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No Mavin Lewis.... SIgh...


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<a href="http://www.sunspot.net/sports/football/bal-preston09.column?coll=bal%2Dsports%2Dheadlines" target="_blank">%$^#%#%@#%@%#^$^#$^#^!!!!!!!!!!!</a> <br /><br />Damn. I really, REALLLY wanted this to happen too. Evidently Marvin Lewis chose stability over money. Shows he has character I guess.<br /><br />But with their cap woes, he is going to be tested next season to field a defense in the top 20, let alone top 5. He may just be hurting his chances to get that heach coaching position he covets.

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This might be the dissapointment talking, but that was quite possibly the worst piece of journalism I've ever read. Who the hell is Mike Preston? Marvin's father?<br /><br />Marvin also mentions he's tired of "putting his family through this." Well, perhaps you should quit ****ing that you didn't get the Bucs job, Marvin. Nobody is going to feel sorry for you when you refuse to leave your comfort zone.<br /><br />He's going to regret not taking our coordinator position, especially when he realizes it could have been a stepping stone to his head coaching aspirations...oh yeah! I forgot! He has no aspirations! <br /><br />I can just imagine if this guy worked a 9 to 5 job.<br />CEO: Marvin, we're giving you a promotion from janitor to president.<br />Marvin: Uhhh, I'm fine here.<br /><br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[Guns]" title="" src="graemlins/guns.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[cuss]" title="" src="graemlins/cuss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[doh]" title="" src="graemlins/doh.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[finger]" title="" src="graemlins/finger.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[dunce]" title="" src="graemlins/dunce.gif" /> <br /><br />"In retrospect, Lewis should be glad he wasn't hired by the Bucs, who have replaced the Redskins as the model for incompetency." This genius fails to overlook the fact that another "genius" Brian Billick brought in a high priced Elvis Grbac after cutting Superbowl winning Trent Dilfer. Billick also decided to cut Priest Holmes, who won the rushing title in Kansas City. <br /><br />Billick and Modell probably got down on their knees and begged Lewis to stay so they wouldn't be revealed for the frauds they are, especially Billick. He's quite possibly the biggest idiot in all of sports, and the only reason he "won" the Superbowl was because his defensive coordinator was the real head coach. <br /><br />I hate the Ravens, their fans, and their lapdog writers more than any other franchise in the NFL, including the Eagles and Cowboys. <br /><br />Next season is going to be so sweet when the Ravens mail it in after realizing they're not going to do crap.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 09, 2002, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: OrangeSkin ]</small>

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By his account it looked like a done deal, but I seriously doubt he has any idea what he's talking about. <br /><br />And Lewis doesn't want to leave because he likes the area? The last time I checked, Landover is just a short drive from Baltimore. The article made it sound like we're located in Siberia or something.

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Here's the revised Post story. I left out the part about Bill Bradley being available. i am already tired of him.****<br /><br />Redskins Won't Give Up On Lewis<br />But Ravens Expect Him to Stay There <br /> _ <br />By Mark Maske and Leonard Shapiro<br />Washington Post Staff Writers<br />Sunday, February 10, 2002; Page D01 <br /><br />Although Baltimore Ravens officials said last night that they expected to retain Marvin Lewis as their defensive coordinator, the Washington Redskins were clinging to hopes that they still had an outside chance of hiring Lewis as their defensive coordinator.<br /><br />However, the Redskins suffered a major setback in their pursuit when Lewis decided not to meet with Coach Steve Spurrier early yesterday at Redskins Park.<br /><br />Ozzie Newsome, the Ravens' vice president of player personnel, said late yesterday that he expected Lewis to remain in Baltimore rather than accept a lucrative offer from the Redskins.<br /><br />"At this point, he's still a Baltimore Raven," Newsome said. "I talked to him at 11 a.m. [yesterday] and he said, 'I'm still a Raven.' . . . He has a very clear mind as to what he wants to do. At this point, I expect him to stay."<br /><br />But Lewis's representative said that no decision had been made. The Redskins expected to receive an answer from Lewis by Monday, sources close to the situation said.<br /><br />"I've advised Marvin to sit back and take some time and figure it out," Lewis's agent, Ray Anderson, said by telephone early last night.<br /><br />Spurrier said earlier yesterday: "Nothing is final one way or the other."<br /><br />But in a week of twists for Lewis, the Redskins' chances of hiring him had diminished to long-shot status less than 24 hours after they -- and the Ravens -- believed it was likely that Lewis was headed to Washington. The Redskins dreamed about having Lewis oversee their defense as Spurrier runs their offense.<br /><br />The Redskins had hoped to move quickly yesterday to complete a deal that would have made Lewis the highest-paid assistant coach in the NFL. But Lewis backed out of a proposed morning meeting with Spurrier.<br /><br />Some Redskins officials initially believed their pursuit of Lewis had ended at that point, and Lewis would remain with the Ravens with a new contract that would include a salary increase. But the Redskins reopened talks with Anderson later in the day, according to sources, and did their best to stay in the running to hire Lewis.<br /><br />Some sources familiar with the situation said they suspected that Lewis still was reeling a bit after finding out at midday Friday that he would not be getting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' head coaching job, as he had expected. Lewis was not available to comment yesterday, and Anderson did not specify why Lewis did not meet with Spurrier.<br /><br />"I really can't say," Anderson said. "I don't know if he didn't want to go or he just couldn't make it."<br /><br />But Newsome said: "He's over the Tampa Bay thing."<br /><br />The Redskins knew they might have missed their best opportunity to hire Lewis, sources said. They moved quickly Friday after the stunning turnaround in which Lewis was passed over by the Buccaneers. The Redskins were poised to sign Lewis to a contract worth more than $800,000 per season, sources said. The Ravens expected the deal to be even more lucrative. A Ravens source said Friday that the club expected to lose Lewis to a Redskins offer worth between $1 million and $1.5 million a year.

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You know, I don't recall seeing "commentary" anywhere around this article, but it certainly should be. We all could dissect his piece but why? It really is no different in its sentiment then many of the other articles written about the Washington Redskins in recent past. To quote rat_boy;"sigh"

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Further demonstrating the stupidity of this guy is his panning of Snyder for the tired old "four coaches in four years" crap, and then ridiculing the consideration of Turner for Tampa's job based on his record.<br /><br />The comparison of Baltimore's future with the 'Skins was a joke, too. I have no idea how these respective Ds will fare next year. But the rub is that Washington is in a position to improve their defense personnel-wise. All the Ravens will be doing is gutting their personnel.<br /><br />This is a potentially suicidal career move for Lewis. It's very possible that the Ravens defensive prowess recedes considerably due to personnel attrition. His credentials have nowhere to go but down.<br /><br />Maybe this explains why he's not already a head coach.

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In Mike Preston's hatchet job editorial for the Baltimore Sun, he ably (albeit unintentionally) confirmed Balto's long-held inferiority complex vis-a-vis Washington, D.C.<br /><br />"The hated Redskins," Preston says. That's interesting. Ask most Redskins fans about Baltimore's football team and you'll get a response something along the lines of this: "Baltimore? Oh, you mean the Browns. The old Browns? That team that plays in another conference, right? What about 'em?"<br /><br />The fact of the matter is that most Skins fans (and I would guess most Washingtonians) could care less about Baltimore and it's carpetbagged football team. However, the fans of the old Browns (a.k.a. the Crows, er, I mean, the Ravens) and probably most folks in Baltimore (and this certainly includes Mr. Preston) seem to spend a great deal of time obsessing about Washington, Washington's football team and how much they hate them both.<br /><br />I mean, only Washington would have the gall to be the seat of national power. Only Washington would have the gall be home to the Smithsonian, the White House, Michael Jordan and that giant obtrusive, skyward pointing phallus called the Washington Monument. <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> Washington also has the gall to have a football team with a storied past, replete with 5 world championships. Damn them!<br /><br /> <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />Look, Balto (or "B-more," as that self-congratulatory loudmouth you like to call a TE prefers to say), we all know that you're still upset that your dearly departed Colts are... well, dearly departed. Indianapolis, to be exact. It sucks, okay? Irsay is a mean old man, okay? I understand you're still bitter about it. I've seen Diner. I know how much you folks in "Charm City" (BTW, is it Baltimorites or Baltimorenos?) loved those blue-horseshoe-on-their-helmets clowns. But they're gone. Long gone. And, yes, they've been replaced with a team with about as much fashion sense as Cher in an '80s MTV video, but get over it, okay? You've got your precious Super Bowl trophy now. Just enjoy it, and try to pretend -- if only for a few fleeting seconds -- that Baltimore is as important a city in the grand scheme of things as Washington, D.C.<br /><br />Baby steps to civic self respect, Baltimore. Baby steps. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 10, 2002, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Glenn X ]</small>

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I'm with you GlennX. I went off on a rant about it on CPND last night and the sentiments of my post were basically the same as yours. The comment that got me going, and chuckling too was how Tampa has taken over from Washington as the model for incompetence. Say what? That had to be one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever read. <br /><br />The Baltimorons just have DC penis envy. It really doesn't matter what they do, Baltimore never has been and never will be the city that Washington is. The ONLY redeeming quality of that city is the inner harbor IMO. Anyone ever been to Baltimore??? It's a pit!<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 10, 2002, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: CounterTre ]</small>

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B'more, I feel your pain. when you think of or first arrive in DC you see a large phallus reaching for the clouds.<br /><br />When you think of or see B'more the first words out of your mouth is its a hole.<br /><br />I'm not going to say anything about what you get when you put the two together. <img border="0" alt="[pimp]" title="" src="graemlins/pimp.gif" />

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