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Revolution Muslim (Updated Videos - Last Page)


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Okay, so "it depends", we obviously don't like KKK because they only like white people, the same goes for Aryan Nation. We would protest them in a second, however a Muslim group that want's to kill every single last one of us, can stand on the streets and praise the falling of the twin towers and the death of the Fort Hod soldiers, and we don't care?

The Klan/Aryan Nation doesn't even like most white people, they are sexist, racist, religous, political, etc. I am not Muslim, if I was I would potentially protest or confront those people. I care about those things, but to have the freedoms that I enjoy, unfortunately I have to tolerate views and opinions that I disagree with. Don't get me wrong those people would be put on a list in my mind but, I wouldn't fight them or kill them unless they posed an immediate threat.

I would like to think these guys are just full of hot air, but they are recruiting people and people are listening. Let's face it, how many people from hate groups do we see strapping bombs on themselves, flying planes into buildings all in the name of religion? Yet thousands gather to protest against them but not these fools?

Something is seriously wrong here.

Sometimes these people thrive off of fear. Same as the gangs in this country. People have to wage for themselves what they are willing to lose if they enter a fight.

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Sometimes these people thrive off of fear. Same as the gangs in this country. People have to wage for themselves what they are willing to lose if they enter a fight.

That's exactly what their message is, in the CNN clip that Muslims should be terrorizing Americans. Now of course in order to tip toe on the line of Freedom of Speech, they say "by creating fear of jihad in America". I am all for the freedom of speech, IMO they have crossed way over the line.

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LMAO now you're going off Youtube comments? You must not frequent the comments section on Youtube much.

Well there is plenty of scripture from the Quran posted underneath some of the videos supporting their beliefs. Oh right, since it's boobtube, it is probably some right winger with a agenda against Muslims.

Again, go watch the videos,(which you have not) I have provided you with plenty of video uncut and live filmed by Revolution Muslim, from what I have seen, their protests go uninterupted. If you want more, I can get it and I am sure they will be putting more up in the weeks to come.

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Well there is plenty of scripture from the Quran posted underneath some of the videos supporting their beliefs. Oh right, since it's boobtube, it is probably some right winger with a agenda against Muslims.

Again, go watch the videos,(which you have not) I have provided you with plenty of video uncut and live filmed by Revolution Muslim, from what I have seen, their protests go uninterupted. If you want more, I can get it and I am sure they will be putting more up in the weeks to come.

Dude, I've watched the movies. I'm not wasting any more of my time on it - you really think the Revolution Muslim group is going to provide footage of where people might have protested or given them crap for what they are doing? Also, where did I mention right wingers at all? Obviously all the geniuses of the world sit around commenting on Youtube videos. :doh: You're a bit sensitive - I'm guessing becuase you realize you're about the only person on this forum that doesn't see how absurd your claims are.

Like Jumbo said - if you have such a problem with what you are seeing, stop being a "wussy" and head on up to New York (it's only a couple hour drive) and show everyone how it should be done.

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Dude, I've watched the movies. I'm not wasting any more of my time on it - you really think the Revolution Muslim group is going to provide footage of where people might have protested or given them crap for what they are doing? Also, where did I mention right wingers at all? Obviously all the geniuses of the world sit around commenting on Youtube videos. :doh: You're a bit sensitive - I'm guessing becuase you realize you're about the only person on this forum that doesn't see how absurd your claims are.

Like Jumbo said - if you have such a problem with what you are seeing, stop being a "wussy" and head on up to New York (it's only a couple hour drive) and show everyone how it should be done.

Why wouldn't they put the footage up, it wouldld feed their anti American agenda? Yesterday, basing my opinion on clips yesterday was not enough, now that I have provided at least an hour of uncut footage, that still isn't enough. Video of them yelling things like "the people that Americans call terrorists, are not terrorists, they are your brothers, stand beside them and fight" isn't enough?

So how many hours of uncut footage do I need to put up in order for you to believe that no one seems to care about these guys message. I will have another hour of footage up shortly.

The God hates Fags people need police protection before they even get out of their car,(which I an provide footage of) these guys stand and yell directly at our fellow Americans, and based on the hour or so of video haveprovided, no one says anything. You are nuts and need to wake up if you think my claims are absurd.

As for protesting these guys, if they got close enough I would go. Earlier this year I was planning on traveling to Middletown to hold up sheets to quiet the God hates Fags people when they were showing up to celebrate the death of the local murder suicides. There is a mosque here in Hagerstown, and they show up, I will be there.

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. . .

Whatever man.

All of your arguments in this thread have been shredded a few times over by quite a few posters. I thought maybe you'd realize it and change your opinion a little bit - but I see I'm fighting a losing battle.

You be sure to let us know when you beat these guys asses or protest or whatever it is you're planning on doing. I'm sure the God Hates Fags people had tons of protests from day 1 and that media exposure contributed nothing to them needing protection. But what do I know?

I'm sorry neither the mainstream community or the ordinary Muslim community hasn't done enough to appease you.

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Well there is plenty of scripture from the Quran posted underneath some of the videos supporting their beliefs. Oh right, since it's boobtube, it is probably some right winger with a agenda against Muslims.

Again, go watch the videos,(which you have not) I have provided you with plenty of video uncut and live filmed by Revolution Muslim, from what I have seen, their protests go uninterupted. If you want more, I can get it and I am sure they will be putting more up in the weeks to come.

You like the rest of the not so bright people out there misinterpret the Quran. Maybe you should go visit and sit in a mosque on Friday or Eid prayers and listen in on what the Imam says. These people are misinformed imbeciles

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You like the rest of the not so bright people out there misinterpret the Quran. Maybe you should go visit and sit in a mosque on Friday or Eid prayers and listen in on what the Imam says. These people are misinformed imbeciles

I'd bet on the Skins winning the Super Bowl this season before I'd take a bet on that ever happening.

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Another hour of uninterupted hate speech on the streets of our own city.

A solid (uncut) kill the Jews message, at some type of Jewish parade.(little if any resitance, I think I might have heard someone yell "Allah" at the guy)

I thought I heard a boo at this end of this one, but it was just a fire engine turning it's siren off. Does that count?

(8+ minutes)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8swPfK7T-0&feature=related (10 minutes)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDRMgpeIEVs&feature=related (10:45)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxHsQZDq6AI&feature=related (10 minutes)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SezbIWv_w0M&feature=related (10 minutes)

And finally to prove Mr. Wannbe Debunker wrong, because he assumed Revolution Muslim would never show a confrontation, and myself wrong that some Muslims do get pissed off(good for them).

I still don't understand why they wouldn't be banned from the Masjid??



Now Westboro, notice how they are running for their life.

(My hometown representing, just noticed, my broter in law is the guy playing the drums)

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You like the rest of the not so bright people out there misinterpret the Quran. Maybe you should go visit and sit in a mosque on Friday or Eid prayers and listen in on what the Imam says. These people are misinformed imbeciles

I could care less what the Quran says. A Muslim is standing in front of other Muslims telling them how they don't understand the Quran and no one (well except in 10 minutes of uncut video) has said anything to tell them that Islam is a religion of peace.

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That's exactly what their message is, in the CNN clip that Muslims should be terrorizing Americans. Now of course in order to tip toe on the line of Freedom of Speech, they say "by creating fear of jihad in America". I am all for the freedom of speech, IMO they have crossed way over the line.

Is there a line of Freedom of speech ?

I don't believe that there is. Talk is cheap (free), actions cause reactions.

Are you of the mindset that all Muslim people will support other Muslims even the radical ones ? That would be short sighted and oblivious to reality. Same as saying all white Christians will support the Klan, or all Black people will support Sharpton.

There are con men in every facet of life (IMO). Don't be a sheep.

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Mr. Wannabe Debunker? There have been probably at least 10 posters in this thread that have made your posts look incredibly stupid.

Don't get pissed because noone else (besides maybe IHOP) is buying what you're selling. You know I respect you GoSkins but this entire thread is just filled with ignorant posts with your name on them.

Like I said - let's see you on the news doing something about this. Since the rest of the population is filled with "wussies" you should take actions into your own hands, right?

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He is the one getting the beat down right?

So we have people spewing "Death to All Americans" hate, I say, "where are the protestors" based on short video clips that I have provided. DJTJ, says that people have protested and the FBI is involved, I agree with him. Last night I went and found a couple of hours of live, uncut, uninterupted video of these guys ranting abour how bad Americans are. I then compare it to how people usually react to "hate speech rallies" by showing videos of the KKK, Aryan NAtion, and Westoboro running for their life, and no one can see a difference? WTF? :Doh:

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I could care less what the Quran says. A Muslim is standing in front of other Muslims telling them how they don't understand the Quran and no one (well except in 10 minutes of uncut video) has said anything to tell them that Islam is a religion of peace.

They post video that they want to post. Please take your butt from Hagerstown with a video camera and stand there all day long. Of course then it will be clips that you just want to show. :doh:

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Mr. Wannabe Debunker? There have been probably at least 10 posters in this thread that have made your posts look incredibly stupid.

Don't get pissed because noone else (besides maybe IHOP) is buying what you're selling. You know I respect you GoSkins but this entire thread is just filled with ignorant posts with your name on them.

Like I said - let's see you on the news doing something about this. Since the rest of the population is filled with "wussies" you should take actions into your own hands, right?

You have no argument, get out of here, and more than just IHOP have seen my point. My new point is, that you have no argument and that you have nothing to bring to the conversation to actually prove me wrong. I have provided plenty of video, and yes it was uncut, of these guys talking about Americans deserve to die on the streets of New York City without even being confronted. Out of the two hours I have provided to support my claim, I have ran into ten minutes of confrontation. If REvolution Muslim didn't document every minute of their rallies, I would agree that I don't have a point, that's not the case.

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They post video that they want to post. Please take your butt from Hagerstown with a video camera and stand there all day long. Of course then it will be clips that you just want to show. :doh:

In every single video, they show the video from beginning to end, their entire speech, you haven't watched any of it have you?

I have watched plenty of UNCUT at this point, and I do not understand why people just walk by these guys instead of treating them the way they would treat the Westboro Baptist Church. Do you need to see more? It seems like they post on a weekly basis, I will be sure to update this thread on a regular basis.

Hoe many more hours of video would you like for me to post? There is another group that sends the same message called the Islamic Thinkers Society, between the two hate groups, I can probably provide you with a solid day of unprotested viewing.

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So we have people spewing "Death to All Americans" hate, I say, "where are the protestors" based on short video clips that I have provided. DJTJ, says that people have protested and the FBI is involved, I agree with him. Last night I went and found a couple of hours of live, uncut, uninterupted video of these guys ranting abour how bad Americans are. I then compare it to how people usually react to "hate speech rallies" by showing videos of the KKK, Aryan NAtion, and Westoboro running for their life, and no one can see a difference? WTF? :Doh:

If you feel this strongly, go up their and do something about. It is the country you live in right?? Why shouldn't you have a say? If they are talking about blowing things up in the country you live, you shouldn't stand quite. Go protest. All your doing is talking a lot of junk and posting up videos that you just want to show.

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If you feel this strongly, go up their and do something about. It is the country you live in right?? Why shouldn't you have a say? If they are talking about blowing things up in the country you live, you shouldn't stand quite. Go protest. All your doing is talking a lot of junk and posting up videos that you just want to show.
Can we just close this thread. I don't want to see anymore of these one-sided videos

Come on, what's so one sided about them?

Are you a Muslim, do they bother you, do you think they make other Muslims look bad? Are you offended?

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I have no argument?

Ok buddy - keep on making yourself look stupid. I'll just sit back with the rest and laugh.

Again, prove me wrong, or stop posting in this thread.

Over two hours of video, do you want me to post more? Islamic Thinkers Society produces hours of video documentation of hate speech. The one I am listening to now, is calling for a new Jewish Holocaust on the streets of New York, over a loud speaker. Do you want me to post it?

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