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HTTR24-7.com- Linebackers Set The Tone; What Draft Prospects Could Take London Fletcher's Place?


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Taking London Fletcher’s place is pretty much impossible.

Undrafted out of Division III John Carroll College, London Fletcher has crafted what is, in my opinion, a Hall of Fame career. Fewer men have fought harder, studied harder, and led better than Fletcher. In the poorest of times, the Washington Redskins could always count on London to give it his all on every down, and carry the torch of the Redskins proudly. It is too bad Robert Griffin III did not come around sooner; I think one more Super Bowl ring would solidify #59 as a Hall of Fame candidate. He has the numbers for sure. Maybe that is just the homer in me, but if you are going to be a homer for one guy, it is this guy.

London Fletcher leaving would undoubtedly leave a hole in our defense, not just from an on the field play perspective, but from a leadership perspective. Thankfully, Mike Shanahan and Bruce Allen have done a solid job of preparing for life without London Fletcher.

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Smarts and quick reaction times for a LB seem to be getting more and more important, with the pistol and read options becoming so popular.

Definitely. I think the guys I picked it would be pretty solid at defending against it.

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I don't what it is about him, but I really like A.J. Klien from Iowa State. He seems like a Shanny type of player and his lights out effort is appealing, but has he already hit his ceiling. Like the article said, he is better athlete than what alot of people thought.

I like more Moore from UConn as well. Discipline is absolute must in any scheme.

If we got either of these guys in the 4th round, I think it would be a win for us.

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I fully realize we probably won't get him, but if Te'o falls to the 4th or 5th round, I could see us taking him.

He fits a lot of the Shanny profile:

  • Senior
  • Captain
  • Award winner

There are some concerns about the catfishing and his 40 time, but he is good in coverage and looked football fast in his game tapes (well, save for the National Championship). He might even be the guy.

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Yeah. Doing a little thinking outside the box though, with our FO, you never know. Well, save for Griffin (and in my case, Hankerson :pfft:)

Yeah, pretty much no shot Te'o falls that far. Someone will take a chance on his talent, if not in the first round, in the early second.

That being said, I wasn't that impressed with Manti Te'o anyway, even before the Catfishing stuff. I felt like Kevin Minter was a better linebacker, and that several linebackers were playing at if not slightly above his level for most of the season.

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