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What's your craziest Redskin merchandise?


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In a few threads recently a couple of funny items have popped up, so why not open it up to everyone. Surely we all have some interesting, unusual or perhaps even embarrassing Redskin stuff. Anyone care to share?

Right now I have a bottle of Redskin shampoo under the sink in the bathroom right next to the last two of a box of Redskin band-aids.

[edited.gif by Brave on August 09, 2001.]

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My craziest item isn't actually mine. On Tuesday night, I got home from work at midnight. I thought the wife was asleep, so I crept into the bedroom. She was awake, and said, I could turn on the lights. I did, and she was wearing spandex Redskins PJs. My wife. Unsolicited. Ahh, if every night was Tuesday night smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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If they designed the spandex correctly, the feather in the emblem would be faux fig leaves for the wearer. injun.gifbiggrin.gif

Actually, I have something far more embarrasing. An authentic burgundy jersey with #20 stiched into it with "Hicks" on the back. How tf do you explain that?!?!



"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

[edited.gif by redman on August 09, 2001.]

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I mentioned this in one of the earlier threads: I had a Redskin bike. I think they used to sell them for all of the NFL teams through Sears. I guess it was around 81 or 82 but I'm not positive.

It was a dirtbike style bike with a number plate on the front. I put a #44 on the plate Christmas morning while wearing a Redskin robe. My mother has the incriminating pictures as proof.

My brother got a Colts bike that same Christmas.....no accounting for taste in some folks.

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I have this 6 foot long 8 inch wide scarf given to me by mommy for xmas back in the eighties. It alternates the colors in 4 inch strips and has the emblem at each end. The tassels are frayed and thinning like my hair. The white's are more tan now, the burgandy, however, refuses to fade. It does have fuzzies all over it only adding to the character. It smells like a cat had kittens in it even after hundreds of washings. I have little use of a scarf here in Dallas, especially a Redskins scarf you can see from a mile away. But hangs in glory in my bedroom on a pedestal coat rack in the corner. Not matter how many coats, jackets, etc. hang on the rack, the scarf still displays proudly below. I love this scarf.


As always, my opinions do not reflect the opinions of management and are based on ficticious opinions. Similarities to any opinion living or dead is completely unintentional.

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- Can't for the life of me remember when/where I got this, but somebody once gave me a commemorative Coke bottle celebrating the 1983 [sic] Super Bowl Champion Washington Redskins. Yeah, the game was technically in 1983, but seems to me we remember the ‘82 season as the good one. 1983 has some very bad connotations for me.

The front has the Skins helmet on the neck, the front label a Lombardi Trophy, with "Washington Redskins" on top and "Super Bowl XVII Champions" underneath. On the back, there's a label with the dates & scores of all the games. Very cool.

Can't imagine what kind of funky life forms might be evolving in the black stuff inside, though. Believe it or not, when I shake it, a few sad little bubbles still find their way to the top ...

- A mini-helmet that began life as a planter. Wife gave it to me as an office-warming gift when I got my first one (office, that is). The plant's been dead & gone for years, so I'm left with this awkward little thing with a hole on top. Kinda goofy, I suppose, but you'd have to go through me (bring a lunch) to take it away ...

- Somewhere in a box at home, I"ve got a piece of paper a classmate and I drew up (instead of listening to the teacher) in 5th grade. It's a remarkably poorly drawn pencil sketch of a Redskins helmet, the yellow one with the big "R," and underneath, in 10-year old chicken scratch, it says "6 - 3 and 1, hopefully 10 - 3 and 1 SOON. Yeah baby."

I'm not proud of that one ... though I am proud that something made me keep it all these years. I guess today, 30 years later ... I know why. smile.gif

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In addition to the traditional hats and shirts, I have a set of four plastic place mats and cardboard coasters, still unwrapped!, that my wife bought for me Xmas of '91. Do you remember what happened about four weeks later?smile.gif Lombardi trophy numero tres.cool.gif

I think I'll ask her to get me something Redskin for Xmas this year.biggrin.gif

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Most embarassing... the Zubaz pants and Hat. Still got 'em and wear them on Holloween.

Strange...Redskin Peanuts bag, matchbooks, pom poms

Favorites..."Country Club" hat with bandana (4 years before Marty) I wear this to most games at the bar.

Sentimental...Full Headress I use when I sing "Hail to the Redskins" after each score in front of 100 fans in the Palm Beach Fan Club.


Bill, the FL Chief

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Got a Heath Shuler jersey for my dog from a pet supply company. Go figure, I thought that the dog would be gone by now, and Shuler would be at the helm. Dog's going strong at 12.

I also have a roll of Giants TP that may get some use real soonbiggrin.gif

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I also have the Hog Brew and the Coke bottles from '87 I also have a six pack of Coke in cans from Super Bowl XXVI

I have jerseys from Gus, Brad, Champ, and Heath errrrrr Bret Conway. (those stitched on names come off easy with a pen knife). 18 different Champ rookie cards, and all sorts of other things around the house. I even have an old gumball helmet with the "R" on the logo.

Starting Sunday, there will be a cry for Husak to be the starter.


It's all about the <FONT COLOR="Maroon">BURGANDY</FONT c> and <FONT COLOR="YELLOW">GOLD</FONT c>

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