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Planning for a Redskins Dynasty


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Even if you aren't changing schemes, in the NFL, you have a high roster turnover every year. But, sure you can add complexity to some extent.

Right. I think, once the team has an established core, a few compromises in the plan are okay, but teams that trade away draft picks as ours has in the past are prey for dynasty builders.

The high turnover in players is a direct result of teams looking for the big win NOW mentality. Patriots and Colts went years with little turnover and look at the dynasties they had

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The high turnover in players is a direct result of teams looking for the big win NOW mentality. Patriots and Colts went years with little turnover and look at the dynasties they had
Free agency and the salary cap created a higher turn rate. We'll have to see how a new agreement would work. Injuries and an 18 game schedule will mean that your depth players will need to get enough reps to understand the schemes as well.
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Come up with our own simple but complex scheme......brilliant!

Problem solved, now if you only had a billion dollars to buy the team.

There's nothing complex about it, but I'm a little short of the cash needed. Would you consider investing?
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Free agency and the salary cap created a higher turn rate. We'll have to see how a new agreement would work. Injuries and an 18 game schedule will mean that your depth players will need to get enough reps to understand the schemes as well.

That are equally responsible. One friend told me he thinks the NFL should go to Wall Street and all the teams. In his mind that would solve alot of the issues the league faces today in regards to the CBA. I can't agree with that. I think the best thing for the NFL is for the owners to get their minds out of their wallets and understand they are providing a product to the public.

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Zone is the simple yet complex scheme, high school kids can become proficient in it after a summer and 3 games. If ran right the D can't make the right choice. If it's inside or outside you double team till the next level shows then you peel off and engage. If you can reach em great, if you can't reach em run em. Both create gaps. What can be simpler?

Then you go zone pass pro, most Ds are gap sound even in their exotic looks, so you zone or slide doesn't matter who comes just where they come.

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That are equally responsible. One friend told me he thinks the NFL should go to Wall Street and all the teams. In his mind that would solve alot of the issues the league faces today in regards to the CBA. I can't agree with that. I think the best thing for the NFL is for the owners to get their minds out of their wallets and understand they are providing a product to the public.

We aren't talking health care or feeding the population, we are talking about entertainment. It is all about profit, society would not fail if the NFL dissapeared. Everything about the NFL is about profit, that's why they have their own channel so they get a bigger piece.

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That are equally responsible. One friend told me he thinks the NFL should go to Wall Street and all the teams. In his mind that would solve alot of the issues the league faces today in regards to the CBA. I can't agree with that. I think the best thing for the NFL is for the owners to get their minds out of their wallets and understand they are providing a product to the public.

We aren't talking health care or feeding the population, we are talking about entertainment. It is all about profit, society would not fail if the NFL dissapeared. Everything about the NFL is about profit, that's why they have their own channel so they get a bigger piece.

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Example of how simple a fix can be on zone. We run zone left vs the lions with torain. Torain gets tackled in the back field for a 3 yard loss by cory Williams of the lions, rahbach was on Williams hip trying to get him cut off and blocked but Williams already was up field and past his block, damn rahbach missing a block right? Wrong, Cory was a inside eye tackle lined up over Kory L and at the snap ran right through KLs shoulder turning it, instead of engaging a man that came right through you KL slipped him and squared up in the gap waiting on a 2nd level fill. What should have happened is KL should have stopped the DTs momentum allowing rahbach to get over there and then came off later when second level showed. A simple post block would have gotten at least a 3 yard gain instead of a loss.

If anyone is paying attention reach right has been good while reach left has be awful. Right now KL is the problem.

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We aren't talking health care or feeding the population, we are talking about entertainment. It is all about profit, society would not fail if the NFL dissapeared. Everything about the NFL is about profit, that's why they have their own channel so they get a bigger piece.

By definition a product is, an item that ideally satisfies a market's want or need. At that is what the NFL is. The whole reason for the possibility of a lockout is GREED. If owners would put fans ahead of their pockets we would have a better NFL.

I never hinted that society would fail if the NFL disappeared. Every single company in the world is about profit, but you do not see McDonalds facing a lockout by employees, or Blue Cross Blue Shield closing their doors until the employees take a pay cut. Without the FANS their would be no NFL because they wouldn't have a profit.

Sorry if I didn't explain my stance well enough for you the first time

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Zone is the simple yet complex scheme, high school kids can become proficient in it after a summer and 3 games. If ran right the D can't make the right choice. If it's inside or outside you double team till the next level shows then you peel off and engage. If you can reach em great, if you can't reach em run em. Both create gaps. What can be simpler?

Then you go zone pass pro, most Ds are gap sound even in their exotic looks, so you zone or slide doesn't matter who comes just where they come.

Haslett has told us that he is trying to duplicate Pittsburgh's scheme (copycat) and that it takes three years for it to done as proficiently as the Steelers do it (too complex).

If we take Jim at his word, his scheme is not unique and it's too complex.

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Haslett has told us that he is trying to duplicate Pittsburgh's scheme (copycat) and that it takes three years for it to done as proficiently as the Steelers do it (too complex).

If we take Jim at his word, it's not unique and it's too complex.

My biggest problem with any coordinator. They always want to be like someone else. Even if it is just as a building block that they are going to put a twist on. What happened to the creative coordinators that created their own unique schemes?

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Haslett has told us that he is trying to duplicate Pittsburgh's scheme (copycat) and that it takes three years for it to done as proficiently as the Steelers do it (too complex).

If we take Jim at his word, it's not unique and it's too complex.

My biggest problem with any coordinator. They always want to be like someone else. Even if it is just as a building block that they are going to put a twist on. What happened to the creative coordinators that created their own unique schemes?

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Yah, my post was about offense.

I haven't been a big hasselett supporter, however he has adjusted his D and they are playing better, at least v the run. Better gap intregty etc... He has simplified a good bit while still mixing in some exotic looks. Don't get me wrong I like simple, but to be simple in today's NFL you must have great talent, you must consistently get one on one wins up front, sorry but doesn't happen often in today's game.

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Yah, my post was about offense.

I haven't been a big hasselett supporter, however he has adjusted his D and they are playing better, at least v the run. Better gap intregty etc... He has simplified a good bit while still mixing in some exotic looks. Don't get me wrong I like simple, but to be simple in today's NFL you must have great talent, you must consistently get one on one wins up front, sorry but doesn't happen often in today's game.

Sonny Jurgensen has said that Vince Lombardi was the only coach he ever had who tried to simplify the game. All the others of his era tried to complicate it. I don't think that's changed. From what I've read, Tom Moore's passing game has a smaller playbook than most NFL teams. That allows Peyton to concentrate his practice time on fewer plays and allows he and his receivers the chance to get on the same page even though most plays are called at the LOS.
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I'm sorry. What does this have to do with Jay Cutler being a better quarterback than Peyton Manning?

Oldfan posts something non-controversial and thought-provoking, a great thread in my opinion, worthy of everyone's time...and you try to derail it :doh:

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My biggest problem with any coordinator. They always want to be like someone else. Even if it is just as a building block that they are going to put a twist on. What happened to the creative coordinators that created their own unique schemes?

True enough, coaches are thieves no doubt. Rex Ryan is a very unique coordinator and even he is just meshing a bunch of ideas and schemes together. What makes the jets blitz package tuff on third and long type situations is Rex isn't affriad to not be gap sound. So you get three guys free to the QB and 3 blockers looking at air.

Fear I would say is the biggest factor in lack of original thinking in the NFL.

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Sonny Jurgensen has said that Vince Lombardi was the only coach he ever had who tried to simplify the game. All the others of his era tried to complicate it. I don't think that's changed. From what I've read, Tom Moore's passing game has a smaller playbook than most NFL teams. That allows Peyton to concentrate his practice time on fewer plays and allows he and his receivers the chance to get on the same page even though most plays are called at the LOS.

that actually is true. tape an Indy game and watch the film. 95% of their pass plays have the exact same routes to them. All that changes is who runs which route.. Very basic very simple and easy to perfect

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Oldfan, I'll respond in greater detail once I've gotten some sleep after a late night and early morning :ols:

But I think this is a great thread, and that not only are your ideas sound at first glance, but also worth lots of discussion.

I hope the thread does not only become a rankings-fest, although that is an important part...because your philosophies, and ideas on implementing them, are very interesting, and worth careful consideration.

You seem to be getting the kind of feedback you desired so far, and I hope it continues, for the sake of all the rational-minded on ES...a thread like this is needed during a long bye week filled with...well, crap, all over the board.

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