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HobbyTown USA?


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I love that place and would have jumped on this just a couple of years ago -- but with two very young daughters I have no reason to go anymore. My girls don't care about that stuff and I have no time to get back into it.

There MUST be someone on here with a kid who likes R/C, rockets, models, trains, etc. It's never too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts, folks!

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Eff Hobbytown USA, Don't know how they operate in your part of the country, but they are jackasses here. I got their point card but it was only valid for purchases I made at the Nampa store, and anything I bought at the Boise store (less then 20 miles away) didn't count and visa versa. Same franchise...same local owner. I thought that was bogus but whatever...I'll deal with it.

Then I called the Nampa store because I had purchased some Games Workshop miniatures that I ended up not needing and were still in the shrink wrap. The guy I talked to said I was only a few days past the return period so they would go ahead and let me bring them back for store credit. That was kosher with me and I told him I'd drop in after work. He said he'd be off shift by then but he would make a note for the afternoon guys.

Anyway, after work I go home, get the miniatures (polystyrene not pewter) and drive to Hobbytown USA. When I get there, the Hutt working the counter told me that the guy I talked to did leave a note for them but they couldn't take them back because they were "collectables" and could not be returned under any circumstances.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, "they're not limited edition pewter, they're polystyrene!"

"Doesn't matter, they're collectable."

"Ok regardless of that, the other guy told you'd give me credit and I drove all the way here."

"Well he was mistaken, Sorry."

So I took out my point card (I'd already spent around $200 dollars on previous purchases), laid it on the counter and told them they may as well cut it up because I was never spending another dime there and walked out.

Now I just do what I should have been doing since the beginning: Supporting the locally owned independent business (All About Games if you're in the Boise area). It may cost a little more but the selection and service is superior.

OK done ranting.

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That sounds pretty atrocious, hawgboy. I had good experiences with the one in Frederick, MD. I've been to the Manassas store a couple of times but it was much smaller, less stock and didn't have a gaming area.

What Games Worshop games do you play? I'm more on the fantasy side, with Fantasy Battle and Mordheim but I have part of an Epic army which I've never even fielded.

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The straw that broke the camel's back was the fact that they wouldn't honor a verbal commitment on a 25 dollar box of minis. It wouldn't have killed them to work with me and I would have spent a lot more money in the long run there because it was the only store in Nampa with anything resembling a Games Workshop section. In fact the Hobbytowns in Nampa and Boise, and the All About Games in Boise are the only GW dealers in Southwest Idaho period.

Anyway I got back into Warhammer Fantasy Battle this past winter. I had played a little in the mid 90's but quit pretty much all gaming with my first marriage. Shortly after first (and hopefully only =] ) divorce, my bros talked me back into gaming a little.

I have lots of Warhammer Roleplay 2nd Edition stuff which is good because the new 3rd edition Fantasy Flight games came out with doesn't appeal to me. I even have my old 1st edition rule book kicking around somewhere.

I picked up a used 7th edition WFB book for 20$ and started an Empire army and am now putting together a Dwarf army. Games Workshop just released 8th edition but I'm going to hold out until they 8th edition box set comes out because then you can get a smaller copy of the rulebook with rules only and not the backstory (which I know by heart).

Other games me and my buds play are Fantasy Flight's reissue of Talisman (character based board game) and a little bit of Dark Heresy role play (sp?) My wife even digs Talisman. That's really all the gaming I have time for in this crazy game called life!

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I've an Empire army, basically the only one I really run though I've tinkered with High Elves and contemplated other armies in the past. Do you frequent any of the WFB forums?

I think 8th edition sounds like fun, but I'm sort of getting a little bored with the hobby at the moment, unfortunately. But it ebbs and flows.

I think if they did a lot more stuff like Talisman and Space Hulk they'd get more customers. Hero Quest and Battlemasters is what got me hooked!

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Do you frequent any of the WFB forums?

I think 8th edition sounds like fun, but I'm sort of getting a little bored with the hobby at the moment, unfortunately. But it ebbs and flows.

I have a membership at Warhammer Battle Reporter Forum that I occasionally visit for rule questions and gossip. I was there the other day to see any reactions to the new edition. Sounds like they switched magic up quite a bit and it supposedly brings Vampire Counts into check...we'll see...I hate those guys.

I've tapered off from WHFB in the last couple of months just because the weathers good and I can engage in my other inclinations like golf, shooting, camping ect but will probably get back into when fall and winter rolls around. Not on Sundays though...we all know what we'll be doing then!


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