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Great weekend for sports


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It's a shame that the Redskins game does not have any postseason play implications. So it is once again for the tortured Redskins fan.

Remember when the Redskins games in December actually meant something? Ahh the glorious Pardee and Gibbs years! There was also that one Norv year when the Redskins were led by Brad Johnson (99?).

Regardless this is a nice weekend for sports. Saturday: ACC basketball games (3), NFL football games (3), the later two of them should be good games. Shame I im off to dinner and a party, I shall miss them.

Sunday there are some nice matchups and this weekend wraps up the Fantasy Football season in my money league ( currently in 2nd). Hopefully I will hold onto that ( Slim chance of taking the crown).

Monday NC State - Pitt in the Tangerine followed by Monday Night Football!

Ahh a nice time of year; really is a shame our team cannot get it's collective act together enough to join in the festivities.

Ahh well; draft be damned I will be pulling for them nonetheless tomorrow.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.

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