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Redskins draft rumors (4/17/11) with a WEIRD twist/perspective!


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A lot of talk has been going on that the Redskins are desperately trying to move up to take a QB, I had another thought on this aside from the obvious smoke and mirrors. I was just thinking what if they are using the notorious Redskin reputation to their advantage, as this is something well in our owner's scope and is fully well capable of doing such things, what if they were doing this to drive up the price to move up making the #10th pick that much more valuable. Because they could be like well so and so wanted this and this and this to just move up to the 5th or 6th pick, and having done the research via bidding for these slots themselves they could justify greater compensation to trade their 10th pick. Making it seem too expensive to move up, and making that 10th pick very affordable relatively. I dunno just a shot in the dark and as things are slow media content-wise thought it would be fun to speculate.... what do you all think?

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You don't think it's plausible that they are using our reputation to our advantage? I don't know the specifics of their plan, but I don't think it's that crazy to think they would try to make something like that a positive.

I was more referring to getting his thoughts out in a readable manner, so that they could be properly discussed. Putting them in the correct forum would help as well.

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I don't remember us trading up a ton in the draft actually. Now, if we used this reputation to benefit us during FA then I think it could completely work for us.

Rumors say we're after all the top names, while we're actually hunting down some of the lesser known guys who fit our scheme and while everyone is outbidding each other for the stars we sign some good young starters for cheaper.

I don't think it would actually work, not even remotely, but if we were going to use that reputation, I think FA would be a better place for it than the draft. In the draft I think making the "splashy" move has actually had more to do with who we've taken rather than trading up. For instance, convincing people we're after a QB or WR so they trade for our pick, when in fact we're really after a lineman that we can get later in the 1st, or trying to trade to #2 and telling everyone it's for a QB, when really we're after Von Miller before Buffalo gets him, or something like that.

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