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world series, get on record now!


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Originally posted by Symbol

It's been said by many people inside of the Yankee's orginization that if the Yankees don't win the World Series this year that Torre would be fired. This is only what was reported on ESPN, but I don't live on the East Coast so it's only rumor until it happens, but it's still my prediction. :D

I think Torre is due to make 6 mill next season. Even Georgie isn't stupid enough to fire him and eat that salary or is he?:laugh:

I could have gone tonight to the series. My buddy has tickets right behind the Yankee dugout and had one extra ticket for tonights game. Even though I hate the Yankees with a passion and would love to see them lose in person I couldn't go. I had to be a good son-in-law and build the platform to put the mother-in-laws new shed on. She replaced a 4x5 foot shed with a 10x9. I'll never figure her out, she doesn't need all that extra room. Now I gotta go back tomorrow and build the shed on the platform.:doh:

The Mrs owes me big time for this.;) She better not be a myopic beaver tonight.:laugh:

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I'll take the Marlins in 7.

The Yanks are a formidable team, but I think the fish will win because they play small ball better than the Yankees. They have the speed to give pitchers fits, though Pettite has the best pick-off move going, and should be able to manufacture more runs to win close ballgames. They also have eight guys who can hit it out at any time.

Both pitching staffs are in shambles because of their game 7 use of starters, and I think that plays into the hands of the team with the weaker starting staff, the Marlins. (Imagine if the Marlins had their best starter A. J. Burnett.)

I think the most telling factor may be Rivera's going for so many innings lately. Possibly he won't be as effective as he has been recently because of all the extra work.

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