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18 games season/playoff expansion


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Tags is considering expanding the NFL season to 18 games, probably for the 2006 season-when new contract takes place. Also, if that happens, it could lead to playoffs expansion. Preseason would be reduced to 2 games.

I'm all for it. 18 weeks of football, over 19 weeks. Heck, they could add another bye and make it 20 weeks.

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18 is too many. Not only will the two extra games increase the attrition problem caused by injuries, but the couple of preseason games remaining will force the coaches to play their starters more. Consequently, there will be probably be the same number of preseason game injuries to key personnel. I'm just not sure what is being resolved by this type of move.

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two preseason games is not enough....if they want to reduce the preseason three games is the minimum number I would be happy with. Maybe remove one preseason game, and add one regular season game...or just an extra bye to make the season an extra week longer. I'm pretty happy with the way it is now though.

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football has changed so much from 30 years ago when it was a 6 month commitment. now players for the most part work out and stay in shape 12 months and don't need a 4 or 6 game preseason to get ready to play.

perhaps if the season is extended to 18 games and there is an increase in the number of minicamps for rookies they can both prevent injuries in meaningless games and also get the needed look at UDFAs and draft choices? :)

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