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Skins contact Blake


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OK, I'll bite,<br /><br />Fill me in on the deal with Blake. I'll admit, that I really don't know much about him.<br /><br />For the record, I'm voting for Dilfer.<br /><br />But go ahead, somebody make the case for Blake. I'm all ears!

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back in 95 and 96 his first two years as a full time starter for the bungles his stats were as follows<br /><br />att 1116<br />comp 634<br />td 52<br />int 31<br />yds 7447<br /><br />not bad for being young and being stuck with a sorry team

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Blake may be the best option out there for us when you consider cap numbers AND playing ability.<br /><br />Dilfer has great intangibles but it looks as if there are going to be a number of teams vying for him and bidding his price up.<br /><br />Chandler is also a guy who produces but is 37 and has a record of not finishing seasons because of injuries. <br /><br />The other quarterbacks that MAY become available like Brunell or Bledsoe appear to carry a prohibitive price tag in terms of draft picks and the like.<br /><br />I don't think players like Jim Miller, Gus Frerotte and Rob Johnson are really worth considering at all.

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Dilfer wants 3 years and I don't think any team, other than ours is willing to do that. We could, with a void of the 3rd year for depreciation in output, etc. I'd say 750,000, with a bonus of 2.5 over 2. His 3rd year could be voided altogether or optional to resign. Also incentives could drive the bonus down, and then if produces 30 TD's and say at least 3,500 yds, and less than 15 int's then his pockets would be golden, but so would Dan's. <img border="0" alt="[cool]" title="" src="graemlins/cool.gif" /> <br /><br />Blake could also be had for similar numbers, but NO way should we bring both in. Take one or the other or the QB controversy will never end and Spurrier knows that. We'd have STEVE SPUTTER instead of Steve Spurrier.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 01, 2002, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: indyskinsfan ]</small>

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Like I said, Blake did a hell of a lot for that sorry Bungles team. He was the sole reason a lot of Bungles fan were going to the stadium. When Blake came into the fray in the Nati, Pickens and Scott's numbers shot up. And like many here say, you can't get into any worse of a situation that being a QB with the Bungles. <br /><br />Now I wouldn't mind Chandler either. At first I thought it was crazy to mention him as one QB our Skins should go after. But when I think about it, Chandler's best seasons(and injury free seasons) were when Jamal Anderson was near or on top of the rushing word (97 and 98). Davis is here to take the load off of Chandler. So I don't mind Chandler if we can't get Blake.<br /><br />We can cancel Christmas on Dilfer. I am sure he'll be looking for at least 5mil a year.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 02, 2002, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: FunBunch2FunNGun ]</small>

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Since the Patriots are now looking for less than a first rounder, he jumps to the top of my list. The cap cost for him is significant, but that's the point of re-negotiating.<br /><br />Simply put, there are probably only 4 or 5 QB's in the league that are better than Drew Bledsoe in terms of talent. He does carry some risk based on the beating that he's taken, but in terms of telent NONE of the other guys on the list even comes close, not even Brunell (and it looks more likely now that he will stay in JAX).<br /><br />After Bledsoe, I've got to admit that Trent Dilfer would be my next favourite pick, followed by a big gap, followed by Blake, followed by an even bigger gap and then Chandler.<br /><br />I really don't like the idea of Chris Chandler on this team. He's old, fragile, and has too much of an ego to develop a young guy. Plus, while he's decent, he not THAT good.<br /><br />I don't know why, but Blake has always reminded me of Tony Banks, ecept without the fumbling problem.<br /><br />Dilfer could, in fact be the perfect long term solution. Sign him for 3 years, draft your new guy next year, and have him sit for two years behind Dilfer. It's generally expected that next year's draft class for QB's will be much better than this year's, so there's no point in reaching for Heath Carr, or Trent Harrington..... <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <br /><br />Bledsoe would fit the same profile as Dilfer, with the exception that he comes at a higher cost, and probably would have higher performance over the period.

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The thing I remember about Blake is that they tried to give him the job in Cincinnatti, but he couldn't keep it. He lost his job to a decrepit, near-retirement Esiason, who promptly took the team on a late playoff run (relatively speaking, they are the Bengals).<br /><br />And he couldn't get the job back. I just keep thinking that there has to be something missing with the guy.

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My desire for a QB goes as follows:<br /><br />Chandler -- He's an accurate passer, with a great arm and is very smart. He'd come pretty cheap. I ONLY want this guy if we select a QB in the first round to groom. If we wait to select that QB to groom, I don't want Chandler.<br /><br />Bledsoe -- For a second round choice. Anything more, I don't want it.<br /><br />Blake -- Most upside talent and age ratio. Might be a tad short, but, has some ability and could be a nice fit.<br /><br />Dilfer -- He's still a dog. We're all just a little confused right now. Because he's had a good stretch of winning and we seem to think he's a factor in that when circumstance is probably more to credit. But, MAYBE he is something more and can be a leader for us. I just don't like his fit at all for Spurrier's offense. For Marty's offense, this would be my top guy.

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I would like to see Blake calling Spurriers signals! With Wuerffel we have a nice backup, who knows the plays. Blake has a strong arm and 2 seasons over 3.000 yards and 24 and 28 TD. I think a strong arm is what Coach Spurrier needs, maybe a quick release.<br />I def would like him mor than Bledsoe, Matthews, Grbac and so on.

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