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TRS: Pork that ‘glows,’ beans with cancer chems among China’s latest poison foods


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Pork that ‘glows,’ beans with cancer chems among China’s latest poison foods

BEIJING (AFP) – A wave of tainted-food scares has renewed fears in China over continued product-safety problems despite a government promise to clean up the food industry following a deadly 2008 milk scandal.

Tainted pork, toxic milk, dyed buns and other dodgy foods have surfaced in recent weeks, sickening consumers and highlighting the government's apparent inability to oversee China's huge and under-regulated food industry.

The litany of stomach-turning headlines has caused officials to scramble to contain the damage and sparked an anguished lament last week from Premier Wen Jiabao about unscrupulous food producers.

"These virulent food-safety incidents have revealed a grave situation of dishonesty and moral degradation," Wen Jiabao said in a speech to government officials.

"Without high-quality citizens or ethical strength, China cannot be a respectable economy or power in a real sense," he said in published remarks.

Recent scandals have included pork found on the market so loaded with bacteria that it glowed in the dark, according to a state press report.

Authorities have discovered bean sprouts laced with cancer-causing nitrates, steamed buns with banned chemical preservatives, and rice laced with heavy metals, to name just a few.

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Are the Chinese trying to deliberately control their population through tainted food, or does their regulation just suck that bad? *tinfoil hat*


THURSDAY, April 21 (HealthDay News) -- Three new studies draw a link between prebirth exposure to a class of pesticides widely used on food crops and lower intelligence scores in children.

The effect is especially noticeable in kids from a California farming region where they and their mothers were also potentially exposed to pesticides through their use on local crops.

The pesticides in question are known as organophosphates, which kill insects by disrupting their brains and nervous systems. First developed in a more potent form as nerve poisons during World War II, they can disrupt people's nervous systems as well, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

I wouldn't worry about the Chinese too much.

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