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WR Screens


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SS loves the WR screens.. I know that coles is fast but I would like to see us to use his speed to stretch the defense a bit yesterday.

The WR screen is not effective when you run it to Gardner's side.. .He is a big possesion reciever ...not a fast burner type like Coles.

Also I think SS should try a couple "trick plays" this week .. HB/WR screens... or the flea flicker we saw in the pre- season.to keep the defense off balance

Any thoughts

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We're giving Spurrier 5 mil a year to pick apart defenses, as he did in the first half. Just in the second half a few plays went bad on the execution side. As soon as these guys can execute properly thats when your going to see why we're paying Spurrier 5 mil a year.

As for the screens it was the only way to get the ball to Coles since he couldnt go deep due to the amount of pressure being put on Ramsey. I think the WR Screen is our money play though, we do it all the time, teams see it on film and practice stopping it, but they still cant do it! Thats the only play we execute to perfection right now.

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I agree with Skeletor... Ramsey hasn't had the most time to throw. Gardner was open for a TD but Ramsey was grabbed and the ball was over thrown because of it and Intercepted. The times that Ramsey has had the most times seems to be out of the shotgun and off of play fakes when the run is successful.

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those WR get yardage, 7 to 8 yards. Coles, has picked up Big Yardage a couple times. It also makes the defense account for the play..... to help limit DB blitzes. As Collingsworth pointed out yesterday, Spurrier used it to set up the bomb to Gardner that was missed by a foot. Ramsey's little fake to the WR screen caused the saftey to bite, and left Gardner deep one on one. We just missed it.

Spurrier knew TB defense was going to Blitz and put heavy pressure on Ramsey, and knew the chances to go deep would be limited. We just missed it.

TB defense was just too good. The margin for error was too small for as many miscues the Redskins had yesterday. Other teams use their RB to block and pick up blitzes. All the RB has to do is slow the pass rusher up a second or two... but our RBs yesterday whiifed on so many blocks it was silly. On one play we had both Betts & Rock to double team the DE and BOTH of them completely missed Rice.

Washington needs exactly what the Cowboys have had the past few weeks, to face weaker teams who are struggling, a bye week to regroup, and a couple of breaks go our way on big plays.

This team is still learning, but playing teams like TB it is hard to be successful, but you get a couple of weak teams you have some success, build some confidence in your abilties, and your assignments start becoming automatic, you don't have to keep thinking what your are supposed to do on the play.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Washington needs exactly what the Cowboys have had the past few weeks, to face weaker teams who are struggling, a bye week to regroup, and a couple of breaks go our way on big plays.

This team is still learning, but playing teams like TB it is hard to be successful, but you get a couple of weak teams you have some success, build some confidence in your abilties, and your assignments start becoming automatic, you don't have to keep thinking what your are supposed to do on the play.

I agree with this. I think a win against Buffalo along with the bi-week will help our team regroup. It's still the little things that are killing us. If we can master pass protection, there's no team in the league that can beat us.

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