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We're Going up or Going Rock Bottom


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Something has To give..

Since Spurrier said he going back to the Pass happy attack, something is going to give.( and it's probaly going to be RAMSEY who gets sacked all the time) Either we are going to win more which I doubt. Or he is going to be on his way soon. Which till this point i thought was a bad idea, but it might be the best thing for us. I mean The Raiders are the only team to win throwing ball that much. But they didn't even throw it long all the time it was short controlled passes , almost like a running play.

I'll TELL you what the damn problem here is.. One word CONTROL. Spurrier does not control the skins. He let's players do what they want and never really gets mad or does anything about it. So soon players get lazy and commit dumb penealties. It also shows when we only play 1 half of a game Unless spurrier gets control over this team soon, where not going to win very many games.

BUT BUT BUT, There is always a but and a bright side. We did lose to teams that are DECENT, not scrubs. WE have a much lighter schedule ahead of us, and hopefully we can get some wins. So please HOPEFULLY Spurrier WE get some control of this team and we get back to winning ball games.

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Originally posted by Redskinswhoopass

WE have a much lighter schedule ahead of us, and hopefully we can get some wins.

Say what?? If anything it turned out that our begining schedule ended up being lighter due to the oppositions injuries. Now were facing teams after the bye that are leading their respective divisions and teams within our division. Doesn't sound light to me

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I dont't see how our schedule gets any easier. We are going up against a tuff crew the next four weeks. Certainly they are teams that have proven they can play this year. The teams we have beat: Patriots, Jets, and Falcons are not necessarily solid teams. I would argue that the Jets and Falcons when we played them were not very solid, although the games were close.

I agree that Spurrier needs to gain control. He is almost mid way throught his 3-year plan. Are we going to consider the 3-year plan a success if he does not start winning? I think not. The thing I like about Spurrier is that he is facing a great challenge and he is calling himself out. He knows he needs to improve. I think he is trying to improve. He needs to find the answers and he needs to be the leader. We need someone who help our players think as a group. A cohesive 11 man brain. Plus the coach 12 men. The jury has reached a verdit! Spurrier is guilty of not becomming an overnight success, but not-guilty in trying all he can.

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Before this season, it seemed that the schedule would get easier – not so. In the 2nd half of this season, the response of the players to the current adversity will determine whether or not SS is still around after next year. Maybe premature, but I think this is the make or break year.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Oh I thought you were planning a happy hour trip to Rock Bottom!!! :cheers:


lol really that is what i thought too... i was thinking hmm i dont remember seeing Rock Bottom around DC area so i was hoping to find out where they are... but oh well...

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