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Redskins’ Offense Can’t Capitalize Vs. Cowboys

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Too many blown offensive opportunities - especially in the first quarter.



Not sure how it looked on TV but live it looked like a disaster. Our D played lights out. They were flying to the ball, making tackles and creating those turn overs. The one thing they did not do well was get to Cassel. But that Oline is filled with pro-bowlers.  But still, we should have at least made him uncomfortable. It seemed whenever they really wanted a play, they had time.


I did notice Barry starting to blitz more, especially in the 4th Q. People can say what ever they want about him, but Joe Barry is getting an awful lot out of not very much. It's amazing they make all kinds of excuses for injuries fro Tom Brady and the cheatriots, but not a ****ing work about us who have had more injuries than them!


Ok, on the bright side - yes dammit - I refuse to see nothing but gloom! - We are still in 1st place and due to tie breakers we control our own destiny. We have 3 road games left, but at least 2 of the teams Chicago and dallast are 1-5 at home! They are both horrible! We should win at least one of those games if not both. We have buffalo at home in 2 weeks which should at least be interesting.  


We have a legitimate chance at 8-8 or 7-9, either of which probably gets in the POs depending on who we beat.


Either way, if someone said at the beginning of the year that we would be 7-9 or 8-8 and playing meaningful games (even if badly) in December we would all be ecstatic. We just need to keep things in perspective. We need to eat us some bear meat!

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Well ****. That went exactly how I didn't want it to. I don't blame this game on DJax, Barry, Hopkins or the refs... This lies firmly on the shoulders of McVay. AWFUL playcalling. He tried a shotgun draw on 1st down? Why would that ever even be an idea?? No deep passes attempted at all to open up the field. Why in the F did he go away from play action on 1st downs and short yardage situations, which worked so well last game? He tried it twice early on, it didn't work, and he left it. I don't know how many times I have to say it, we don't have a good running game. The only way it works is if we get the pass game going. Sean Lee was in our huddle and roadblocked everything. I hate that guy, but he is unreal good. We need an ILB like that. 


I'm with Go, we're still in "1st," we still have a shot at the division, so this loss isn't a backbreaker in that regard... But, I'm just disappointed in how bad this game was, on primetime, nonetheless. The NFCE is already the laughing stock of the NFL and then we go on the big stage and play one of the worst games ever played. It was embarrassment on all levels for both teams, but obviously much more for us. 


I guess I just thought we had a lot more figured out than what we saw last night... 

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Well ****. That went exactly how I didn't want it to. I don't blame this game on DJax, Barry, Hopkins or the refs... This lies firmly on the shoulders of McVay. AWFUL playcalling. He tried a shotgun draw on 1st down? Why would that ever even be an idea?? No deep passes attempted at all to open up the field. Why in the F did he go away from play action on 1st downs and short yardage situations, which worked so well last game? He tried it twice early on, it didn't work, and he left it. I don't know how many times I have to say it, we don't have a good running game. The only way it works is if we get the pass game going. Sean Lee was in our huddle and roadblocked everything. I hate that guy, but he is unreal good. We need an ILB like that. 


I'm with Go, we're still in "1st," we still have a shot at the division, so this loss isn't a backbreaker in that regard... But, I'm just disappointed in how bad this game was, on primetime, nonetheless. The NFCE is already the laughing stock of the NFL and then we go on the big stage and play one of the worst games ever played. It was embarrassment on all levels for both teams, but obviously much more for us. 


I guess I just thought we had a lot more figured out than what we saw last night... 



Just fro reference, I was at the game. I agree it was awful play calling, but don't under estimate the impact of the poor calls. Time after time dallast got bailed out by penalties. When you look at the numbers, they look fairly even, but it's the timing of the calls. Virtually every big play we made, they called back. There was one drive in particular for dallast that let them tie us where the refs bailed them out of 3 3rd downs in a row, 2 of them 3rd and 9!


This was a knock down drag out fight with a division foe with their backs and pride against the wall. Our Off just did not show up and as you said and I agreed with, most of that goes to McVay's play calling. I get staying committed to the run, but at one point, we had run off tackle on 15 of 21 1st downs gaining about 2 yds a carry!


They got some pressure early and I think it made us nervous. Still, we should paly better than that. I was very disappointed to say the least. The best team did not win last night.

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I think at one point in the first quarter they had 11 runs for 19 yards. Give the clownboys defense some credit but still it's pretty ugly. This team has not run outside the tackles very effectively. Probably why they brought in their jumbo package as often as they did. But they never passed from it so Dallast  knew it was a run. They don't need a completion there, just something to make the defense think about. 


Like Go said - timing on the penalties was a killer. Not to single out Reed, because there were others, but he did wipe out a few good plays with his. This is starting to become a trend for him in the last few games - holding & pass interference. Dude really needs to learn the difference between good touching & bad touching. 


Well, not much point in belaboring the bad, it's going to show up in the film room. Maybe enough shows up that they can get a real grasp on their defencies. Maybe they got their uglies out of their system in one game. Maybe they'll notice DY hasn't seen much action in places he excels in; like near goal line. 

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At halftime, I was all over the gameday thread and posted about how bad the reffing was. Two big third down conversions were nullified in the first half when we were just about in the red zone by TERRIBLE calls. One on Grant for clipping and one on Garcon for PI. I thought ohhhh sure, here we go again, it's us vs the opposition + refs. But, in the second half, the tables turned and it was us getting all the calls. 


The bottom line is that we recovered three fumbles and did squat with them. When you are +3 in the turnover battle, getting two in plus territory, it's an absolute joke to only put up 9 points. F the last touchdown.


How do we look better against a great Carolina D than we do against an average Dallas D? It's our playcalling. It's "running when they are playing run and passing when they are playing the pass." Our offense works when we keep defenses guessing, and last night we were as predictable as it gets. It may have been Kirk crawling into his shell, but when he doesn't throw a pass more than 10 yards down the field and stretch out the D, we simply can't win. 

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x: "But, in the second half, the tables turned and it was us getting all the calls." 


I am in no way saying the refs cost us the game. But I also don't think it evened out in the second half. There were two drives of dallast's that the refs tried to help them down the field by making bogus 3rd down calls to get them 1st downs when our D had actually stopped them. One drive there were back to 3rd and 9 bull**** calls.


CtSkin said: "Our offense works when we keep defenses guessing, and last night we were as predictable as it gets."


I could not agree more. This was really the reason we have a big fat L for last night. I was sitting in my seat calling our plays. If I can do that, imagine how easy it is for a NFL DC. Just ****ing once, I would like to see us at least attempt a pass from that jumbo package! Just once!!!!!!!                                               

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Plain and simple, good teams, even average teams don't lose when they are +2 in turnovers, at home, against a team with no QB. That realization is more concerning to me than the loss itself.


Go- I believe the play you're referencing was Breeland's pass interference call on Dez around mid-field (Hatcher was also call for offsides on the play, but it would have still been 3rd down). It was amazing coverage, but Breeland had his arm wrapped around Dez's waist; it's a nonsense call, but one that is always flagged. There was another penalty when Dunbar was in one-on-one with Dez and it was obvious pass interference, but the question was that the ball looked uncatchable. It may have been out of reach, but when a DB has his hands blatantly all over the receiver, it's something that will get called more times than not.


I don't know whose to blame for the ZERO attempts to stretch the field with deep passes- Gruden/McVay/Kirk? It almost sickens me that this wasn't discussed and changed at the half. We have motherloving Desean Jackson. We don't even need to connect on the passes, but the D needs to realize it's a threat.


Who knows when my venting/rambiling will be done, bear with me fellas.

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True fans have an emotional attachment to their teams. That's why there's so much aggravation & venting. Vent on brothers, vent on.

Some venting can be very therapeutic. I suppose one hopes for the best but we wind up settling for whatever the outcome is.

Then come back & do it again.

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Plain and simple, good teams, even average teams don't lose when they are +2 in turnovers, at home, against a team with no QB. That realization is more concerning to me than the loss itself.


Go- I believe the play you're referencing was Breeland's pass interference call on Dez around mid-field (Hatcher was also call for offsides on the play, but it would have still been 3rd down). It was amazing coverage, but Breeland had his arm wrapped around Dez's waist; it's a nonsense call, but one that is always flagged. There was another penalty when Dunbar was in one-on-one with Dez and it was obvious pass interference, but the question was that the ball looked uncatchable. It may have been out of reach, but when a DB has his hands blatantly all over the receiver, it's something that will get called more times than not.


I don't know whose to blame for the ZERO attempts to stretch the field with deep passes- Gruden/McVay/Kirk? It almost sickens me that this wasn't discussed and changed at the half. We have motherloving Desean Jackson. We don't even need to connect on the passes, but the D needs to realize it's a threat.


Who knows when my venting/rambiling will be done, bear with me fellas.


I just re-watched both plays on NFL Replay and I have to disagree, at least to a point. On the Breeland play, it looked like his arm may have been there but he was not making contact. He made a great play on the ball. Also remember it was within 5 yds so that kind of contact is usually overlooked, unless the player gets turned around. Also, as Dez makes his break he pushes off and should have been called for Off PI, although admittedly they rarely ever call that. Having said all that, I can see your point and why it was called that way, I just disagree with the call. I will say the off-sides was dead on. Hatcher was lined up in the neutral zone. But that should have been 3rd and 4 not an automatic 1st.


On the Dunbar call I have to really disagree. When I saw it live the play was coming right at me and it was clear to me Dez was holding Dunbar to keep him from the ball. Dunbar was the only one who a paly on the ball. Dunbar was trying to get away yet they somehow called him for PI! I was pissed then and I am even more pissed now looking at on tape. If you have NFL Replay the play starts at the 1:20:30 mark.


Again, please don't get me wrong. I am not saying those calls were the difference in the game. We lost because we did not play well enough. Our Off game plan was horrible and what's worse we never changed it. My kingdom for a 1st down pass or a pass out of that jumbo package! I don't even care if incomplete! Just show it! 1st down PA passes in the 4th Q could have won that game! But no, off-tackle every time! And STs after doing really well as of late let us down. We should have gone to OT not given them an easy path to a game winning FG. That KO coverage was horrendous! If not for DY, it would have been a TD!


Also, you are 100% correct about the TOs. Our D gave us a chance, several of them.


I just would like for once for us to get the home field advantage other teams get. We not only do not get that, we get treated like we are the visitor!



As for rambling and venting, games like Monday will drive a person mad. I had a long drive home after the game (drove half way right after then in the morning drove drove the other). I got some chance to calm down before I got on the board.

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Fair enough, Go. I don't have NFL Replay, so all I saw were the few replays during the game. My point isn't that they were the correct calls, but just that these type of calls have become the standard. The WR will always get the benefit of the doubt, and even the smallest hand swat by a DB can get a flag thrown. It's sad.


It's a depressing idea that a ref has as much power as they do and that they face no punishment for ruining a game. I've said it before and I'll say it again, forget the purists, we need to be able to challenge penalties. Someone not associated with the football teams on the field should have no bearing on the game's outcome. Honestly, I can understand how someone standing 15 yards away from a bang-bang play would get it wrong, I don't blame them at all. But when the replay shows their error, it should be corrected. My solution would be to pay one more ref at each game and his job would be to sit in a room and quickly review every penalty. If a coach challenges a penalty, he is already watching the replay and would be able to report back literally 20 seconds later. We're not talking about a tough catch/no-catch challenge, which could take some time to review, this is a penalty, which is pretty cut and dry.


This idea came to me after about the 500th nonsensical incorrect "targeting/helmet to helmet" call. Those calls are too big to continuously get wrong. The DB has a split second to get lower than the helmet and if a WR ducks, the DB should not be held responsible. Example- The hit on Greg Olsen that resulted in our pick-6 being nullified. 


Rambling is now over. 


On to the Bears... going to be a huge game. We need to get the "away game monkey" off our back this week.

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@ CTSkins - I think we are pretty much in total  agreement.


To your solution - I think they already have that structure in place they just need to use it. They have the people in NY looking at every play. I think they should have free reign to contact the  lead ref on  any play - and I mean any play and say, you guys got it wrong.


Here is the key though, the lead ref and the NY guys need to be full time refs. So each game would have at least 1 full time ref on the field with a small team of full time refs looking cat replays in NY. Put them all on rotations taking turns in the booth in NY and on the field. Would it be perfect? No. But it has to be better than what they have.

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Actually some of the primetime officiating crews have been getting punished (about bloody time). Bad/questionable calls are going to happen. Usually & hopefully they don't alter the outcome of the game but those questionable ones that do are certainly on the rise. I doubt anybody out here believes the refs cost Washington this one. 


Dez uses his body very well to make defenders either come thru him or at least appear that way. I wouldn't necessarily say he gets away with it all the time but he sells it pretty good. 


Redskins opponents have had more penalties/penalty yardage in this season's games. Maybe it just seems like it to me that the Redskins have more ill-timed ones but they have had fewer.


OK. On to the Windy City. Didn't the Bears lose to the 9ers last week at home? Could be worse. 


interesting link for those with nothing better to do concerning penalty statistics:




WARNING! Don't look under 'TE' on the 'Position' tab. It's pretty ugly territory. 

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Redskins opponents have had more penalties/penalty yardage in this season's games. Maybe it just seems like it to me that the Redskins have more ill-timed ones but they have had fewer.


OK. On to the Windy City. Didn't the Bears lose to the 9ers last week at home? Could be worse. 


interesting link for those with nothing better to do concerning penalty statistics:




WARNING! Don't look under 'TE' on the 'Position' tab. It's pretty territory. 


That has been my point for ever. The number of penalties are close to the same. But ours at the worst time, taking away big gains or bailing out the other teams from big deficits.


On the bears - they are 1-5 at home this year.....

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The refs aren't punished. If they are dreadful, there's no fine, there's no ban. The worst repercussions are that they don't ref a primetime game or the playoffs...


A couple weeks ago a buddy pointed out how we are middle of the pack when it comes to flags. I knew we weren't the worst (I always hear about how Tampa is almost uncatchable with how many flags they have), but I assumed we were top 5... and we're not. 


This made me think, do I, as well as many Skins fans just have a referee excuse complex? We're just delusional people? The answer to that is no. Sure the obvious offsides and facemask calls are undeniable and are called both ways, but what we're a victim of more times than our opposition is the terrible ticky-tacky calls. Whether obvious or miniscule, the honest truth is that there's a penalty that could be called on every single play. How many times in that MNF game did one of the announcers (sure, Jon Gruden may have had a bit of a rooting interest) laugh at some of the flags and critique it. The clip on Grant, the PI on Garcon, the PI on Reed, all were flat out wrong. Two of them cost us points. Yes, Dallas was called for penalties, but they were the blatant ones. 


The PI on Garcon would be perfect to review. I can understand how from a certain view on the field it was called the way it was. But watching the replay once would confirm the call was wrong, and if anything the call could go against Dallas. That call nullified a converted 3rd down in the red zone... Who knows how that drive ends up, maybe we throw a pick, maybe we score, but either way a bad call prevented the natural progression of the game.

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