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Can anyone that has access to the ALL 22 coaches cam give us some really good breakdowns of RG3's performance Sunday against the Bengals?


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Does anyone have the All 22 cam that is decent at breaking down film? Or does anyone know anywhere that I can watch replays of an uploaded ALL 22 cam game for the Skins? I would love to break down the film but I didnt order the package because my fiance pretty much said if I do it I wont ever spend time with her or our daughter (which is bs, Im a great family man except on Sundays and Monday and Thursday nights from about 8:30-11:30 :))

Anyway, if someone knows where I can watch the games Id be happy to break it down, or if someone has it and likes to break down game film of QUARTERBACK play, Id appreciate it. Im a QB coach junkie, I love studying the position.

Thanks in advance.

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I might have a chance to look at the all 22 Thursday.

But, I can re-cap sans all-22 tonight/tommorrow

I would be willing to do all-22 breakdowns of important plays every week if there is interest. (3rd downs, key negative plays, key positive plays etc.)

Yea that would be spectacular. I, myself personally, is really just wanting to study RG3's play. I'm curious to see if he's missing reads or any open receIvers and of he's making correct progression reads, and of receivers are getting some sPace between them and defenders etc; I Really just want to study the o but mostly just qb and wrs to see how our young guy is progressing but I'd take Anything when it comes to film breakdown I love it. Except maybe the defense, just because I already know what happened there, haha. Is there any website that has the game for the all 22 cam uploaded where I can watch it?

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Yea that would be spectacular. I, myself personally, is really just wanting to study RG3's play. I'm curious to see if he's missing reads or any open receIvers and of he's making correct progression reads, and of receivers are getting some sPace between them and defenders etc; I Really just want to study the o but mostly just qb and wrs to see how our young guy is progressing but I'd take Anything when it comes to film breakdown I love it. Except maybe the defense, just because I already know what happened there, haha. Is there any website that has the game for the all 22 cam uploaded where I can watch it?
I was thinking about writing that type of breakdown for a blog w/ a general focus on offense through w/ a focus on the passing game; but I've haven't made the time for it because I wonder how much interest there is.

But, for a general idea of how a QB played imho the best metric that really comes close is total QBR I think its as close to a 'coaches' grade as you can get.

Re all-22 upload: None that I know of other then NFL rewind.

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Not the coaches film, only the TV broadcast, but you can review the game with the following torrent: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7668307/NFL.2012.RS.Week03.%2823_sep%29.CIN.Bengals.v.WAS.Redskins.720p.NEW. There are a few others of various sizes, resolutions. Can search "redskins' for others. I found this one to have decent HD quality. To be honest, the game is too depressing for me to have been able to watch it all the way through so far :(.

While you always have to be careful downloading stuff, I have learned quite a bit getting a copy of the TV broadcast and being able to stop it and get a better look at what happened. Cannot find a copy of the coaches film anywhere as of yet.

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Not sure how mods feels about torrent linking lol....

That is a good question. I asked it when posting one for previous weeks game ...nothing was mentioned. Looked in the rules and didn't see torrent mentioned. I'm perfectly fine with not posting them if it is against board rules. Clarification on rapidshare, etc. links would be great as well.

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That is a good question. I asked it when posting one for previous weeks game ...nothing was mentioned. Looked in the rules and didn't see torrent mentioned. I'm perfectly fine with not posting them if it is against board rules. Clarification on rapidshare, etc. links would be great as well.

Here's a question? Can I get the all 22 can with direct tv? In starting to think I don't care what the ole lady says I need film break down of the qb!

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Here's a question? Can I get the all 22 can with direct tv? In starting to think I don't care what the ole lady says I need film break down of the qb!

If your computer has an hdmi output you can display it on an HDTV and use a wireless mouse/keyboard so you have control from the couch.

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