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This is why we should have kept Wuerfell

The Wicked Wop

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Don't kill me for starting this thread, and don't reply without reading it. The fact is Ramsey is struggling and everyone is screaming SCHEME, SCHEME, SCHEME. But the fact is we were not having these problems last year as best as I can recall (though i did drink heavily during some of those games and could be mistaken).

The QB in this offense is suppose to recognize and adjust formations to maxamize the play or counteract what a defenses maybe doing. Now granted we call probably way to many audibles during a game to maxamize plays....but audibles the increase protection are necessary in this offense, and require the QB to recognize this and adjust accordingly. Something to this point that I think Ramsey has done a poor job of and Defenses are making him pay.

The fact is Wuerfell would have been the perfect player coach for Ramsey during this period and a needed mentor. Alot is made of Spurrier being a good QB coach, but Ramsey seems like he needs someone else to talk to and be shown what to do in this offense, besides a coach. I know their are some true blue Wuerfell haters on this board, but I think there is little doubt that Wuerfell could have been the biggest help to Ramsey to this point. I know players have been missing assignments in some cases and have been outright beaten.......but this does not take away from the fact that Ramsey still doesn't know how to position the players there to protect him.

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Originally posted by SkinsThug

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Weefle doesn't throw too well lying flat on his back either.

The difference is that Danny knows how to read where the blitz is coming from and he usually could get rid of it a little quicker or break out on one of his Mike Vick wanna be scrambles.

Ramsey doesn't understand the pass protection or the blitz, Spurrier has said that, Jansen has said that and I'm sure Ramsey would admit it if asked.

You add in the fact that the line is not blocking all that great and the RB's suck at blocking and you have all the Skins problems in a nutshell.

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Originally posted by SkinsThug

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Weefle doesn't throw too well lying flat on his back either.

It has nothing to do with Wurfells playing in games, more as it was he knows the system better than anyone, and has used it in actual game situation, his knowledge and ability to work with PR would have only eceralated PR learning process, and help correct problem during the games he may have seen that Spurrier didn't.

I posted something along these lines before DW said no. It also has been proven Spurrier was right about wanting to have keep Watson, the best blocking back on the team last year. You hire the man to coach, Let him coach....you hired him because you believed he knew what he was doing.

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Ramsey doesn't understand the pass protection or the blitz, Spurrier has said that, Jansen has said that and I'm sure Ramsey would admit it if asked.

You add in the fact that the line is not blocking all that great and the RB's suck at blocking and you have all the Skins problems in a nutshell.

I agree completely, except with the OL I believe has played better, the RB injuries and poor blocking has killed us. Ramsey's learning curve, plus the lack of a pass rush, are our biggest obsticles.

We correct those three areas, and we will be a winner.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

I agree completely, except with the OL I believe has played better, the RB injuries and poor blocking has killed us. Ramsey's learning curve, plus the lack of a pass rush, are our biggest obsticles.

We correct those three areas, and we will be a winner.

Right on... The main reason most people don't want to acknowledge Ramsey's problems is because 1, he has such heart 2, his toughness 3, he's clearly going to be a huge star and 4 he hasn't thrown INT's.

The INT's are the key. Most young qb's get rid of the ball and throw picks. Ramsey, since his first action on the field, has been applauded for holding the ball till the last possible second.

He has to learn to throw the ball away if no one is open. That was one of Marino's biggest assetts. He always knew when to get rid of the ball, sure, it lowered his passer rating, but that's only a stat, he avoided sacks and lost yardage.

One last thing is clear. In all of Marino's years, they struggled running the ball because pass protection was the most important part of their O line, that's what we need. We don't need bangers that are mostly run blockers, we need a pass protect line.

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Exactly Wicked Wop,

that is exactly right.

Thats why this system works. Becuase when Wuerffle was in, even though he may have been the least physically gifted player in the NFL, the offense did somewhat work. The reason for that is becuase he knew what he was doing. The scheme is not the problem, Ramsey is just young, and things like this happen to young QB's.

If Snyder doesnt flip nuts and fire Steve, then we're gonna be fine.

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it all boils down to this folks.

Spurrier is having the hardest time installing a system as any coach I have ever seen in the NFL. Period.

It seems the large majority of the players out there are not suited to the system because they are either too big, too slow, etc......

A bit like Goldilocks and the porridge wouldn't you say? :laugh:

Seriously, though, isn't there an easier way of scratching your way to a few wins in this league than the path we are on now?

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