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Bruce doesn't seem to pleased...


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Redskins | Smith Frustrated - from KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

Washington Times reports an embarrasing 0-2 start apparently has Washington Redskins DE Bruce Smith thinking of retirement. "We all think about our careers being over at some time, but I guess I'd be lying if I didn't say the way the last two weeks have gone, it has crossed my mind," Smith said. "It's embarrassing. It's depressing. It leaves such a filthy taste in your mouth," Smith said. "Thank God it's a short week [to prepare to play the Chiefs]."

How come we can't have a team where after they lose they apologize(like Arrington)and come out the next week looking to rip someones head off.Personally I am getting a little tired a Bruce.I just hope his attitude doesn't rub off on the younger players.

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The interesting thingh is I guess if he were to retire, just like George is frees up funds. Now I assume Lang would be moved back to DE and Cowsette and DeLoach would split time at DT. There aren';t any other DT out there are there?


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Bruce has a pretty large signing bonus still due him, so if he were to retire at the end of this season, we'd probably try to spread him over two for the hit and actually save a little cash against the cap for next season. New year's free agent crop is hardly inspiring at the moment though. Chuck Wiley may be the best, young player at defensive end available and he's no great shakes.

Bruce does need to look in the mirror though and ask himself if it would be less embarrassing if he would make a sack on a third-down play, or make a crushing tackle to slow the offense when the defense tires. He has to look to himself. And, I think he will do that this week.


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I was going to jump in on this one and post something I thought would shock everyone. But y'all beat me to it. Apparently Bruce Smith's lack of productivity has not gone unnoticed.

Bruce is there for the sack and nothing more. Regardless of the play, he's using his speed with a wide outside rush that puts him way out of position on running plays.

His constant grumbling has grown wearisome. Where's the leadership?

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What the he!! do you want the man to do, be happy? The players SHOULD be pi$$ed off like Bruce is. Is it a crime to be po'ed when your struggling? Atleast he shows he cares.

The singling out of one player, saying it's one guy's fault or whatever is stupid! This team as a whole has played horrible.

I do think the cutting of George was the right move just b/c it's like mixing oil and water with this offense and Jeff George. At the same time I can't fault Marty for giving him a shot, but it didn't work out. Banks can't be any worse than George was in the first 2 games for sure.

I hope this move will not only improve our offense, but light a fire under this team as a whole b/c it shows nobody is safe.



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