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Redskins Yet To Decide On Resting Starters

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If it was me, I would treat the game as the last preseason game. I know it would be great to get a win, but overall, the game doesn't really mean anything to us. I would just play Colt and see what you have in him and let the backup play and not take a chance of getting any starters hurt.

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It would do more harm to Dallas next year if they win - makes it more difficult for them to get a top 5 pick. No one wants a lost to the Cowboys, but in this mean nothing game keeping the starters from getting hurt has to be high on the list of things we should do. I agree with Blaze.

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Well there's both schools of thought on that one. Sometimes one works and sometimes it don't (pick either rest or play) it still is just an unknown.

They're still not a finely tuned well oiled machine just yet and use as much time on the field as they can get - including the coaches.

I would say let the starters play until it becomes a blowout by either team. Besides, they might just be looking for some payback. Without the Dallas loss they'd have a five game win streak right now. Just MHO but I'd rather keep the lather up if I was a player.

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Well there's both schools of thought on that one. Sometimes one works and sometimes it don't (pick either rest or play) it still is just an unknown.

They're still not a finely tuned well oiled machine just yet and use as much time on the field as they can get - including the coaches.

I would say let the starters play until it becomes a blowout by either team. Besides, they might just be looking for some payback. Without the Dallas loss they'd have a five game win streak right now. Just MHO but I'd rather keep the lather up if I was a player.


Other than really bad or borderline can't play injuries, everyone is on board. Football is all about momentum. We are just not good enough to take some time off and relax. They can do that after the season.

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I for one do not think sitting out the starters is the way to go. I am with Johns and Go on this one. I don't believe that a week off would help. I would like momentum going into the playoffs, but do not want to see an injury. If one happens, it's football, and hopefully it won't happen. But if it is starting to look like a blowout, or if they are getting to the our QB then sit them. I expect to see a heavy dose of running plays to try to get it going, and will not be surprised to see Pierre out there a lot.

Hoping for a win and no injuries, HTTR.

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It 100% gets down to who will not be ready, if anybody, to play in the playoffs because of the no playoff impact Dallas game.

- If nobody important is injured the play them all group wins.

- If somebody important (like Reed) gets hurt the let them rest group wins.

It is a total hindsight thing in which there can be no right way until you know the answer. I just happen to be on the we got this far and let's be safe side, however; I understand why others would say to keep the momentum going.

I also do not want to give Dallas a higher draft pick, so I really don't care if they win because at the same time they lose next year because of the win. But that is just a selfish thing and has nothing to do with the other part, so ignore it.

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Is this a contest? I did not know. What are the prizes? Sorry got side tracked there.


No one wins if there are injuries. That really is the entire dilemma. The coaches have to decide what's more important, keeping the momentum and resting players. I think the decision will be more on a player to player basis.


There was some talk that if Josh and Morgan sit, Kirk should sit too. I might just see a few series with Kirk in there to give th guys a real chance with the ones. You will know right away if he is trouble.


Much better teams than us have sat their players and come back flat and some even lost. We are still just not that good.


In the end I believe they will rest a few of the most banged up guys, but everyone else will  play.

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I don't know about a complete rest but I see some of the guys in the skill spots get reduced reps. Then they could spot in some of the other 2's & 3's and get them some turf time. Like a lot more Pierre Thomas because he certainly doesn't need a rest and somewhat less from Morris/Jones.


Maybe run the ball a little more than 12 times going into the 4th quarter like they did last week and not have Kirk throw it 46 times. That would be a break for him. I expect they will do that but just saying... He needs about 10 yards to break 4,000 on the year - let him get at least that, he's earned it.


Like TAB said - it becomes a hindsight thing. Whichever path they choose, if they win, it was the right thing to do and if they lose then it was not. And it really might not have made any difference at all. 

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