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Texans OL Coach Alex Gibbs To Follow Shanahan???


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If Shanahan and Gibbs leave Texans, we'll wish them well and move on


Alex Gibbs is one of the great coaches in NFL history. He's right there with Jim Hanifan and Joe Bugel and Hudson Houck and a few others on the list of the best offensive line coaches in history. The Texans got better the day he walked in the door and have been better for every minute he has been here.

Likewise, Kyle Shanahan seems to be on his way to being a first-rate coach. He's a first-rate player-caller, and according to Gary Kubiak, very good with game-planning and building a relationship of trust with Matt Schaub. The Texans have been lucky to have him, too.

There's probably a good chance the Texans won't have either of them next season. At the very least, it seems likely Kyle will join his dad with the Redskins or Cowboys. And Gibbs? He has been coaching on a one-season-at-a-time basis for quite awhile.

As good as they both are, the Texans have nothing to fear from losing them. Change is good, even for coaching staffs. If they go, it's an opportunity for Gary Kubiak to bring in fresh ideas and energy. Somewhere, maybe even at the college level, there are coaches that will bring something new and better to the Texans.

This idea of change is no knock on Shanahan and Gibbs. Kubiak surely wants both of them back. But turnover can be good. One of the hardest things for NFL teams to do is scout themselves and figure out how the rest of the league sees them. That's where a fresh set of eyes can help.

Kubiak has assembled a good coaching staff, a nice combination of youth and experience. Defensive coordinator Frank Bush has done a very good job, and Shanahan has done a solid job. But these are unique circumstances, and Kubiak probably figured Kyle might leave once Mike Shanahan got back into coaching.

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