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Marty, prove me wrong..until then..we stink.


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I have been reading, posting and living with Redskins fans for some time, and know how we are. We praise the skins and are spoiled by the success we had when Joe Gibbs was running the show. We expected so much when Norv was the HC and it's only right if your a Redskin fan. we expect and continue to want the best. That's one reason why little debbie, I mean(Danny) bought the team.

We come on those boards and say we got this, or we're gonna do this, or we're gonna do that, and when it doesn't come off that way we get optimistic it we change. That's all fine and dandy, but if the shoe fit wear it man. The Skins look horrible right now, and for you people to say any diffrent is ludicrous.

last year after the wheels starting falling off, some of you guys would post how we were gonna bounce back, it never happen. Some of you guys got mud in your face because you thought we were and should have been one of the elite teams, which we should have been.

It never happened.................

That's just from being spoiled and wanting to win after being a constant contender yeaer after year when oe was HC. Sure, we didn't go to the big dance every year when Joe was here. But believe me, we put up a fight year in and year out. We didn't look as pathetic as we have been the last several years.

Sure, I'm optimistic that things will change in the future, and sure, I won't instant gratification right now. But I can't see it right now. After four pre-season games we're still looking four answers. After four pre-season games, we still are not close to even having any continuity. People, that's pathetic.

I heard some of you guys saying before the pre-season started that we were going to do this, or we were going to win this many games. Oh! now it's a diffrent tune. Some of you are saying know one expected us to be this or us to be that. But alot of you said we were gonna win atleast 9 or 10 games.

How many of you still think that regardless of what we've seen in pre-season. I do..that's because once again I'm being optimistic.

But face it you'll, in all but one pre-season game we stunk up the place. We even stunk in the one we won before Banks took over. May I remind you of the total yards of offense we had before banks got in.

I gurantee you, that if the the offense continue to struggle, and Jeff continues to lay down when a blitz is comming his way. You guys are going to be calling for "Tony".

Regardless of what kind of arm George has, if he doesn't have time to throw, or if he can hardly dodge a blitz. The offense is going to sputter just like last year, and that's with Westbrook. Westbrook is not going to be the savior. Until this team and Marty start showing signs of progress, I'm not going to fool myself into thinking there's something there that's not.

The Washington Redskins are not invincible, and we also can become a terrible football team like the Cincy's, Cardinals and the rest of them. We got manhandled by teams in that caliber (Clev.)..Until Marty and this team shows diffrently, don't go running off about what we are going to do or should do. Let's not tell other fans how bad they're football team is going be when they post here until we can get our house in order.

The kettle can't call the Tea Pot black just yet...

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He's got a little Bong in there too smile.gif.

Emister, I don't think I've seen one person on this board say we've looked anything less than horrible throughout the preseason, so I'm not sure where you're seeing differently.

The fact of the matter is we have enough skill to win, and we have a coach that HAS won. In the previous seven years, even when we've had skill, we haven't had that second ingredient.

You are tilting at windmills now and it's not productive. I think every single person here recognizes there are problems at this point in time. I think every single one of us realizes those problems will have to be corrected in order for the team to achieve.

No one is saying otherwise. We still have the ability to win some football games this year. And we will do just that.


Doom is in the box.

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I really don't understand the point of your posts EMISTER

unless it is to confirm what we already know, that fans tend to rate their teams higher and then lower than others based on the overriding passions of the moment.

Now, I said IF the team made it through without major injury problems then 9-7 was a realistic target, with 10-6 being an outside number as the 12-4 record the Giants amassed last season was for them.

A lot of the troubles the Redskins are having with player turnover and cohesiveness in August are the same ones that are deviling the team we will be facing in the regular season such as San Diego, Arizona, Dallas, Chicago, etc....

So there is no reason to believe that we are completely closed off in the abstract from picking up steam as the season goes along and finishing strong, much as Green Bay did last year.

I don't think (given the health factor) that is being unrealistic.

Now, does 9-7 mean the Redskins will be in the Super Bowl? No.

And if there are injuries that continue to hit key areas such as those to Jeff George, Bruce Smith, Stephen Davis or Champ Bailey then the team will struggle.

But given injuries to the same key spots most if not all teams would struggle as well, as there is ZERO depth with 31 teams.

That is how Mark Rypien can come back from a 3 year layoff and be the starting quarterback for the Colts last week when Manning got dinged. It is how Randall Cunningham at 39 remains employed in the NFL. And until last year, Warren Moon at 42.

You started this post here making the same argument you did on another thread, but once again go back to 1981 and look at how the team started, how many new players Gibbs was phasing in, how chaotic that looked at first glance and how the fans and media were doubting the direction of the program even halfway through that season.

To expect Marty to put out a well-oiled machine with all its parts shining after tinkering for 4 months is a little much, especially since the last joker got 7 years to try and get it right.

Come back in a year and tell us then based on the outcomes of REAL games and seeing the development of Marty's own draft picks and free agents that he made the wrong decisions or there is great cause for concern about becoming the Cardinals or Bengals.

At least then we will have more than 8 quarters of Todd Husak and Sage Rosenfels' folly videos from KC and the Atlanta SCRIMMAGES to chew on, okay?


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What apology is there to be made for having high expectations for your team? If you want a team that you don't expect much from, then root for Cincy. But don't confuse expectations with predictions. On the latter, I think we're all being realistic.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Bucs92, it would be interesting to get your prediction on Tampa's season. How many wins? Division title in 2001? Super Bowl berth, etc.??

It is easy to look at another team with a new staff and a lot of new players and say "look at the chaos", it is a lot more difficult to scrutinize a team like the Bucs that has been close but for one reason or another has come up just short in recent years.

Often, that extra 5% is more difficult to find than it is to rebuild a team from scratch.

The late 1980's Vikings and early 1990's Bills come to mind here as do the late 1970's Patriots and Broncos.

These teams were all close to climbing the mountain and had solid, playoff teams each year. But somehow they just couldn't find the recipe that made the bread rise.

Could that be happening in Tampa with all the changes in offensive staff and personnel in the past 2 years?

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I don't think I've seen one person on this board say we've looked anything less than horrible throughout the preseason


I don't think I've ever given that indication. While I've agreed that part have looked horrible, most of the negatives I've seen are correctable (eg, missing the play by a half-step). In fact, our pre-season performance has made me feel we may win one or two more games than I originally thought.


Comming October 16, a new name!

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If you are looking to debate a point, that's fine. It doesn't matter how correctable our mistakes are. The fact is, we have looked atrocious. I, too, fully believe the mistakes aren't quite as glaring as they would appear. But, if you are indicating the team hasn't looked horrible, without question, to this point, you are probably not going to have much ammunition to use in defense of that one.

Your feeling that we may win more games than you had originally thought is great. You can accentuate the positives all you want. That's great. I do the same. But, no one on this board has said, "This team hasn't looked that bad guys." We've looked every bit that bad. Despite that, I'm still confident on the final outcome of the season. So are you. We rule.


Doom is in the box.

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Originally posted by Art:


If you are looking to debate a point, that's fine. It doesn't matter how correctable our mistakes are. The fact is, we have looked atrocious. I, too, fully believe the mistakes aren't quite as glaring as they would appear. But, if you are indicating the team hasn't looked horrible, without question, to this point, you are probably not going to have much ammunition to use in defense of that one.

Your feeling that we may win more games than you had originally thought is great. You can accentuate the positives all you want. That's great. I do the same. But, no one on this board has said, "This team hasn't looked that bad guys." We've looked every bit that bad. Despite that, I'm still confident on the final outcome of the season. So are you. We rule.

No Art, I wasn't trying to debate, I was only pointing out that at least one person (me) on this board does not think the Skins were horrible, as you originaly said. Unless, of course, I am imagining that I am on this board.


Comming October 16, a new name!

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I am just glad tha preseason doesn't count and nobody got seriously hurt before the first game. Who knows what Marty is up to? He could either have a crapass team or he's hiding his real plays and formations to give no teams an edge. Remember, the two superbowl teams last year went 0-4 and 4-0 in the preseason. That shows that anything can happen.

have a nice weekend all.


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I speak the truth and Im not here to insult any of you Redskins fans. If that were the case, I'm insulting may self. Sure, say what you like, but the truth of the matter is I do have high expectations year in and year out. What fans in they're right mind would not for his beloved team.

But, in contrast, we have alot of work to do inorder to get this ship in working order again. All I'm saying is Marty presence alone is not going to make this thing go. You have to have attitude from your players, and players that know how to step up at critical times. The skins have been lacking that tenacity of a killer instinct since Norv took over. We definitely have the talent, but the talents not showing up on the field. Whats the problem?

Yes! our offensive of line along with the defense of line is going to hurt us if we can't get some of these players to step up. Why is it that teams like the Cowboys can get some of their younger players to step up and smack us around the last couple of years. Go figure...

No more excuses...results will be shown on the field, and if not...live with it. That's the nature of the Business, sometmes you won't be a true contender until you get the house in order. I know you guys had high expectations when Marty got here, and don't say you didn't. During mini camp and training camp some of you guys had high hopes. But now since the verdict is out, you all or saying we never said that. Give me a break.....even I had high hopes that Marty could finally come in here and make the talented players we have kick some arse.

The season just begun, and if these guys look anything like they have in pre-season, put the glass pipe down...

Oh! remember the Bucs were losers for years, right bucs92..eventually dungy got the right players to have atleast a defensively killer instint.

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Ok, Monkey, let's take this slowly, and perhaps you can explain it again for me. I'm pretty dim, so perhaps it's my fault for not catching on. But, I said, "I don't think I've seen one person on this board say we've looked anything less than horrible throughout the preseason."

You seemed to think that was a quotable sentence, so you quoted it, indicating that I haven't seen you say we've looked horrible. Not that I ever said you did. I simply said I've not seen anyone say we haven't been. Until this last post of yours, I still hadn't. I tried to communicate with you that we probably are in concert with how we view the season, but, that to this point, factually, I've not seen one person on this board indicate that we haven't looked horrible this offseason.

By your quote of that statement, it would lead me to believe that sometime PRIOR to that utterance, you'd said we hadn't looked bad this preseason. That sometime earlier you've said we haven't looked horrible. Now, if you'd be so kind as to show me the post you wrote prior to this thread that indicated you thought we didn't look horrible this preseason and/or that we weren't looking too bad, I'll stand corrected.

But, if you didn't say that prior to this thread, then, my point is pretty sound. I don't think I've seen anyone on this board indicating that we have been anything LESS than horrible throughout the preseason. I didn't say everyone was saying we looked horrible. I said no one has said we haven't looked horrible. Now, if you'd like to be the first to say it, great.

Then, you are precisely the person EMister is writing to. You are in denial. Not even the most silver lining fan among us can label these four preseason performances as anything other than atrocious. It's not something that can seriously be stated. We still agree on the season. I think if you cared to be honest with our preseason, we'd agree on that as well.

And, if you don't care to be honest about the preseason, that's cool. The rest of us will be right and you'll be wrong smile.gif. No worries smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

[edited.gif by Art on August 31, 2001.]

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