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JPP to Griffin: dont bring it to my side


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Jason Pierre-Paul has seen the speed of Robert Griffin III and he knows the Redskins quarterback will try to run on the Giants' defense on Sunday. But JPP had a warning for RGIII.

"Don't bring it to my side," Pierre-Paul said. "Go the other way."

Not that Pierre-Paul expects Griffin to have much success going in that direction either, now that the Giants' defense has rediscovered it's confidence after their dominant performance in San Francisco last Sunday. Griffin may be the fastest quarterback in the NFL, and he may have run for 379 yards and six touchdowns his first six games in the league.

But Pierre-Paul think RGIII will have his hands full against a Giants' defense that might be faster than any he's ever seen.

"Trust me, we chase quarterbacks all time," Pierre-Paul said. "We turn and run to the ball, no matter what. He may get past us and zoom right past us, but trust me we're right behind him. You've got to respect that too. It's not all about the speed. We've got guys, all 11 guys that can run to the ball very quick.

"You'd be surprised. Very surprised."

Not all the Giants sounded so confident as they prepared to face the man whom Justin Tuck called "the most exciting new addition to the NFL."

"He's a game-changer," Tuck added. "They haven't had a good game-changer at quarterback in a while. And he is that."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/giants/jpp-rgiii-bring-side-article-1.1185939#ixzz29bCF50pD

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Oh, I'm sure their D will have the zone blocking system covered so we can't run on them, and they'll be able to keep RG3 in the pocket and cover our receivers excellently...we won't have an answer and it'll be a blowout. :rolleyes:

Just like every other fanbase we have faced has predicted.

And just like every other fanbase, the Giants' arrogance is about to be rocked, whether we win or not.

Got my money on a win.

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