look what it got him."

He had no choice in what he could do.. he had a ton of need and a pocket full of nothing.

Trade for Drew Bledsoe and his 100 million dollar contract,, i guess... They offered Jeff Blake a contract til Blake decided he was worth a lot more than he is.

They had no choice in the quality of players they had to deal with in Spurrier's first year. Note, every one of those guys signed one year deals, and none of them are here now. I guess the logic was if I have to take crap, it may as be my own crap.

But seriously. Enouh of this nonsense. Especially from Redskins fans. You ought to know better.


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