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5 Takeaways: Redskins Dominate Rams, 24-10

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That is 2 games in a row that our run and O-Line has been outstanding, love it.

There is a lot of hope for a very bright future with the domination that this O-Line is showing. Way to go Callahan and Scot.

A great running game gives Cousins time to mature, and there is depth, no need to worry if someone gets hurt.

The D is looking good as well, Barry appears to be doing it the right way and Scot loaded it up with quality free agents. Way to go Barry and Scot.

I had predicted 5-9 wins this year, I am now up to 7-11.

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So, TAB, 3 comments and no love for Jay Gruden, the guy who is the manager of these new coaches, the one who wanted Joe Barry - for which I took a lot grief for defending and looks like a pretty damn good hire. People can't blame Gruden when it goes wrong then ignore I'm when it goes right. He has a huge hand in all this. He deserves at the very least some credit here. 


The game plan and play calling were amazing yesterday for all but maybe the 3rd Q. The Rams made some nice adjustments but then you have to credit - yes Jay Gruden and Co. - for making additional adjustments and the offense going on that extremely important long scoring drive in the 4th to go up by 14. It was a game winner and back breaker. How long has it been since we have seen a drive like that where we just broke the other teams will   Would I like to see the adjustments happen a little faster? Sure! But the fact is they were made. 


There is a lot of football left and I still think we are a 7 to 8 win team (I too have revised up from my previous 5-6 win). But there were many many good signs and you have to credit the guy in charge - and that's Jay Gruden!!   He is doing a much better job than people want to give him credit for!  


And please, at least admit it people, the Joe Barry hire was a good one! I never have seen so much belly =aching over a DC hire in my life before the guy even fielded a single unit. I did not and still do not know just how good (or still bad) he may be long run, but there is clearly a different mentality on that Def. One we have been missing for a long time. Scot can only get the players here. Someone has to coach them up! 

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Alright Go. I'm eating crow today, and it tastes good. I wasn't about Joe Barry at all. But 2 games don't make a season but it may be the defense is on the right track.



I agree, its a long season and we are only 2 gms in. But while he may not be HOF material by any means, he is clearly not the train wreck people forecasted. That's my only point. Thanks for being a good sport. 


Here are some stats:

2nd in Pass Def

4th in Run Def

1st in overall Def! 

But the best yet - 3rd in pts allowed 


What I like is the change in attitude. Guys are flying around and making plays. They will get beat this year. The Def will, and I say will have a few bad games. But clearly there is a culture change. That's what I had most hoped for. 

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Goskins- appreciate the stats on the defense, very encouraging. Haslett had an overall lame group of talent and was probably trying to scheme for the least amount of damage as possible, but I despised that scheme.


Culture change- McCloughan promised us everything that the guys are providing, mean,nasty, and you are going to feel it the next day after playing the Redskins. Also like how he's not in the owner's box, he's down on the field pre-game and in the hallway shaking their hands after the game...win or lose and the players seem to want to do well for him. Bill Callahan is truly a great oline coach, to take and work hard with the olinemen on fundamentals, staying late after practice on the field, staying in the film room extra time is showing up on how prepared these guys are.


Kirk Cousins- Modest, humble, never a ''me first'' word out of his mouth. Excellent distributor of the ball, efficient, moves the pocket when he feels the pressure coming. Loved the 3rd down conversion in the second half when he scrambled left and fires to Reed who 360*'s and drives his legs for a 1st down. About Reed- I hope his early season designation to 3rd string was a wake up call that you have to play hurt sometimes.


All for now, back to work.

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GO - while it was much better yesterday, discipline was still a problem and until Gruden gives us 4 games in a row in which it looks like the Redskins are not beating their self for long periods he is not my choice of head coaches. Sorry but 20 years of Redskins losing coupled with Grudens terrible head coach history (5 wins and 13 losses - winner 28% of the time) makes it impossible in 1 game to convince me he is a winner. Now I did put Barry on the good list, so you got something. That is a good start, take it and run.

Man - I like the culture change - it is a huge improvement over last year - way to go Scot. I also like Callahan, he is a real winner, let's hope Snyder recognizes that and finds a way to keep him around financially.

I really like the O-Line, Running Game, D, and depth. The remainder needs some work but with the aforementioned strengths they have a foundation that can set the stage for getting the whole thing working and having a great year - my opinion of course and I have been wrong in the past about the Redskins, but forever hopeful.


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All good positive points. Although Kirk should've had an int as a pass squarely hit the DB in the hands it makes up a little for the one last week that was not on him.


1. Time of possession has been huge. The offense on the field for 37+ min's a game helps the Defense keep you in the game. So has sticking with the run, unlike last year when the panic button was hit early and often to dump the run.


2. Lowering the penalties this week was good to see. They got 7 while the Rams got 9 and 7 is a big drop from last weeks 11.


3. Teams still would rather pass than run against the Skins. I don't know how much longer that is going to go on if Washington continues to defend the pass as well as they have the first 2 games. Only 31 rush attempts against them in those two but as a caveat I will say giving up almost 5 yards a run so far is not good. And it's not like there has been some big run against them to skew the numbers.


4. How much of a help was having 4 of 5 kickoffs go for touchbacks is hard to say without a crystal ball but it most certainly didn't hurt. There was only 1 FG attempt and it was made.


5. A lot of creativity on the offense. 3 TE sets (didn't know we even had that many ;) ). RBs lining up in the slot. Leaning on guys like Grant that I'm sure the Rams didn't actually game plan for. 


A well earned win and looking forward to see if they can do it again against a Giants team that has absolutely throttled them the last seven years. 3 & 11 with one win in NY over the last 14 games. Of course the not-so-good Fisher/Rams combo had their number also and that came to an end yesterday. 

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