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SOW: EJ Biggers Interview Transcript


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Newly added cornerback E.J. Biggers sat down with Son of Washington to answer some questions after being signed by the team. Read below to see what made this his final destination, what helped him make his decision and a whole lot more!

Ray Smith: E.J thanks for joining us on the show, thanks for taking some time out to talk to Redskins Nation

E.J. Biggers: No problem, thanks for having me

RS: Well, we’re really excited, a lot of us up here in the D.C. market may not have a whole lot of knowledge of who you are. Tell us a little bit about yourself. You’ve only been in the league for a couple years, you’re a young guy, 25, a newly signed free agent for the Redskins, talk a little bit about what you’ve done in your career, and who you are as a football player.

EJ: I was a seventh round pick by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, by Raheem Morris who was the coach of Tampa Bay. I played there for four years. Started about 12 games this past year, was the starting nickel the past two years. I’m just happy to have the opportunity to be in Washington and be a Redskin.

RS: Tell us a little about your free agency experience. Raheem drafted you when you were in Tampa Bay, this is your first free agency experience, in years past this has been a little bit of a different beast. Now the new CBA things have changed a little bit. Talk about how free agency went for you.

EJ: Coach Raheem was one of the first guys I talked to as soon as free agency started. Washington was interested as well as a couple other teams. Tampa was still giving offers, but at the end of the day this is the best opportunity for me at this time for my career. I’m happy and I’m grateful for the opportunity.

Kiel Maddox: The Redskins contacted you right away, you played with Raheem so he knows who you are, making you a perfect fit in this system to replace players we’ve released just due to playing under him for so long. Were you leaning towards Washington more than the other teams just because of that?

EJ: Washington was showing interest right away, to be honest that was the most interest I had. With a guy like Raheem, a guy that took a chance on me, a seventh round guy, didn’t play my first year because I was hurt, then to come back that second year, being the starting nickel. When games were going good and weren’t going good, he was a guy that stuck with me at all times. We always kept that relationship, he’s a guy that I trust, that knows me, the ins and outs. It was just a great opportunity with a guy that I know and trust, to come to Washington and become a Redskin.

RS: We get to watch Raheem coach, and it’s a little bit different from you guys being on the players side of things, but being on the media to keep an eye on how he coaches, he seems to really be involved with the players. He’s very hands on, I don’t want to say he’s a rah rah guy, but he definitely seems to get the players pumped up and keeps practice lively. You can hear his voice well above any of the other coaches voices. Talk about Raheem in practice and what it’s like because I’ve seen him undress players, I’ve seen him go at it with them a little bit. He’s one of those coaches that’s a little old school in the fact that he seems like he would line up across from you even without pads and hit you if he had to. Talk about Raheem and the energy that he brings.

EJ: He a guy with a lot of lot of lot of energy. He knows how to get his guys fired up as you said. Very energetic. He knows what buttons to push to get you going in the right direction. That was the thing I loved about him from day one in Tampa. If he things aren’t going right, he knows what buttons to push. Great motivator. Not a rah rah guy like you said, but if he needs to be he can be. Really down to Earth person. Great coach and I’m just happy to have the opportunity to play for him again.

RS: You talked about the Redskins and this being a great opportunity. Tampa did play the team twice last year which is a little bit abnormal. What is it that you saw in the two times that you faced this team last year that made this an attractive destination for you.

EJ: I saw a great team, a great young team. Guys on the verge of doing great things. When we played them it was a hard game. [Washington] has great receivers, a great quarterback, great running back, and I was looking at it from that perspective. Going against those guys every play was a battle with a fight. RGIII is one of the top quarterbacks in the league right now. He’s doing some great things and is a humble guy. They were guys I enjoyed playing against. They are the type of guys that come in and fight each day and they do everything it takes to win. That’s something you want to be a part of.

RS: Is RGIII that good? There’s a lot of hype about this kid here in D.C. He’s loved by the media, the players. I’ve never seen a player walk in day one and literally erase all doubt in his first press conference. As a guy whose faced him, to go to battle against him, does he strike fear in you? Does he make players wonder what he’s going to do next?

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Thanks for posting this, it was a nice read. :)

Though I'm sure he was just as confused as I was when you said we played the Bucs twice last year, lol. Did you mean "within a year"? Either way, good stuff!

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Thanks for posting this, it was a nice read. :)

Though I'm sure he was just as confused as I was when you said we played the Bucs twice last year, lol. Did you mean "within a year"? Either way, good stuff!

didnt we play the bucs once in preseason and once in the regular season?

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first off, great interview! these things make they players seem much more human, which makes it all the more fun to cheer for them! hoping for big things out of Biggers!

Also, sorry if this is nitpicky, but your quote:

Talk about Raheem in practice and what it’s like because I’ve seen him undress players, I’ve seen him go at it with them a little bit.

should probably say "dress down" (meaning to rebuke, criticize, or "chew out") rather than "undress." i'm assuming that's what you meant, and not ... well, the other thing.

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I'm excited about this signing.. I really think we found a young guy with load of talent who can take it to the next level with our scheme. I know some Tampa fans are happy to see him go but maybe he can be to us what Carlos Rogers is to the 49ers after we ushered him out of town.

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Sounds like a good kid so far, pretty optimistic on this signing.

Agreed, and I like the fact that he's used to playing from the inside out on defense. DHall did a decent job at that but it will be nice to have a younger, more experienced guy lining up on slot receivers. And he seems like the Shannyskins type. Hard working, over achieving team player. Still want D Hall back tho somehow. I'd love to see him move to FS.

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