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Barry: Redskins Must Correct Tackling Issues

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Well, so much for getting healthy during the bye... DHall, Breeland, Culliver and Robinson all looking doubtful for Sunday. Good thing strong coverage isn't absolutely imperative against the Pats or anything.


We're double digit underdogs, I'm not expecting the upset, but this has all the criteria of being an unwatchable.

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A win would be nice but that's not going to happen.


For me it's more about getting the run game back on track & seeing consistency from Cousins. For a "run first" team we've been more than pathetic at it. Maybe its because we have a young O-line. Or maybe its because Gruden's a moron. Maybe its a combination of the two. Either way we need to control the clock with Alfred & get him back on track. We do that & we have a fighting chance. Assuming we can do that then the consistency from Cousins comes into play. He would just have to manage the game instead of having shoot out with Brady to have any sort of chance.  Of course we all know how that would turn out.


I just hope we don't get embarrassed. Losing is one thing, but getting blown out is another. If it is a blow out, then like an _ _ _ hole I'll HAVE TOO sit there & I'll HAVE TOO watch it & then I'll be pissed off all of next week. It'd be nice if we could lose with SOME dignity...right?



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