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www.philly.com:Cops, Man asks to be deported, can't afford US


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Cops: Man asks to be deported, can't afford US

The Associated Press

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. - Police in Framingham, Mass., say an illegal immigrant from Guatemala entered a police station, told officers he had stolen another man's identity and asked to be deported because he could no longer make ends meet in America.

Police tell The MetroWest Daily News they arrested 29-year-old Carlos Boc after he confessed Saturday night.

Lt. Paul Shastany says Boc told police he wanted to return to Guatemala but can't afford a ticket. He told police he has no job or money and is worried about surviving the winter. He told police he came to the U.S. 13 years ago.

A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf Monday at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud.

A home number for Boc could not immediately be found

Not the smartest thing to do.. but when your worried about Philly winters...

I'm sure the guy he stole the identity from is suffering also based on the story.

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Not the smartest thing to do.. but when your worried about Philly winters...

I'm sure the guy he stole the identity from is suffering also based on the story.

From the article, the guy is actually in Framingham, MA, about 20 miles west of Boston.

Trying to scrape together a living in one of the most expensive metro areas in the USA is not too bright. And Boston's fall/winter/spring can be absolutely deadly for those who have nowhere to live.

I wouldn't say Guatemala will be better overall for him, but it certainly beats freezing to death.

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So he walks into a police station, pleads guilty to Identity Theft, goes to court, and pleads NOT guilty? Great. Now this ******* not only ruined someone else's finances, but he's going to start eating away at taxpayer money by standing trial and ultimately living in prison.

Give him his wish; one-way ticket. It's the cheaper alternative.

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