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Time to go


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I remember not that long ago, I thought it was time to bring Jason Campbell in, give him his chance our other numerous QB's were old and just not with the game plan. The truth is I think it is time for Jason Campbell to go. For 3 seasons, whether partial or not, he has proven he is an OK QB, but he is definitely not the one. Granted I do not think what we have on the bench (todd collins, etc..) is our saviour either. THey have no Brady quinn, no Drew Brees, nothing..

I also think Jim Zorn needs to think outside of the box, take a break from the west coast offense. I can sense a very long and terrible season and a Zorn and Campbell who won't be here next year.

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I think that for one game Zorn should let Campbell out of the playpen and let him play the position without all the conservative ****.

It does suck when Campbell does something stupid, or even 2 things stupid, but at least give him the chance to make up for it like every other QB in the league seems to be given the opportunity to do.

If that means a 4Int 3 fumble game then so be it. It's 3-4 years of coddling too late at this point anyway. Let him **** up and get off the team, or let him do what Roethlisberger does time after time with the help from a great defense.

The funny thing is, Roethlisberger, Eli Manning, Rivers, McNabb, Romo sits to pee, Brees, Cutler, Favre, etc. would have never been given a chance to be the Redskins winning QB under this current system of conservative play not to lose garbage. Campbell may actually suck, and he appears to, but at least let him play a whole game to win.

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