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Where'd that incredible puke running game go?


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Here you go puke fans...a nice stroll down memory lane...when it wasn't December, and the red head PROMISED your run game would not disappear.

Enjoy the past hype...it's all you have now:

Marion Barber, Felix Jones, and Tashard Choice - A Fearsome Trio

August 20, 2009 by

Sabra Cadabra


When you think of the Dallas Cowboys this offseason, you think of the release of Terrell Owens. You wonder how Roy E. Williams is going to fill in the shoes of an extremely vocal and skillful player. Or perhaps, you're curious if Tony Romo sits to pee has what it takes to make it to the playoffs, and win a game. Regardless, you're likely neglecting one major component of the upcoming Cowboys season. That's their tandem of three highly skilled backs, including one veteran, and two with vast star potential.

Marion Barber

Cowboys fan or not, most NFL fans are aware of the aggressive nature of running back Marion Barber. Crashing through the tackles in relentless fashion, Barber is a back that most defensemen do not want to encounter. Since coming into the league, he has a proven track record of wearing out defenses, breaking countless tackles, and cementing games in the fourth quarter when the team needs a few yards for a first down. Fans can easily get behind Barber's smash mouth style, and why not? A fairly reserved player in the locker room, Barber has provided nothing but upside for the 'Boys in the backfield. He certainly isn't an every down back, given his average speed, but he more than makes amends with his excellent pass blocking ability, and knack for catching passes in the flats. Such traits by a halfback are taken for granted, and usually forgotten. Many believe running backs are simply there to run through the tackles and gain as many yards as possible, but Barber puts a new definition into position. He is overwhelmingly the x-factor for the 'Boys, and a man who can lead the Dallas running corps for a few more seasons.

Felix Jones

Relatively unproven, Felix Jones is still one speedy player out of the University of Arkansas. Admittedly, he only played a handful of games last year, serving as a changeup to Barber's smash mouth style, as Jones is a player who can outrun an entire defense with ease. Serving out of the flats, and around the tackles, Jones can fill the role of the big play man out of the backfield for the Cowboys. When a defense is expecting Barber to run through them, Jones can take the ball and circle around them for a hefty gain. It is critical for the Dallas offensive scheme to focus on Jones, giving the young stud the ball when at all applicable. Because their receiving corps are lacking depth, the running game needs to step up. It will surely all depend on the health of Felix Jones, as he was injured for the better part of last season. In limited time last season, Jones was averaging large amounts of yards per touch, and per touch is the key term. Handing the ball off, and throwing the ball out of the flat are both strengths for Felix. He'll look to have a fantastic comeback, and prove his merits to the team, and the league.

Tashard Choice

One game in particular of the 2008 season, comes to mind when remembering Choice's effects on the team. It was a late season game in Pittsburgh, where both Marion Barber and Felix Jones were out with injuries. Choice, being a third stringer, and entirely unproven in the regular season, had to run successfully on a rough field, and against a team that was boasting top notch rush defense. Choice did his job extremely well, given the fact that he was coming in off the bench with no experience. Choice combines speed, and instinct through the tackles to provide a formidable force to the Dallas backfield. While Choice will surely have more limited time in comparison to Barber and Jones, it is crucial to have a man like Choice on the team. In every position, and especially the backfield, depth is overly necessary. When Jones and Barber are suffering from fatigue during a game, you have a fresh man to stun the defense and make some noise. Underestimated, and overlooked, Choice will still be a key element in the Cowboys rushing offense in '09.

What does it all mean?

Come on, most teams would savor this kind of talent in their backfield. :rolleyes: As many teams in today's game look to have a balanced attack in the backfield, mostly two men switching off carries, they'd be more than satisfied possessing three capable weapons as Dallas does. With Dallas suffering from heaps and bounds of question marks at other offensive positions, it will be the backs that will have to carry the load (pun intended) and get the offense started on the right path.

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He gave up on the Eagles, and he came to ATN to announce it! And, then, after the Eagles made their move, he crawled back here to announce that it was just 'frustration' that made him do it. :rotflmao:

This is not true. After the Ravens game when McNabb got benched, I simply stated in a thread made by someone else that the Eagles weren't going to win the SB in 2008; which they didn't.

I never crawled back and said frustration made me do it. You have a funny record with facts and the truth. I know you are frustrated because of the state of the Redskins. I feel sorry for you. The Eagles had 2 "Redskin like" seasons since 1999. I know how draining it can be. Imagine having to live that life every single year where your greatest excitement comes on the first day of free agency.

I actually pity you.

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This is not true. After the Ravens game when McNabb got benched, I simply stated in a thread made by someone else that the Eagles weren't going to win the SB in 2008; which they didn't.

I never crawled back and said frustration made me do it. You have a funny record with facts and the truth. I know you are frustrated because of the state of the Redskins. I feel sorry for you. The Eagles had 2 "Redskin like" seasons since 1999. I know how draining it can be. Imagine having to live that life every single year where your greatest excitement comes on the first day of free agency.

I actually pity you.


WB, there were Eagle fans who took you to the mat here in ATN.

I'm not making this up.

Hey, go ahead and enjoy your team's good fortune. I know you'll be back to visit when they lose in the first round of the playoffs to tell us how much Andy, McNabb, etc suck.

It's as guaranteed as the pukes losing in December.


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Did those three 'scary' running backs really only rush for 45 yards?

Romo sits to pee passed 55 times. I thought Jerruh didn't want the red head to call so many pass plays?

WTF happened?

Pehaps it's the 'hype' that happened?


it was awful, but I really have to give the Giants D credit, they came to play. What makes me feel worse is that the Dallas loss, coupled with the way that the skins played the Saints makes me really fear the Skins - you guys played a great game and should have won. The skins certainly are not laying down and I give them credit for that.

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This is not true. After the Ravens game when McNabb got benched, I simply stated in a thread made by someone else that the Eagles weren't going to win the SB in 2008; which they didn't.

I never crawled back and said frustration made me do it. You have a funny record with facts and the truth. I know you are frustrated because of the state of the Redskins. I feel sorry for you. The Eagles had 2 "Redskin like" seasons since 1999. I know how draining it can be. Imagine having to live that life every single year where your greatest excitement comes on the first day of free agency.

I actually pity you.

I know what you mean. I couldn't imagine going into the season and knowing even before the first snap of the first game of the season that my team was not going to win the Superbowl. That heart-breaking sense of utter hopelessness must be the worst feeling any football fan can experience. It must be truly awful to go through that every single year. Oh wait.... Sorry.:doh:
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The MB3 we knew went when he got the big contract. Ever since then, like so many others before him who got the big payday, he's a shell of his former self.

He doesnt play with the drive, the desire, the emotion and fire he used to play with. And it's painfully evident.

Unless and until he returns to his former self, I'd prefer him not to be on the team. I'd love to make Choice and Jones the feature backs and simply get rid of MB3.

The uncapped year will allow us to rid ourselves of this gutless player without any cap consequences. That's the only bright side.

Look, I loved this kid when he came in with a chip on his shoulder and when he was properly motivated by the sorely missed Parcells. But he's living off his past and unless he shows he can be that player again, he should be benched.

And that's why the Dallas run game just isn't the same.

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Did those three 'scary' running backs really only rush for 45 yards?

Romo sits to pee passed 55 times. I thought Jerruh didn't want the red head to call so many pass plays?

WTF happened?

Pehaps it's the 'hype' that happened?


The problem doesnt lie with the RB's imo, all three are pretty good players. The problem is our lines looking lazy and sloppy. The Giants dline demolished every one of them at the LOS.

And as far as Garrett goes, it looks like the same old trend as always. The running game looks pretty good at the beginning of the year, he starts getting away from it towards the middle of the season, and by the end of the season were in a freakin Mike Martz style pass happy fest. Im really starting to think Garrett just loves the passing game to much, doesnt even look like he gameplans for the running game sometimes.

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This is not true. After the Ravens game when McNabb got benched, I simply stated in a thread made by someone else that the Eagles weren't going to win the SB in 2008; which they didn't.

I never crawled back and said frustration made me do it. You have a funny record with facts and the truth. I know you are frustrated because of the state of the Redskins. I feel sorry for you. The Eagles had 2 "Redskin like" seasons since 1999. I know how draining it can be. Imagine having to live that life every single year where your greatest excitement comes on the first day of free agency.

I actually pity you.

WB, TR is but the latest to call you out.

Walking down memory lane, and yes my memory is a bit rattled, but I remember Art calling you out and banning you for your gibberish years ago. Your creative stats and "write history as you remember it" have gotten you into trouble over the years.

Like the puke fans that come in here prior to Dec 1 and talk trash and have all gone by now, you will disappear and hide in your hole when the Birds collapse once again.

Please, stop trying to talk trash on here. You have egg all over your face.

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Fred, I was never banned over gibberish years ago; please talk in facts when on this esteemed messageboard, friend.

You fellas enjoy a homefield advantage over here. The things I say that are looked at as completely ridiculous over here would be accepted as reality on 30 other NFL team messageboards.

It's cute. You guys can't beat me in the arena of ideas so the staff resorts to changing my avatar and title in order to attempt to discredit me.

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When it all comes down to it, the Cowboys will be in the exact same position as the Skins come January, and that's at home watching the playoffs thinking about who to take in the draft.

I laugh at Cowboy fans every year. They rub it in your face all year about how much bettter they are then the Skins, how they are america's team, then comes December and they fall flat on their face.

at least we have an enjoyable season. you guys are done after the first few games. they are much better than the skins btw.

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Fred, I was never banned over gibberish years ago; please talk in facts when on this esteemed messageboard, friend.

You fellas enjoy a homefield advantage over here. The things I say that are looked at as completely ridiculous over here would be accepted as reality on 30 other NFL team messageboards.

It's cute. You guys can't beat me in the arena of ideas so the staff resorts to changing my avatar and title in order to attempt to discredit me.

Our definition of gibberish is obviously different, and though I could be wrong, I remember a ban or two by Art for what some would call fabrication. Perhaps if I have some time I will research the matter.

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Ken, you should be better than that. Come on, throwing down on the Skins is like smacking around your 11 year old brother. It doesn't take much effort yet it isn't going to accomplish much. They are the Redskins; joke of the NFL. Come on.

Let's talk about the upcoming December implosion of the Cowboys. That is much more interesting.

Your trophy case is a joke

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Westy's home field advantage nonsense :hysterical:

Westy why do you continue to think people somehow forget the past and don't know the truth


remember when you were banned for attaching me in a thread about Bunky, where you accused me of some tricky when I caught you in one of your "homefield disadvantages" and you questioned my integrity?

just one of many of your previous indiscretions

Westy all anyone has to do is search your board name, and read your history.... it's a matter of record. Not to mention Mods have detailed records of your history, and mod actions with notations.

is it really worth it?.....

Some friendly advice, I suggest that you just admit the truth, and move on, or at least let it go, before someone provide the proof and makes you look yet silly again.

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Our definition of gibberish is obviously different, and though I could be wrong, I remember a ban or two by Art for what some would call fabrication. Perhaps if I have some time I will research the matter.

you're not wrong, Westy has had a history of memory problems around here.

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I hate Dallas as much as anyone, but for Ken to get banned a week for some very mild comment is ridiculous. Especially when the bull**** tr1 spouts day after day is immeasurably more intolerable.

Wow. Just wow.

Spare the "no one asked you" comments. They're juvenile and cowardly.

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at least we have an enjoyable season. you guys are done after the first few games. they are much better than the skins btw.

:hysterical: Enjoyable? How is beating no teams with a winning record enjoyable?

While our season this year was over after the first few games, y'alls season will be over after the first few games....in December. Shouldn't shock you at all.

And yeah. Escaping with a 7-6 win over an injury-riddled team at home just SCREAMS that Dallas is much better. :stop:

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It's cute. You guys can't beat me in the arena of ideas so the staff resorts to changing my avatar and title in order to attempt to discredit me.

WB, a sig isn't going to add anything extra to your discredit.

You've done a great job at that already.

That is a nice sig, though.


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Westy's home field advantage nonsense :hysterical:

Westy why do you continue to think people somehow forget the past and don't know the truth


remember when you were banned for attaching me in a thread about Bunky, where you accused me of some tricky when I caught you in one of your "homefield disadvantages" and you questioned my integrity?

just one of many of your previous indiscretions

Westy all anyone has to do is search your board name, and read your history.... it's a matter of record. Not to mention Mods have detailed records of your history, and mod actions with notations.

is it really worth it?.....

Some friendly advice, I suggest that you just admit the truth, and move on, or at least let it go, before someone provide the proof and makes you look yet silly again.

1. I was never banned or temp-banned for getting into any discussion with you, bubba. Stop with your delusions of grandeur. I have been temp banned several times but they normally surround going too far to derail a conversation by saying how badly I believed the Redskins suck or something of the sort.

2. The funniest encounter I do remember with you was a few years ago when we had a signature bet over the Eagles playing the Redskins. Immediately after you lost, you disappeared for over a week. When you returned, you said you had been sick and everyone was just supposed to believe that. This is the homefield advantage I speak of. If the shoe was on the other foot, there is no way in hell anyone would have let an opposing fan get away with such obvious chicken little behavior.

3. Please search. As a matter of fact, being a pseudo-administrator, you should have acccess to the private mod forum where they have notes on people they temp-banned. Go there and report back your findings. You will see, once again, that you have the tendancy to exaggerate the past and just get away with it because you are a Redskins fan with 80k post on a Redskins board.

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I hate Dallas as much as anyone, but for Ken to get banned a week for some very mild comment is ridiculous. Especially when the bull**** tr1 spouts day after day is immeasurably more intolerable.

Wow. Just wow.

Spare the "no one asked you" comments. They're juvenile and cowardly.

How nice.

Can you give me some examples of the bull****? Perhaps, you're offended when I point out the shortcomings of the over-hype players on our dreaded rival? Maybe it's the articles, usually written by the pukes' hometown newspapers, that openly mock their coach, players, GM/Owner? Or, is it when I point out the flaws in opposition fans' rush to crap on the Skins in the improper forum?

I'd suggest you read my posts instead of knee-jerking the way you did here.

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1. I was never banned or temp-banned for getting into any discussion with you, bubba.

:rolleyes: It was ABOUT bubba.

2. The funniest encounter I do remember with you was a few years ago when we had a signature bet over the Eagles playing the Redskins. Immediately after you lost, you disappeared for over a week. When you returned, you said you had been sick and everyone was just supposed to believe that. This is the homefield advantage I speak of. If the shoe was on the other foot, there is no way in hell anyone would have let an opposing fan get away with such obvious chicken little behavior.

Has anyone questioned your timely absences when you left for a tour?

3. Please search. As a matter of fact, being a pseudo-administrator, you should have acccess to the private mod forum where they have notes on people they temp-banned. Go there and report back your findings. You will see, once again, that you have the tendancy to exaggerate the past and just get away with it because you are a Redskins fan with 80k post on a Redskins board.

Is it okay if I post the link where you gave up on your team? And, where fellow long time Eagle fans called you out for it?

I've been trying to save you the embarrassment.

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One of my favorites, tr1, was the thread where you discussed a half of preseason football about how well a team does when the QB plays turnover free football (curiously, your don't talk about the Redskins in ATN rule didn't apply). Then, when JC became a turnover machine and Romo sits to pee played relatively turnover free football, you had a temper tantrum and said you were never talking about the Skins in ATN again. Hilarious. :laugh:

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