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Saturday mornings


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Hey Navy:

I'm in Jackson, MS and the rain is pouring. Sounds like a country song!. No chasing the white ball around today, so I'm playing couch potato.

To answer your question, I think Sponge Bob is pretty funny.

Of course, none of the modern cartoons match my old childhood favorites: Bugs Bunny, Foghorn Leghorn, Aqua Man, Bullwinkle, Spiderman, etc.

Anybody else got any old favorites?


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The old B&W Popeye are my all time favorites. Tom & Jerry, cartoons are also high on my list. Sponge Bob is OK, but can ware on you fast. I rather watch Rug Rats, or Rocket Power. Rug Rats has more humor only adults can catch then you would expect in a kids show. It's a shame our kids don't get to see stuff like the little rascles, and the real Popeye cartoons.

Bada..Be Bada..Be Thats all folks eyebrows.gif

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I think you guys have a warped perception of how funny Bugs Bunny was. He wasn't. Those cartoons weren't any good. When you're a little kid, anything is amusing.

Cartoons of today include The Simpsons, The Family Guy, King of the Hill, Johnny Bravo, Batman, Mummies Alive, and South Park.

Donald Duck couldn't hold a candle to these guys.



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My favorite currently is Dexter's Laboratory. That is one funny cartoon.

Johnny Bravo is good, so is Catdog.

Samurai Jack is a new one that's cool in a Kurosawa/Sergio Leone sort of way.

Older cartoons that I still like are Pinky And The Brain, and Ren and Stimpy.

I'm not too crazy about Dragonball Z.

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All Saturday morning cartoons are great ... to the extent that they keep the children occupied while I reacquaint myself with Lady Om by the light of day.

As for back in the day, you haven't really lived if you've never watched Mighty Mouse and Underdog dubbed into Spanish.


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Originally posted by ShonyX:

I think you guys have a warped perception of how funny Bugs Bunny was. He wasn't. Those cartoons weren't any good. When you're a little kid, anything is amusing.

Cartoons of today include The Simpsons, The Family Guy, King of the Hill, Johnny Bravo, Batman, Mummies Alive, and South Park.

Donald Duck couldn't hold a candle to these guys.

I couldn't disagree more. The Looney Toons are funny on a number of levels, which makes them endure. They have slapstick, great animation, and funny voices which makes the kids love them. But the way that they satire certain occupations, people, pop culture, politics etc. at the same time, and all to classical music that is excellently matched to the on-screen action, is awesome.

Of all the modern toons you listed, only the Simpsons deserve to even be mentioned in the same conversstion. But all of those cartoons have tried to develop themes and styles first introduced by the Looney Toons.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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As one of the older members of this board, in my opinion,nothing tops the old cartoons. Watch them growing up, watched them with my kids, and now watch them with the grandchild. Has the coyote caught the road-runner yet? Now there's a underdog I rooted for every week.biggrin.gif One day he'll catch that SOB.....BEEP, BEEP your a$$laugh.gif

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Bugs toons before the PC Police were classics.

The Best cartoon is on the cartoon network and comes on Monday thru Friday and is DragonBall Z.

The uncut versions are impressive and naughty

Family Guy is funny,Futurama and Celebrity Death match has it moments.

But Saturday morn is only good for extended bedtime now


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Agreed about DragonBall Z, Dave. The buildup takes a long time, but once the rumbling starts, it's great. Of course, it was too violent for the fainthearted WB execs.

All of the old Looney Tunes are much funnier for adults than kids; after all, they were made as shorts for Warner Bros. movies.

Most of the Saturday morning stuff is crap today, especially the Pokemon/Digimon/Cardcaptors variety. Men in Black's pretty good, though.

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You guys just need to get up earlier. Rocky and Bullwinkle is still on TV early in the morning on weekends. I discovered it when channel surfing while half waking up. There's nothing like hearing Bullwinkle saying to Rocky "Now this is how you lick the kitty." Of course he didn't say kitty. I sat straight up in my bed, and it took me a minute to realize my roomate hadn't ordered the porn channel. I had forgotten how perverted that cartoon was. Of course I was too young to get most of it the first time around.

My favorite growing up was Foghorn Leghorn. Now I guess my favorite is the Xmen and Batman beyond.

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You guys have already mentioned some of my favorites like The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats, but I don't think anybody mentioned Tom and Jerry. They were absolutely the best. Especially before they went and made them all politically correct. Now, before Indy gets started, be advised that I am black and I still found a lot of that stuff funny. Some of it was a little questionable based on today's PC thinking, but at the very least it was HI-LARIOUSlaugh.gif Also, you occasionally got a Tex Avery bonus cartoon which could be about almost anything. That guy was a comic genius.

Also, whoever said that looney tunes were overrated, obviously doesn't get all the shades of meaning that they had. As previously mentioned, you and the kids could be laughing at them at the same time, just for completely different reasons. Very funny stuff.

[edited.gif by Yusuf06 on September 02, 2001.]

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Glad you're on board, Yusuf. This board community will benefit from some diversity.

I know the discussion is about cartoons...specifically Sat. morn. fare...but how many of you grew up reading comic books? I started with DC stuff (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern etc.) and sort of graduated to the Marvel stable (Hulk, Thor, Fantastic Four, Avengers etc.). I remember buying them for 12 cents - so that'll date me.

I probably stretched my vocabulary more through reading Dr. Strange than I did in school.

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Yusuf, I mentioned Tom & Jerry as my second all-time favorite cartoons, and couldn't agree more. Tom & Jerry had it all. Where else could you get a cat dressed as Carmen Maranda doing show tunes, or a mouse singing Italian love songs. I think the combo of sound effects, atrful animators, and pure slapstick can't be beat. The detail in the old cartoons, blows away most of todays stuff. The supporting cast was also the best. Spike & Tyke, the large black women, the little girl, and all the rest.

"Is you is, or is you aint my baby......lately baby I've been feelin blue.......or is my baby, still my baby true"


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Hey Yusu.

My favorite Tom And Jerry is the one where Tom's trying to serenade his lady friend by singing 'Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby', to the accompaniment of his double bass.

That's a classic.


What I don't get now is the cartoon channel putting the Flintstones into heavy rotation. First off, it wasn't very funny. Second, it was actually first introduced as a prime time show with overtones of the old Jackie Gleason classic - The Honeymooners. As such, most of the humor is geared towards adult themes (no, not ADULT themes, parent themes). I don't think kids ever cared about Fred's troubles with his boss or job, bowling with the guys at the lodge, or any of the other story lines that funny.

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I loved the Super Friends vs. The Legion of Doom. And even though I wasn't that young when it first came out, I loved the Thundercats. I also liked the Bugs cartoons. Tom and Jerry were funny. Josie and the *****cats were good but I always wished that Josie and the *****cats were real people. They were hot for cartoon characters.

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