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Traveled Up from NC yesterday to the game, thoughts.


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My father, brother, and my self acquired 3 tickets to the Skins/Bucs thanks to a member on here. We usually try to make it to one game a year at least. Anyways, I thought that the crowd support during the game was great when you look at our record and the weather yesterday. It seemed loud on defense but sometime the fans were getting loud when we were on offense?!

We also got several autographs. Fred Davis, Kevin Barnes, Kareem Moore and of all people, Dan Snyder. I tried twice to get CP to sign my jersey but he just kept his head down and didn't stop. Cooley also passed everyone by the same way he has at the 3 games I have been to. Trent Williams gave a kid a football which was cool. Santana Moss stopped like he did last year when he signed my anniversary jersey(Thanks Santana). This is not a knock on the guys that didn't stop, just an observation.

I also had the best time getting out of the stadium back on 495 that I have ever had. The Cowboys game last year was the worst. Not sure if that was because attendance was down or not.

Anyways, just some thoughts and observations on the game from a life long skins fan who only gets to see this team maybe once a year or if they play the panthers. The experience overall was nice but it really sucked to see such a monster run game by Torrain go to waste.

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Must have been tough for that to be your only game this year, but I suppose that could be the case for any game over the past 5 years. Glad you had a good time though. The ending sucked big time. I guess you got to see Shanny's worst game as a Redskins coach up close and personal.

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I'm glad you got to go up to a game, even if it was a bad one. I went up for 2 this yearm both losses. But for me living out of thr area, I just like to go when I can and cheer on the team. As far as the traffic, I heard a lot of people say that it was down yesterday because of the low attendance. But what I have noticed is no matter the attendance is that when the game is close, people stay and that makes getting out easier. If the skins are getting killed, the fans atar to leave early and the traffic jam starts.

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Must have been tough for that to be your only game this year, but I suppose that could be the case for any game over the past 5 years. Glad you had a good time though. The ending sucked big time. I guess you got to see Shanny's worst game as a Redskins coach up close and personal.

Did you not see the Eagles game?

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I received 4 free club tickets to this game. The crowd wanted to see this team succeed so badly but was left frustrated drive after drive. Finally, on the Moss TD, the place went nuts. Then the botched XP and the place went silent. Nobody even took the time to boo, just left. It was a sad scene.

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I also traveled up from Georgia for the game. It was my first game at FedEx. Overall, I enjoyed the experience. Just getting to be there in person was a thrill for me because it was my first time there. I got lucky and got tickets in 226 under the overhang so I stayed dry the whole time. The game, however, wasnt the best. We had a couple opportunities to give ourselves a good lead and screwed them up. The worst part about it was the 10 hour drive back to Athens, Georgia after the game. I got in at 4:15 am on Monday morning...

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