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O-line....Questions and comments

Coach Williams

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winey.....he's this years Alex Sulfsted......Do I have any reason not to like this guy...heck he hasn't given up a sack in 2 1/2 games....

as for dockery....I haven't heard his name called so he's doing his job....good pick

Do we cut fiore even though he's cheap next year on the cap?

Thomas might make the probowl.....

and jansen had his hands full last week but has played solid overall.

as for the center position.....thank GOD we picked up lennie otherwise...goodole' wilbert brown is our guy.....


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Winey's been a huge surprise. It's nice to know we might have a guy who can fill in if needed at tackle. That would mean we'd finally have some depth there. Dockery isn't that much of a surprise but it's great that he's playing so well. I think they should keep all these guys though cause we need the depth. I say we should definately resign Freidman cause he's filled in nice for Moore. Now all we need to do is figure out who our running back is...:)

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I'd keep Fiore. He's versatile and cheap. He provides good depth. No real reason to let him go unless someone better is there and we can't pass that up. Dockery has been an increasingly pleasant surprise for us. He's had moments where we had to be concerned, but, in all, he's more than held his own. I think the Philly game is the one that will tell us a lot about him. Walker torched him on a few plays in a row that really changed the game for the Eagles. I think if he gets the best of him in our upcoming game he's the sort of player with a real upside. Even if he doesn't I won't panic as he is young and Walker is pretty good, but, I'm watching for that to see what kind of heart he appears to have.

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I would keep Fiore. Not for the price (never hurts) but the fact he can play multipal spots on the line. I think Dockery has a future in the league. Blue collar all the way, and that's just we need.

Winey is a pleasent surprise indeed. While I don't see him displacing Chris just yet, I have no problem with him waiting in the wings.

Winey and Dockery could be a good start to a renewed system of devoloping our own young players. I think we have a good chance with Spurrier at the helm, being that is what he's most acustomed to.


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Early on in the season we might have been a little too hard as fans on our o-line. Yeah, some of the penalties were inexcusable, but I think that we expected too much, too soon from a line that had just revamped both guard positions. We are seeing this line steadily improve and gel together as a unit right now. This is really encouraging.

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It is difficult to track how well the O Line is doing without actually seeing the games but I get the impression that they are playing better since Moore got injured. I don't know whether that is fair as the play-calling has changed (and even the QB has been different for some games) but the sacks and penalties have dropped and the production seems to have gone up.

Am I way off mark or do we need to look for a new center (I seem to remember that Friedman didn't want to play center)?

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