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IM sick and tired of the snyder bashing!

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Originally posted by MAP16

I'd rather have the former than the latter, but just stay out of the coaches way during the season SNYDER!

That, MAP, is the crux of the problem when it comes to Snyder. He wouldn't get near the amount of flak that he gets if he wasn't trying to intrude on the actual football operations. There's a difference in being 'hands on' and being intrusive. Synder is known (fairly or unfairly) for being too intrusive with the team's football operations. I think if he took a truly hands free approach and just signed the checks to get the players the coaching staff says they want, and need, the Skins would improve dramatically.

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And to further keep things straight:

Santa was booed (he was drunk and wearing a filthy outfit). This happened in the '60s at Franklin Field.

Jimmy Johnson was pelted with snowballs in the late '80s.

Ah, the good ol' days. :D

Rolen got booed, but I don't think any d-cells went his way. They were reserved for JD Drew.

The plastic beer bottles? That happened in Cleveland and New Orleans, but I'm sure Philly will get the blame eventually.

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Ok twilight zone material its like that old joke about the end of the world. How do you know the end of the world is imminenet?

1-the most famous basketball player is from china

2-the best golfer is black

3-the french think the americans are arrogant

4-the germans dont wanna got to war

5-philly fans are being funny!

seriuosly its waaaay easier to hate you guys when you are being jerks! now its like work.

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when Jones was in control the past few years in Dallas the Cowboys were 5-11 each season. Now with Parcells running the team and Jones supporting his coach the team already has 5 wins after only 7 starts :)

is that a coincidence? is it a coincidence that Parcells benched a starting corner for a week to teach him a lesson about his play and that he now has a team that listens to him and works to improve?

if Parcells can sit Terrence Newman or Dexter Coakley for a week in Dallas the Skins can certainly hold Arrington and some others more accountable for the mistakes they are making week in and week out.

if we are not going to fire all the players then the only solution is to get them to listen and change.

and the only way to create the motivation to change is to take some privileges away, namely being in the starting lineup and the pride factor.

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Originally posted by Ryman of the North

Ok twilight zone material its like that old joke about the end of the world. How do you know the end of the world is imminenet?

1-the most famous basketball player is from china

2-the best golfer is black

3-the french think the americans are arrogant

4-the germans dont wanna got to war

5-philly fans are being funny!

seriuosly its waaaay easier to hate you guys when you are being jerks! now its like work.

Actually, Ryman, the real jerkoffs get banned here real quick. That's one of the reasons that this place is an excellent football board.

Head on over to www.igglephans.com. It can get real ugly over there. ;)

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wow that was ....classy how bout two gap penetrator for a username. lol Bulldog thanks for the back up somewhat!? i agree that with a great coach our record would be different and that spurrier needs to step up and discipline these guys but i also think that parcells was allowed to bring in a lot of HIS type of guys we NEED better personell people!

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Trotter Contact year :deal:

g tot tackles asst sacks int

2001 Philadelphia Eagles 16 115 93.0 22 3.5 2

1st year with the skins

2002 Washington Redskins 12 91 59.0 32 0 1

Notice the drop off in solo tackles?? and NO sacks Yes he got hurt and missed 4 games, but I still hold to the thought that this guy was a waste of money, when we were, as Speedwagon pointed out, in need of players in other positions.

Mitchell stats prior to Trotter

g tot tack asst sacks

2001 Washington Redskins 13 81 68.0 13 2

no ints.

One more game than Trotter. Yes, ten less tackles, but look at the amount of solo tackles.

So answer me this. Did we resign Mitchell last off season b/c Trotter blew his knee???

Mitchell could've started with any team in the league.

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let's stop in fighting this week fellas, we have a whole league trying to make us look like fans of the worst franchise in the NFL. Snyder does what a owner suppose to, he puts the players on the field to help us win. The rest is up to Spurrier. I wonder why Spurrier choose Helton to man the O-Line. He needs to fire that O-line coach.

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