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Press Release: #Redskins Quotes- Gruden


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August 5, 2019

Head Coach Jay Gruden




On if he feels that he has given all the quarterbacks enough reps during camp:

"I don’t think we ever can give a quarterback too many reps, it's never enough in my opinion for the quarterback. However, you’ll wear everybody else down if you practice for as long as I want to practice. Definitely need more reps. We’ve got to continue to get more reps. We have some more time, but the more reps we can get them, the better and then we’ll just have to decide come game time in the pr-season who gets what and when.”


On the first unofficial depth chart: 

"Yeah it's early and I was forced to make it. I wouldn’t have made a depth chart right now; there's no reason to, it's silly. That’s for the media and for me to come up and answer these questions, but really that’s all it is. It's words on a piece of paper, names on a piece of paper and an order that means nothing at this point."


On pairing T Donald Penn and G Wes Martin on the left side of the offensive line:

"Yeah I think – well Donald just got here too. But he's been in the league. It's been good for him. He's working his way back into football shape and learning our terminology. Obviously Wes is brand new as a rookie, but he's a bright guy with a lot of talent. It’s a good group. The big thing is getting Geron [Christian Sr.] a lot of reps in the pre-season, see where he is after his injury. It's going to be a big look for us. Timon [Paris] has done some good things at right tackle; [Ereck] Flowers will try to get some work at guard in the pre-season, we’ll see where he's at there. Mixing and matching these guys until we find out the right combination for Philadelphia is what we’re hopefully going to find out in the preseason."


On the challenges of throwing too much at the quarterbacks during camp: 

"I try to give them more. There might be a day where one of them might struggle on the five or six reps he had in 7-on-7 where if he had 12 reps in that 7-on-7 period he might have got himself out of the funk and finished really well. Unfortunately, we have to sub the next guy, so you’ve got to really hone in on your reps as a quarterback because you're not going to get as many reps as you normally would if you were the number one guy. So, taking advantage of your reps and being consistent day in and day out is the most important thing and is what we're looking for. Right now, like I said before, they've all shown flashes of being pretty good but they've also made their share of mistakes. It’s a continued process for us and hopefully it will pan out and like they all say, ‘The cream should rise to the crop,’ and hopefully it will."


On WR Paul Richardson: 

"Yeah Paul has done – he's doing better. Yesterday, I think was his best day as far as seeing him really run. He had some plays where he didn't get the ball that I was most impressed with and I think it’s important for him to get that on tape so that the quarterback can say, "Holy cow, this guy can run, we've got to give him more of a look." The more he does that, the more consistently he does that, the better he feels with his legs, I think he can be a major impact for us with Josh [Doctson] and Terry [McLaurin] on the outside and [Kelvin] Harmon and the rest of the guys. It’s very important for him to us he can run and get himself healthy where he can really use that speed which really takes the top off the defense and big play potential."


On LB Ryan Anderson making changes in the offseason to improve his physical conditioning: 

"Yeah, I think Ryan's done a good job, man. He's in the weight room with his weight, working hard. He's a hard-playing guy, and that's his strength. His strength is his effort. In order to play with great effort on a consistent basis, you have to be in great shape. I think he's gotten himself into better shape this year. Which is, for his style of play, physical, hustling, tough mentality, you’ve got to be in great shape. I think he's put himself in a position with Chad [Englehart] in the weight room and the training staff, where his motor should be able to run hot for a longer period of time."


On LB Anderson maturing from last season:

"Yeah, they all do a little bit, hopefully, as they get older. Some guys don't, I haven't, but I think he has. I think it starts with the people around him as well. I think we've surrounded this football team with good character people, good leaders, hard workers. You know: [Ryan] Kerrigan, obviously [Deron] Payne, [Jonathan] Allen, [Matt] Ioannidis, those guys. Bringing in Landon [Collins], he's a hard worker; bringing in Jon Bostic, he's a tough worker; Shaun Dion [Hamilton] works his butt off. That entire defense is a pretty good group as far as if you're not working hard they probably will not allow you to be on that defense."

On G Ereck Flowers' transition from tackle to guard:

"Ereck’s done fine. You know, it’s new to him, so he’s not going to be perfect every time. I think at guard you have to be really quick to recognize movement and different things and you have to be able to adjust stunts and games and different fronts, different protections. You’ve got to go from blocking this guy to that area at the snap of the hat. So, you know, it’s going to be a process for him, but he has the size, he has the power that you want at guard. Now it’s just a matter of getting him comfortable and recognizing all the different things that come with that from a mental standpoint."


On his message to rookies going into the first preseason game: 

"Same message as it is to the entire team. You know, I think what you put on tape is who you are. So, the big thing is play hard, great effort, and know your job – know what your responsibilities are and you can’t study too much. You can never spend too much time in a playbook or studying film. So, make sure they’re prepared mentality. If we give them a chance to go out there and give them a chance to be prepared mentally where they can go out and use their physical tools, that’s what we’re looking for."


On if he'll watch Hard Knocks:

"I don’t know. When is it on?"


On the show airing tomorrow night:

"You work for HBO now?"


 On advising his brother Jon Gruden on handling Hard Knocks having been through the experience with Cincinnati:

"Not really. You know, I didn’t – I was just a coordinator at that time. Coach [Marvin] Lewis (ex-Cincinnati Bengals Head Coach) handled all of the editing and all that stuff. I think it’s probably a lot on the plate for a head coach to be able to handle that because you don’t want to put anything out there that could be a negative light on [what] a player said in a coaching staff meeting or whatever. So, you’ve got to actually make sure you go through and watch the edits, what’s going to be out there. I think it’ll be a great show. I’m sure Jon will handle that, but it’s not easy for them to, you know, handle all that stuff."


On if LB Montez Sweat and CB Greg Stroman will practice today: 

"[Greg] Stroman we’re going to hold out again, he's got a mild groin, hopefully we'll get him ready for the game on Thursday. [Montez] Sweat, no he's not ready yet but he's close, we just don't want to push this thing, rush this thing too fast. Anybody else curious about?"


On RB Adrian Peterson's injury status:

"Adrian just got a small ankle; minor ankle injury. He’ll be fine. I don’t know if he’s going to go today or not. We’ll see how he feels."


On if T Trent Williams will be out at practice:

"Trent who?  I hope so."


On game planning for a preseason game:

"Yeah we don’t spend a lot of time as far as planning for the Browns. They have a new defensive coordinator, Coach Wilks, he was at Arizona last year. We will look at some Arizona tape, try to get these guys in position where at least we’ll know all the possible fronts they’ll play in coverages so we can attack those appropriately. But, the main thing is really getting our install plays in the first couple days and run those plays where guys are comfortable with so they can play fast and then try to target a few guys that we want to look at. There are some great competition battles at wide receiver, running back obviously and offensive line. We have to get some looks at them and go about it that way. The most important thing is to make sure we are simple, but not too simple, but trying to get these guys an opportunity to make plays and show us what they can do."


On the prevention of injuries:

"Well, I think that’s what this camp is for is really to work on your depth. You pretty much have a good idea with most positions who your starters are but now it is important to find out who the back-up and core special team players are and your depth positions and possible practice squad guys. We have a lot of good guys competing in that regard. As far as injuries prevention is concerned we have added the recovery centers, we’ve done the best we can. We have massage therapists, we have all kinds of things that these guys can take advantage of. Now it’s their responsibility to do that. It’s our job on the field to make sure we’re aware of how much they are running and not overworking them. 7-9 two years in a row. We need the work. We have to work them and there’s only one way to get ready for a game and that’s to practice. You’ve got to put the pads on and you’ve got to practice football in order to get good at football." 


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39 minutes ago, TK said:


 On advising his brother Jon Gruden on handling Hard Knocks having been through the experience with Cincinnati:

"Not really. You know, I didn’t – I was just a coordinator at that time. Coach [Marvin] Lewis (ex-Cincinnati Bengals Head Coach) handled all of the editing and all that stuff. I think it’s probably a lot on the plate for a head coach to be able to handle that because you don’t want to put anything out there that could be a negative light on [what] a player said in a coaching staff meeting or whatever. So, you’ve got to actually make sure you go through and watch the edits, what’s going to be out there. I think it’ll be a great show. I’m sure Jon will handle that, but it’s not easy for them to, you know, handle all that stuff."




So glad Jay doesn't have to be bothered with that stuff

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