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George Bush's Resume

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by Funkyalligator

Hey why not waste 40 million dollars of tax payers money so you can get a man to admit that he got his **** sucked in the oval office.......think we could get congress to waste 40 million dollars trying to figure out if Bush was doing lines off the desk in the oval office????

And on the flip side......

Hey why not waste 40 million dollars of taxpayers' money because I don't have the nutsack to admit the improprieties that I have been involved in and purjor myself until the very end.

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Yes, a document very similar to this made the rounds some months ago. (And, I'd be willing to bet, every single person on this board had exactly the same reaction.)

As to the question "How many of these are facts?" I'd be willing to bet that:

[*]Every single statement is based in fact, and

[*]Every single statement has been phrased to sound as bad as possible.


(Some of the statements would be better classified as opinion: Take the statement about more fundraisers than any in history: Whether an event is a public appearance or a fundraiser may be subject to interpretation. Sort of like deciding who gets to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.)

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I'm still a huge McCain fan. I think he's pissed because he earned pretty much everything he has and the guy who beat him didn't.

Its like those college movies........where Bush would of been a preppy guy from Delta House....the Yacht Club Champs!

Seriously though, I think McCain should of been President. Personally, I think he would of done an excellent job. Better than anybody in the past 15-20 years or so.

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Originally posted by luckydevi

You pretty much nailed it. I was a big Mccain fan. I think he is still bitter about losing to Bush.

i'd be pissed too if i lost to a lesser candidate.

i voted for him in the republican primary would have voted for him for pres too.

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Originally posted by fansince62

what's the old saw about doing battle with an unarmed....never mind!

korn...ya have me laughing.....

IQsince62 - Just save the pants-wetting lines for those who change you.

(or better yet scribble them on the stalls of bathroom walls along with your personal classified)

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