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Lone Redskin showcased in championship today.


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Why the hell did we cut Bentley before camp even starts, anyway ? Did he provide that much cap relief ? No. Did his merits disqualify him from a chance to at least compete in camp ? No. Marty must have been smoking the same stuff he smoked when he picked Rosenfels, and when he cut Centers.

[edited.gif by Mick on June 30, 2001.]

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Relax, it's the World Bowl, which is still a cut below. The 54 yarder IS nice. We can't always go back when a player finally says, "ok, I'm going to get it right THIS time". Hey do that thing in the REAL NFL training camp and regular season. I felt that Conway should have never been cut, but when we did, we couldn't get him back at the time. Now he's back and just because he or Husted finally does some wonderful things, we can't just dump our main man. Be really sad to see Conway gone again and then all of a sudden

we'd have Bentley, who suddenly loses his touch.

I can't blame you for being excited about his current status, but with more inside pressure, full stadiums, more intense scrutiny from the entire bench, I'd like to see how he does then.

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I would think that kicking would be one (perhaps the only) thing that would transfer from college (or XFL, or Europe) to the NFL. I could see how there might be some differences: the NFL may rush faster, and I do understand that college goalposts are wider.

But pressure is in the mind of the beholder. Is Morten Anderson, kicking in the Super Bowl, really under more pressure than some 17-year-old in a state high school championship? WE may not care about high school football, but I bet the players think it's important.

We may have a great kicker already. But I would think that a guy who can make it from 54 yards in a championship game is worth at least bringing to camp.

Of course, this may explain why I don't get paid to think about football.

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Indy, I never said that we should dump Conway. My whole point was that Bentley deserved AT LEAST a shot to audition in camp. So it's not just the fact that Bentley got cut. It's WHEN he got cut. And Conway isn't SO great that he's ABOVE camp competition. And like Larry said, how is it SO MUCH easier to kick a ball 54 yards in a Europe game than an NFL game ?

[edited.gif by Mick on June 30, 2001.]

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Okay, I see your points. I guess that's why they don't pay me to..wait a minute Larry already said that.

Mick, see what I know about roster changes and all, not very much, sooo..I just learned we can bring Bentley if we wanted to compete...

I will just remain mum at this point and excuse me for getting it wrong fellows. My bad. smile.gif

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entley did mke a field goal for us last year so it's not like hasnt faced a strong rush before.

And he has been doin his in NFLEurope for the whole season and they use the same footballs as the NFL.

The question we had about Bentley wasn't is srog leg but his accuracy.

We should have atleast let him come into camp for competition. Conway can't be counted on for 54 yarders and may have to be relieved on kickoffs, wich is why the sgning bonus he received was a bad move IMHO



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