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The redskins biggest improvement...

Ignatius J.

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penalties? no. I've never been a big believer that penalties are nearly as important as ability to play the game.

No, one of the biggest improvements has been in ramsey's ability to audible. He has been winning the chess match at the line of scrimmage in the past two games at least.

As I am sitting here putting the cowboys game from tivo to tape, some of the few plays that have worked have been the result of ramsey audibles. Both times audibles to a run.


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When Ramsey had to step in mid-game last year, for his first NFL action, the Skins ran 7 straight running plays. (Followed by some passes, and a score).

When people complimented SS for calling all those runs (to get his rookie settled), Steve said they weren't called runs, they were audibles.

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I think we're all still waiting for Ramsey to audible into a play that gains us 20 yards or scores us a touchdown.

This past Sunday though, most of our audibles seemed to result in decent runs, but we were running the ball well all day.

What pissed me off on Sunday was early in the game how the crowd was booing during Ramsey's audibles. Come on, we're supposed to have home field advantage!! He got killed last week, cut him some slack, people!

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