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Who are you rooting for?

UK Skins

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Now I've read the list of roster cuts I am gutted that so many of the guys that I have been rooting for have been released. In several cases I wonder why other players were kept in their favour. Skaggs, Harrison, Moore, Symonette and our own NFL Europe star Ryan Kalich? I can't get used to the thought of Thompson, Greer, Ham, Deloach or Cowsette in their places (not literally I appreciate.) I think I am going to root for Terrell (one of my few favourites that <u>was</u> kept), Pierce, Boose and Brandt, all of whom if they do make it will save us big bucks in the future. Who do you guys pull for? (I am assuming that I am not the only person that likes the little guys to win.)

[edited.gif by UK Skins on September 03, 2001.]

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I've got to admit I'd love Ki-Jana to make it because he makes a nice change-up from Davis, although with a one year contract he probably isn't a long-term prospect. Any of our one year Vets are going to be gone at the end of the season if they have a good one.

Who is this Donny Green guy though? I don't remember him getting much press.

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I'd e more concerned with keeping our undrafted rookie free agents if the havegreat seasons.

KJ Carter if he has a great season will be heading to the Houston franchise.

I'm now rooting for Ohalete and if he is still here on opening day M Monds to rebound from his stealthy camp performance.

Why? Youth. And if we can then draft a bookend DT who can step in immediately and contribute the interior would be set

for 5 years.


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Cutting Skaggs is the only thing that shocks me. Here's an effort guy you can't cut for Thompson, who's gone through three preseasons with us now. That is atrocious. I thought Harrison looked better in the games we saw, but all reports from camp were generally very generous to how Greer showed at practice. He did look helpless in the games though. I suspect we didn't want to have a $400,000 cap hit for Greer and that's why he made it.

Mason isn't a surprise at all to me. Pierce is the guy who won that spot and I thought Mason was in trouble when we kept signing veterans and realized we'd need to shave some veteran minimum salaries in place of rookie minimum salaries.

To me, the one underdog I'll root for is George. If George leads us and plays to his ability, we'll be a very difficult offense to defense as the year goes on. So, I have that selfish reason for rooting for him as well smile.gif.


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You know what, I'm not down on Thompson just because Norv decided to keep him but not use him for 2-3 years. Norv clearly had/has his shortcomings as a talent evaluator. If Marty saw something with him, then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. But as I said elsewhere, Thompson vs. Skaggs as a battle over the #5 WR spot. It's nothing but bad news (3rd down and forever; trailing by 20+; injuries) if we have to use our #5 WR on offense. It probably came down to special teams play. But Derrius had better be praying that Tamarick Vanover is not signed by Marty, 'cause he'll be the odd man out in that event.

Did Thompson return any kicks or punts this summer?


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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"Did Thompson return any kicks or punts this summer?"


Not that I remember. The question would probably be better asked like this;

"Did Thompson even play on ANY special teams?"

A 5th Wr has to be a special teams player. HAS to. I do not recall seeing him (Thompson) on any special teams play. So if he did, he was non-existent. And Skaggs contributed on special teams. That's why I thought Skaggs had Derrius beat out. Not to mention Skaggs should of had more upside than Derrius. Derrius has had several years to "improve". It's doubtful he gets much better.

[edited.gif by Montilar on September 03, 2001.]

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