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Jamal Lewis tears his ACL


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That's a big loss. Not as big of a loss as it would be if Stephen Davis went down, but it's still pretty damn big. I think Leon Searcy is out for 3 months too.

It's not a good thing to lose your premier rusher and your starting right tackle before the season starts. Yes, I'm stating the obvious. When I first saw the article, the actual word that came to mind was "daaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnn....."

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Yes, it is the Ravens, however there but for the Grace of God go we. As someone said, if we lost Stephen Davis, we'd be in the same boat.

From a fantasy football standpoint, that hurts the entire Ravens offense. How much two-deep zone do you think Elvis and those receivers are going to see this year?


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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I just visited the NFL.com site and was reminded per their headline that the Ravens camp is being covered by NFL Films and HBO, as part of the Ravens "defense of the title" or some such thing. Anyway, sux to be them.



"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Stating the obvious, this is certainly unfortunate for the Ravens.

"Let us not find humor in this sad occurrence, as we ourselves may be struck down by the football gods." - Anonymous

It's a shame when one of your main guys goes down, but that's football. We (Skins) have been there and done that.

Let's keep OUR fingers crossed that we have good luck on the injury front this year.

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I was trying to think of FA RB's out there, and I couldn't think of one, but you're right about Rhett. He's a possibility after his release from Cleveland. And there's always HeHateMe . . .


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Actually, if this report is true, Rhett signed with the Rams yesterday...although this is the only place I've seen this story reported:

Rams |Rhett signs - from KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

August 7, 2001 21:50:41 PT Jim Thomas reports for the Post-Dispatch St. Louis Rams have signed RB Errict Rhett to a one-year contract. With starting RB Marshall Faulk expected to be held out of the team's next two pre-season games and with reserve RB Trung Canidate (knee) injured, Rhett is expected to be the primary ball carrier.

" I'm glad we got money stored away," coach Mike Martz said. "We're scraping the bottom of the barrell for talent." "At this rate, we'll never beat New Orleans."

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Sorry to hear it, but........the beat goes on.

Score 1 for Marty for "loading" and STILL open to anymore looks at RB, now we know why.

When he wanted to look at more LB's, and LaVar gets an injury, we know why. When we load up on 10 WR's in camp, we know why. We can never have enough of anybody in "training camp" because the "no-names" and the like will cause havoc to your team, while trying to make it. Nothing intentional, just clumsy, awkward and trying to get in the NFL. So we let all those we have "scraps from the plate" duke it out, while those who know about the right way to do this and that are together. Now it all makes sense.

I will never wish it on anyone and still hope the best throughout for us (of course) wish others well.

Man, that injury is "sooooo" familiar these days, especially over the last few years. Anyone have any answers as to why???

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KFFL always cites their sources, so they're usually reliable for info . . . if their source is reliable. You have to pay attention.

First of all, miserable timing for Baltimore that Canidate went down on Monday night, meaning the Rams snapped Rhett up right before Lewis went down.

Second, what a quote from Martz about "scraping the bottom of the barrell for talent" present company excluded, Errict, I'm sure!

Finally, how hard is that phone in Denver ringing right now!


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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When the Ravens drafted Lewis, I told my boss (the Ravens season ticket holder), "he's a talented back, but he's injury prone." He pooh-poohed it as if I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm not going to say a word about the injury when I see him Friday. It'll drive him twice as nuts as he waits all day for an "I told you so" that will never come evil.gif

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From what I read on a Ravens board, it looks like Jason Brookins -- an undrafted rookie free agent in '00 -- is the Ravens top backup behind Jamal Lewis. Fifth round draft pick Chris Barnes is the other backup on the roster.

When you look at the (lack of) depth at RB on their roster, you realize just how significant this hit is.

'Tis the way of the NFL...

[edited.gif by Dale on August 08, 2001.]

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Originally posted by indyskinsfan:

Man, that injury is "sooooo" familiar these days, especially over the last few years. Anyone have any answers as to why???

One theory I've seen is that while the bone structure of our athletes' bodies is built the same way that it was 20 years ago, the training has greatly increased the ability to build and carry muscle mass and strength. So while athletes get stronger, the capacity of their bodies to endure physical stress has remained the same. Their muscle strength is literally tearing up their bodies, resulting in more torn ligaments and tendons, and more broken bones. It's not helped by the fact that more muscle usually means less flexibility, and a lot of athletes are miserable at stretching.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Redman is very right here. Every year now, it seems we see a top flight RB torquing his knee into oblivion and going down w/out taking a substantial hit. And artificial turf only exaberates the problem. Check with Tyrell Davis or Jamal Anderson, I'm sure they'll tell you it takes 2 years to fully recover from this type of injury.

There were complaints about artificial turf on a thread earlier this week. I am hopeful, that with the construction of new stadia and the development of hybrid turfs (like they have at Huskie Stadium and Tropicana Field) such injuries may strike less frequently.

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If KJ Carter gets into football shape we should have very good depth at the HB spot.

The football Gods probably have a thing against Fans that are totally anal thus a blow to B'more.

As long as Tampon bay doesn't win it this year I'll be happy


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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You know, Tampa Bay never used to bother me. I didn't mind them having a little success after years of futility. And the uniform change looked good IMHO biggrin.gif.

But I must admit, some of those fans are hard to tolerate. What ever happened to the civil Buc fans that made themselves known last season?

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When the Ravens took Lewis last year I, like a lot of folks, was shocked as he had a rep as being injury prone. I remember thinking "there he goes again" when he hurt his arm in a preseason game with us. Then, when he came back and they won the Super Bowl (it still makes me shudder to say that) I thought of it more as a gamble that paid off for them. Well, now they've rolled snake eyes this time around.

Though I don't like the Ravens, I hope Lewis is able to come back and be productive later...hopefully AFTER they've lost a number of pivotal free agents and slid back into mediocrity where any "gas-n-go" tax $$$ stealing Fart Modell team belongs.

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