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*SCATHING* Report on Jer-rah


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Jerrah hasn't learned a damn thing. His arrogance is as strong as ever. He also seems to think denial is a river in Egypt.


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I really don't want to see Emmit Smith break Payton's Record. I'd much rather see him run around and try to create something out of nothing that Barry Sanders has had to do his whole career. Emmit has the rings, but I would much rather have Barry Sanders in the record books.

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Jim Brown is still the greatest running back of all-time. His totals reflect 9 years of 12 game seasons. Nothing is going to change that.

Yes, Smith has 3 rings, but Brown was part of some championship teams in Cleveland as well.

Payton was on less competitive teams over his career than either Brown or Smith. And by the time the Bears became a contender in 1984-88, Payton had already been in the league 8 or 9 years.

So, the stats don't tell the whole story.

Sanders I have less of a feel for. Yes, he ran for a lot of yardage. I just never saw him do it against quality teams.

Maybe that is my own bias. Yes, his teams were not great. So the Payton argument goes for Sanders as well to some degree.

But I sort of put Sanders in the same category as Eric Dickerson. Sanders was foiled by running on grass and his yardage totals away from the turf were not as impressive. Dickerson was a perennial fumbler in big games with the Rams.

I would not pick Sanders or Dickerson to be my running back if I needed to pick up a tough 3 yards to win a Super Bowl with the clock running down.

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I would suspect Smith's breaking Payton's all time rushing record will be rather anticlimatic. Afterall Smith has already won 3 Super Bowls. He's in the twilight of his career. Besides banal vanity what would breaking Payton's all time rushing record add to Smith's already Canton bound career? I agree with bulldog that the greatest rusher of all time was Jim Brown. Payton may have the all time yardage mark but he's certainly wasn't a better RB than Brown. Same will be said of Smith.


<IMG SRC="http://www.joegibbsracing.com/joe_gibbs/joegibbs_images/driver_prof_joe.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.joegibbsracing.com/current_season/jgr_wc_18/jgr_wc_18_images/car/bobby_car_race.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.joegibbsracing.com/current_season/jgr_wc_20/jgr_wc_20_images/car/drive_pontiac_tony.gif" border=0>

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Now, they need someone different: a patient leader who doesn't have to prove at every turn he is an independent thinker and innovator of the first order. The Cowboys now need a methodical approach, not a shocking one. They require a deft draft expert, a top personnel man, a leader with a well-conceived game plan to restore the glory.

Unfortunately, the Redskins have already gotten Marty.

(I'll feel a lot more comfortable laughing at them after we beat them).

[edited.gif by Larry on July 05, 2001.]

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The boys will be $20M UNDER the cap next year? Yikes!

That's an opportunity for them to finely craft a respectable team through free agency, or blow it on a desperate shot to grab a couple of name guys.

After reading the article, my guess is that Jones' ego and his desire to show the league that he's a maverick genius will drive him to overpay for one or two marquee players, end up with not enough supporting cast, and watch the team implode for another season.

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That would be great if they blow the entire $20M cap surplus next year on overpriced free agents, squeeze a couple of 9-7 or 10-6 seasons out of the team, and find themselves right back where they are today 3-4 years down the road. Jerruh's supreme ego will continue to ruin that team as long as he continues to be part of the football operations of the Cowboys. I'm enjoying watching that organization during the darkest times in their history.

BTW- did you catch the mention at the end of the article about how fickle the Cowboys fans are? That was kind, actually. I believe the correct term is "fair weather fans."


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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You canbet Jerrah WILL get at least 2-3 players that will have an immediate impact, but because he still mortgaged some of his better earlier investments like Snyder, he will only wind up with MORE holes to fill than he plugs.

RB - Emmitt's possible last year, and he has a history of getting nicked. He is now in the "vunerability stage", even though he won't be as old as Riggo was when he leaves. I don't think anyone ever will nowadays. Smith breaking Walter Payton's record on paper, won't mean a thing IMO, because like bulldog said, Jim Brown will ALWAYS be the man.

Less games, overcame vicousness of the game, so that people can be tackled without being threatened after the game, like he, Bobby Mitchell when in Washington and Marion Motley and others. These guys didn't just have swagger, they had BELLS for balls! Smith's an "elusive" RB, can't fault him for using his head, and chooses angles, turns with the flow of the hit. Jim Brown did the following I kid you not. Get a tape if you can:

Danced on you, around, through you, over you at you by you, and then conducted the pattern of blocking for himself with hand signals to the downfield blockers where he'd be next. Long sentence, but it wasn't Walter, O. J., Leroy Kelly, Barry Sanders, John Riggins, Gayle Sayers,Paul Hornug, Eric Dickerson, Franco Harris, Mercury Morris, Larry Brown, Jim Kiick or Larry Csonka, or even O. J. Anderson or Roger Craig, that "defined" the RB position. IT WAS Jim Brown.

Now where does Emmit Smith fit in all of this??? Well when you take two ingredients out of the offense, Smith suddenly looks average. Pretty much like Terry Allen, though they were both tough for their size. Walter Payton and Smith didn't play every game. Jim Brown did!

Payton re-defined the position's use with the pass from the outlet procedure. He showed a versatility only matched by a former Bear - Gayle Sayers and little Joe Washington, maybe B'Mitch. He could do it all!!!!!

Smith is a running back that can catch, mainly the outlet pass. He had numerous key pieces to thank, besides the line for the first 7 years as a running back.

Walter Payton, O. J. Simpson, Gayle Sayers, Eric Dickerson and John Riggins had awful lines most of the time, but check their numbers please, for the first 6 years!!!!

So in spite of Smith's passing anyone like Brown and Payton for yardage or touches, it will never be the same stick that measures up.

That goes the same for Matching catches with Rice against anyone. Rice embarrased you and left many a CB on the unemployment line. Where do think Jim Brown left many a Safety, LB and some Lineman?

WR-Finding Quality receiver when Ismail and maybe Galloway leave after this year, will be tough. This was THE YEAR and that won't come around for a half a century.

D-Lineman, again, there may be downturn after this year.

FA-that IS his best bet. Seeing how he looks at things, he's a 35%-45% correct guy, instead of a Shanahan, Parcells, Schottenheimer, Vermiel, Beatherd, Casserly,Brandt, Mara, etc....... soooo don't expect 20mil to gaurantee a thing with him.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on July 05, 2001.]

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