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WT reports Skins' NFL Europe allocations


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OT Terrance Simmons (2nd year allotment)<br />RB Stanley Stephens (2001 practice squad)<br />FB Thad Buttone (2001 training camp)<br />DE LaDairis Jackson<br />TE Ivan Mercer (2001 training camp)<br />CB Chandler Smith<br />OT Scott Harper<br />C Dustin Keith (Go HOOS!)<br /><br />17...<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: Buddha ]</small>

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If we were keeping the same offense, I'd say send Sage over there. But since Spurrier brings an entirely new offense, you want your young QB to spend as much time with the coaches as possible. Remember that with a 10 week season and 2-3 weeks of preseason, our NFL Europe guys will be away from the Skins for 3 months working daily under different schemes.<br /><br />15 to go...

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The Redskins have done a poor job overall with the investment in NFLE because of the very issue you bring up, namely the Skins have not had younger qb's to send over to get playing time.<br /><br />NFLE is a good training ground for development at certain positions, QB/RB and other skill slots, less so for linemen.<br /><br />The Redskins allocations this year, at least the first 3 or 4 are players that have hung around the fringe of the organization for the past couple of years and don't appear to be true NFL talents.<br /><br />Of course, we did make a decent acquisition last year in Central McClellion who contributed on special teams and made more plays in the nickel and dime packages at points than I guess we had a right to really expect......................<br /><br />But Simmons, Stephens, Buttone? These names to me are not destined to be on NFL rosters anytime soon. <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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Perhaps the thought is that you have 8 guys that can contribute as camp fodder without counting against your salary cap or your roster limit. I mean, would you rather have your starters or even your first line backups spending extensive time in head-to-head drills and preseason games? Or would you like the luxury of "scout team" players that can take a chunk of the hitting themselves?<br /><br />NFL Europe can get guys ready to challenge in camp for a roster spot AND to push the guys that are basically guaranteed to make the team. I think that is its greatest value to the NFL, not necessarily to make players into future NFL starters.<br /><br />14...

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Why WOULD we send him to NFLE??<br /><br />Spurrier wants a PERSONAL look at him to see if he can stay on our roster. Why send him to NFLE to learn another offense, and not Spurrier's?<br /><br />I am not saying this is the right way to go, but just that this might be what the team's braintrust is thinking.

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I think the reasoning here is that Rosenfels is by most accounts not ready to play in the NFL in 2002 and so his time in NFLE will assist him in his development.<br /><br />This train of thought goes with the consideration that Spurrier would be likely to keep Rosenfels as the team's #3 quarterback in 2002.<br /><br />Of course we don't know if that is what he intends to do.<br /><br />Rosenfels does have some physical skills, he has good mobility and a stronger arm than was thought at the time. He is also a 6'4 guy with good ability to see the field.<br /><br />That puts him out there as a better prospect than Todd Husak or other former Redskins backups in recent years.

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How many NFLE teams are there, 8?<br /><br />There are now 32 NFL teams.<br /><br />If each NFL teams sends a QB to NFLE, that's 4 QB's per team. Even discounting the need to keep Sage close to Spurrier so he can be evaluated and groomed, what are his chances of significant playing time in the NFLE anyway?<br /><br />And I disagree that's it's good for QBs, because it's not system specific. Sure you'll gain experience reading defenses and getting some timing down, but more so than running the scout team for your NFL club?<br /><br />Edit: just checked, there are 6 NFLE teams, so potentially each could have 5 NFL QBs apiece. Not good odds for a young QB <br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Terry ]</small>

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Why didn't they Send D Mac? <br /><br />We have 2 big receivers (Skaggs and D Mac) that if given playing time in NFLE could have help us in evaluating the need to or not to draft a WR with our 1st or 2nd rounder.<br /><br />Now I'm hoping that these two are catching S Double's eye and their performance earns them a spot on the team.

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I'm not certain you want to send a guy who is, currently, your #1 QB, to go take lumps somewhere else. After we've got two guys in front of him, then it might be a good idea. <br /><br />I wonder why I didn't see Monds, the guy I hoped would be Marty's best late-round bargain, on that list. The only thing I've seen about him is the pre-draft stuff (I didn't notice if he played a single down during the season), and those reports say he's big and strong, but needs to work harder. Sending him someplace for 10 practice games against almost-NFL-level talent might be a great offseason conditioning program.

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The reason you didn't see Mario Monds on the Redskins NFLE list is because Mario Monds is a Bengal. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Rat_Boy ]</small>

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I bet it is more on CPND Terry. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />No, I just have a job that makes this easy. We are kind of slow right now, and there is not much else to do. So I have 8 hours to surf the boards, or do nothing.<br /><br />I choose Sur the Boards. <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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Stephens has tremondous pressure to make it. If he's not impressive in NFLE, then it's curtains. With two very solid choices at RB already on the NFL roster, a slip by Stephens is a Spurrier vote to replace with a more qualified choice at least in 2003. He is offensive minded so, if you don't impress him, you're dogmeat.<br /><br />Sage is probably gone to the NFLE or a minicamp casualty of roster shuffling. Graham has the up on him and he's #3. If Sage is sent to NFLE, I think it will turn his stomach and he may let down, so he can be released later and try to catch on in the NFL. He may feel that even though he was almost virtually undrated, it's all or nothing, but no in-between. I'd understand it. Marty shouldn't have done that to a gentleman who deserved a chance he never even got, especially when there was an 0-5 skid, he should have tried anything that would work. That's what Chuck Noll did, Gibbs, etc., and yes I do question his philosophy. Some of it stinks and it's always the offense that gets the short end. I can't see myself drafting a player, knowing full well, the whole season, I didn't play him at least once. I miss a day at work and my a** is grass, these guys only get the sole of their shoes dirty for 475,000 big ones, and don't get a chance to work. Want a solid backup, let them play. Do it Steve!!!

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